Saturday, November 18, 2017

PLANET X UPDATE: A Sense of Foreboding

PLANET X UPDATE: A Sense of Foreboding

For those in awareness, we’ve entered a time of foreboding, with pervasive feelings that something bad will happen. Conversely, the vulgar attacks and harangues of those in denial are worse than ever before. This makes this a peculiar time where the egos of the deniers are inflated as never before, despite the growing evidence that defies their infantile behaviors.
In this 18th installment in this series, we’re going to examine the growing factual evidence that persists its relentless track into a disturbing future, beginning with Fireballs.




Fireballs that cross the borders of multiple states and/or countries constitute a critical category in the Fireball dataset because of the overall distance they must travel to be reported across large geographic areas.
Multistate Fireballs - Oct2017
In Signs 17, we reported the following for multistate/country fireballs in September of this year: “The good news is that it is the second lowest from 2013 through 2017.” However, as can be seen in the reporting data for October, that bit of good news was short-lived.
While the number of reports for September was the lowest of the five year reporting period of this dataset, in October, the number of observed multistate fireballs increased dramatically and is now a close second to October 2016 which is still the highest month on record for October from 203 through 2017.
This is not the only category in which October 2017 takes a dip for the same month in 2016. For the category of huge event fireballs, we see that October follows the overall post-2012 average for huge event fireballs with two reports.
Huge Event Fireballs - Oct2017
There is a caveat that one needs to keep in mind with this category, which is that there is a statistical influence. This is the number of people who see these and then actually report them, as it takes 100 reports or more for a fireball to be classified as a huge event.
That being said, the one category of this dataset that is the least subject to reporting participation variances is the number of monthly total fireballs.
Total Monthly Fireballs - Oct2017
Here, we see a stunning reversal of a trend that has persisted since February of this year. That October of this year is significantly higher than October of last year. While the monthly total fireballs for January of this year were just slightly ahead of the same period last year, what we see in October is a stunning uptick.
Furthermore, when the total number of fireballs for October 2017 are weighed in the balance with the multistate/country fireballs category for the same month, it appears that we not only have a difference between two months, we also have the possibility for a dramatic reversal of what has mostly been a second-place year for 2017.
Total Yearly Fireballs - Oct2017
When we look at the total yearly fireballs for 2009 through the first ten months of 2017, the trending data is clear. That by the end of November 2017, this year will be the second highest on record since 2009.
For those in denial, there will no doubt be some natural variability explanation to rationalize away this disturbing data. However, for those in awareness, the uptick in meteor activity for October 2017 is ominous. Not only do we have these concerns with fireballs, but with earthquakes as well.


In Signs 17, we reported that the total number of earthquakes worldwide of all magnitude in the past 18 years was the second highest on record of any September, at 9,633. A similar difference was the case for October.
Total Earthquakes -1997 to Oct2017
What we see for October 2017, is that 9,342 recorded earthquakes stands as the second highest figure for October, dating back to 1997. While those in denial would be quick to point out the good news that October had 291 fewer earthquakes than the previous month, the overall picture is not comforting.
Total Earthquakes -2013 to Oct2017
When we compare 2017 to 2016, what this graph is showing us is that ten months into this year, October’s earthquake figures have topped that of 2016 a total of six times. This begs an obvious question. Are we on the precipice of a significant increase?
For those living in unaffected regions, this is an academic question. However, for those living in seismically active regions like Iran and Northern California, the headlines are unsettling. Especially for the victims of the latest major event along the Iran-Iraq border., November 12, 2017
Strong earthquake hits Iran-Iraq border, kills about 450
A powerful 7.3-magnitude earthquake has hit the border region between Iran and Iraq, killing about 450 people, almost all of them in Iran.
EQ on Iran-Iraq Border on November 12, 2017
The epicenter of the quake, which occurred at around 09:18 pm local time on Sunday (0010 GMT on Monday), was 32 kilometers south of the Iraqi city of Halabja, in Iraqi Kurdistan, and just across the border from Iran, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
But the highest casualties occurred in the town of Sarpol-e Zahab, in Iran’s Kermanshah Province.
According to official tallies, 445 Iranians were confirmed dead as of Monday afternoon. Over 7,156 others were also injured.
Many of the unfortunate deaths in this tragedy are being blamed on substandard building codes and construction. This is a recurring theme for those living in the Third World, but what about those of us who live more affluent lives such as those in Northern, CA; a region that is famous for a bravado-like disregard for the dangers of living on a massive and active fault line., November 13, 2017
Earthquake swarm hits Monterey County; biggest felt in SF
A 4.6-magnitude earthquake rattled Monterey County on Monday and was felt more than 90 miles away in San Francisco, officials said.
November 13, 2017 EQ in Monterey County, CA
The quake hit at 11:31 a.m. about 13 miles northeast of Gonzales, near Salinas, and was followed by nine smaller aftershocks, with the largest measuring magnitude 2.8, said Annemarie Baltay, a seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey in Menlo Park.
There were no reports of injuries or damage.
Baltay said the quake occurred on the San Andreas Fault, close to an area where the Calaveras Fault branches off. The quake happened at a depth of about 4 miles.
She said there was no indication that the tremor was a harbinger of a bigger earthquake.
“This is really typical behavior,” Baltay said. “It’s as if someone put an oil can into the fault and lubricated it.”
As a survivor of the 1989 Loma Prieta Earthquake that struck the San Francisco Bay Area, causing 63 deaths and 3,757 injuries.
1989 San Francisco Earthquake
I recall the small earthquake swarms that preceded that 6.9 magnitude event and how they had been casually dismissed as “typical behavior.” The one USGS geologist who got it right was Jim Berkland. His prediction for the 1989 quake was accurate within just a few days, and the USGS punished him severely for it.
Given the siesmicity we see now along the ring of fire, it would be interesting to ask the USGS if this is “typical behavior” as well, given the larger consideration of what we now call crustal undulation.

