Wednesday, November 29, 2017

PERSECUTION: Christians are deemed 'dangerous and offensive' says Tim Farron

PERSECUTION: Christians are deemed 'dangerous and offensive' says Tim Farron
He is a sodomite defender...

Former Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, who resigned in July this year after a row over whether gay sex was sinful, is to say Christians are deemed "dangerous and offensive" by the public in a speech to a think tank.
On Tuesday, Mr Farron is due to tell an audience at Theos that active Christianity is disliked by the public.
He will say: "If you actively hold a faith that is more than an expression of cultural identity … you are deemed to be far worse than eccentric. You are dangerous. You are offensive."

The politician is also due to remark that the idea of a unifying set of British values is a myth: "People talk about shared values today.
"But when they do, what they mean is ‘These are my values – and I’m going to act as though they are also yours, and will demonstrate contempt for you if you depart from them’."

The MP earlier this year said it was impossible to be a political leader as well as being faithful to the Bible, after he was repeatedly questioned over his beliefs.
Mr Farron repeatedly dodged the question of whether gay sex is sinful, telling reporters that "we are all sinners."
He also faced tough questions about his views on abortion after he previously claimed it was "wrong".
In July, he said: "To be a political leader and to live as a committed Christian, to hold faithfully to the Bible’s teaching, has felt impossible to me."
At the speech, he will also tell the think thank that Christianity and its values are at the heart of liberalism.
He will say: "Liberalism has eaten itself because it has eaten the very world view that gave birth to it, that made it possible, and which makes it possible", adding that to "relegate Christianity is to hollow out liberalism.”




  2. Pray for us Holy Mother of God that the truth of our Lord Jesus Christ will come into ALL of our hearts.

  3. Canadian PM Justin Trudeau just issued an 'apology' to the LGBTQ2 community for 'decades of state-sponsored, systematic rejection and oppresion' and expressed ' our collective guilt'. Speak for yourself, Trudeau. Maybe he should think of apologizing to God for the countless atrocities committed by the Trudeau family, in their name, and on their watch (abortion, anyone?). May God speedily bring his Justice down upon those whose only goal seems to be breaking His laws and mocking His Holy Church and its members.

  4. Christian values are on the chopping block in the jwo.