Crustal Undulation

With Signs 17, crustal undulation became a monitored dataset. In a nutshell, the interaction between our sun and the approach of it’s smaller twin, the brown dwarf known as Nemesis, is the basis for crustal undulation. Namely, additional heat in the core of our planet resulting from radiation arriving from our sun in the form of increased luminosity.
This is why the elites are pursuing a horrific geoengineering policy with chemtrails that have significant and harmful impacts on the natural balance of our world. That they are causing a biosphere implosion with this spraying is no consequence to them. What they seek to do is to reflect the added luminosity of our sun back out into space.
Who lives or who dies is irrelevant to them. What is relevant, is that when they emerge from their underground lairs after the words of the Planet X tribulation has passed, they will not step upon the surface of another Mars or Venus.
Proof of crustal undulation as well as the chemtrailing being done today to mitigate it comes with a recent announcement by NASA., November 11, 2017
NASA Has More Evidence Volcanic Activity Is Heating Up Antarctica’s Ice Sheet
Ancient underground streams of heated rock, called a mantle plume, might be an explanation for the instability of Antarctica’s western ice sheet, according to a new NASA study.
Volcanic Activity Is Heating Up Antarctica’s Ice Sheet
Scientists have been debating whether or not mantle plume heat contributes to western Antarctica’s instability. Some recent studies provided evidence this might be the case, but even this study’s authors were skeptical.
“I thought it was crazy,” Hélène Seroussi, the study’s co-author and scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said in a release.
“I didn’t see how we could have that amount of heat and still have ice on top of it,” Seroussi said in a statement.
This announcement is not the first of its kind, as NASA has also mapped large portions of the Greenland ice sheet melting from below as well. Ergo, the added heating of the planet’s core is affecting major ice caps in both hemispheres.
Meanwhile, there are other concerns, and one of the most telling is what is known as “earth trumpeting.” Over the years, reports of earth trumpet sounds have followed a variable pattern, and sometimes we go through long periods of time where there are no earth trumpet sound reports at all. That being said, one of interest happened earlier this month in Calgary, Canada.

aid disinformationialsts, shills, trolls, debunkers and deniers routinely haunt the comment area of Youtube video posts and pepper them with vulgar insults and idiocy. Most decent folks tolerate them like an annoying hemorrhoid affliction, but occasionally, someone punches a clean hole right through their insults and idiocy. Below, is an example exchange from the Keena Lily video.
Keena Lily, November 3, 2017
Strange Sounds Downtown Calgary, November 2/2017
First Comment: Scott Pfeifer
“I live on 5th and 5th and heard this as well. Went to the window and found the culprit. It’s snow plows scraping against the pavement. Sorry to burst the bubble of any conspiracy nuts :)? “
Response to First Comment: Kent Nobes – sounds like that were also heard in banff alberta
I was curious about Scott Pfeifer, so I checked his Youtube Channel. Nothing about where he lives. In fact, nothing about anything other than who he subscribes to. As to Fifth and Fifth, I looked it up. Here is what I found, “In the heart of downtown Calgary, Fifth & Fifth is a 34-story Class A office tower.”
So all there is to know about this mysterious Scott Pfeifer fellow is that he claims to lives in a 35-floor office tower without a residential area (or so he implies) and that he thinks anyone who hears an Earth trumpet is a conspiracy nut. If this doesn’t fit the modus operandi of a paid disinformationalist, what does?
However, the really useful post in the comments area for this video came from Kent Nobes who provides a link to another Earth trumpet report in Banff, Alberta, so let’s give that a listen.

The really cool thing about this Bannf video is that there are no concrete and glass office towers and vehicles about, especially snow plows. And yet, what do you hear.
And for those of you feel some kind of empathy for Scott Pfeifer or whomever he actually happens to be, keep in mind that Canadians have been hearing Earth trumpets on and off for years as is shown in this 2012 news report.

OK, just for the sake of argument, let’s assume that Scott Pfeifer is not a paid disinformationialst, shill, troll, debunker or denier. What does that make him? At the very least, a self-satisfied, arrogant ass who gets his jollies off of denigrating people’s concerns with insulting conspiracy nut attacks.
So what is the message of an arrogant ass like Scott Pfeifer? Go back to sleep, and the truth is a lot of people will take this fellow’s advise without making one lick of effort to vet him or his nonsense.
But for those who know him for what he is, there is nothing this arrogant ass could say to disarm their sense of foreboding for the future.

Sense of Foreboding

For the sake of argument, let us assume that there is no such a thing as Planet X. Given that assumption, could we feel carefree and positive about the future without worries of any kind? Or, is there enough bad news already that over 1,500 scientists are deeply concerned and trying to wake us up?
The Sun, November 14, 2017
THIS IT HOW IT ENDS: Thousands of scientists sign terrifying ‘Warning to Humanity’ letter predicting imminent apocalypse
MORE than 15,000 scientists from around the world have signed a terrifying letter warning of an imminent apocalypse.
The message is called “Warning to Humanity” and is an ominous vision of the grim fate awaiting Planet Earth.
The message updates an original Warning from the Union of Concerned Scientists, which was made in 1992.
Now the global scientific community’s view of the future is even bleaker.
Here are the grim changes which have taken place in the last 25 years:
  • The amount of fresh water available per head of population worldwide has reduced by 26%.
  • The number of ocean “dead zones” – places where little can live because of pollution and oxygen starvation – has increased by 75%.
  • Nearly 300 million acres of forest have been lost, mostly to make way for agricultural land.
  • Global carbon emissions and average temperatures have shown continued significant increases.
  • Human population has risen by 35%.
  • Collectively the number of mammals, reptiles, amphibians, birds and fish in the world has fallen by 29%.
In their original warning, scientists including most of the world’s Nobel Laureates argued that human impacts on the natural world were likely to lead to “vast human misery”.
The new notice, written as an open-letter “viewpoint” article, won the support of 15,364 scientists from 184 countries who agreed to offer their names as signatories.
The problem for many people is when they read statistics and trends like those presented in this “Warning to Humanity” message, is difficult to find a direct linkage between the data and what is happening in their own life.
People do not look at data as a way of measuring whether the world is healthy or not. They use Costco, Walmart, and Safeway. As long as the aisles are filled with tasty goodies, then the world is as healthy as it can be with diets filled with high fructose corn syrup and GMO. But even these high technology, mono-crop approaches have their limits.
In Europe, Spain and Portugal are major crop exporters, but that is changing now due to extreme drought., September 11, 2017
Drought across Spain and Portugal raises alarm
Months of high temperatures and no rain causes worst drought this century for Iberian Peninsula
The Douro River which is one of the symbols of the Iberian Peninsula is 60 percent dry.
The snow, that by now should be covering the landscape above 2,000 meters has been replaced by temperatures of over 25ºC.
Drought in Spain and Portugal – Nov2017
It’s a situation which has become critical – for Spain’s economy, for growing food, for living.
One woman living close to the Cuerda del pozo reservoir was one of many worried about the situation: “I can’t remember seeing the reservoir so big, so empty.”
Suddenly what was once thought to be a problem confined to the third world has arrived in southern Europe.
When farming in countries like Spain and Portugal is hard hit by drought, the results will eventually be felt in the grocery store in the form of rationing, empty shelves, and steep price increases.
What does this mean for those in awareness when the bounty we now see on the shelves at Costco, Walmart and Safeway become not so bountiful? We’ll see a bounty of arrogant asses, accusing those in awareness of being conspiracy nuts and the simple truth is, most will be more inclined to believe them and their idiotic nonsense. As crazy as it may sound, people will choose to follow them into a dark abyss just as the Germans chose to follow Hitler into a similar dark abyss.
The point here is that if you do believe in Planet X and you do you feel a sense of foreboding, be careful in who you share your wisdom with.

"Planet X System & Coming Chastisements" 
(Marshall Masters) 




  2. Does NASA deny it, or are they just telling lies about what it is? Does anyone know? This is all GOD'S work...NOT SCIENCE!

    1. I don't know Whose work you're talking about but all the work above is Marshall Masters work not TradCatKnights!


  3. An honest question:

    How is any of all this NOT Millennialism which is the criticism leveled @ "Bayside" for all its Truth which is validated in previous messages of the BVM, concerning "end times?"

    "... a specific type of Christian


    and is sometimes referred to as "chiliasm" from the New Testament use of the Greek chilia (thousand).

    It is part of the broader form of apocalyptic expectation. A core doctrine in some variations of Christian eschatology is the expectation that the Second Coming is very near and that there will be an establishment of a Kingdom of God on Earth. According to an interpretation of prophecies in the Book of Revelation, this Kingdom of God on Earth will last a thousand years (a millennium) or more.

    The application of an apocalyptic timetable to the establishment or changing of the world has happened in many cultures and religions, and continues to this day, and is not relegated to the sects of major world religions..."


  4. Better to put "SOURCE" up top as you used to for articles. Avoid confusion with your original works. :)
