Wednesday, November 15, 2017

ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK: British Bishops Abolish “Father” and “Mother”

ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK: British Bishops Abolish “Father” and “Mother”
A British Government education watchdog ordered the Holy Ghost Catholic Primary School in London to remove “mother” and “father” in their admission form in order to please “separated, step and gay parents”.
The Bishops’ Catholic Education Service, known for accommodating to gay ideology, is now drafting a new form for its 2,230 Catholic schools. The form will only refer to “the family”. Many schools already use “parent 1” and “parent 2”.
The Sunday Times cites an expert who called this decision “profoundly undemocratic, illiberal and a capitulation to a form of politically correct fascism”.


  1. Homosexuals rule the church from it's most eminent positions. This serves their purposes and paves the way for them to practice their sin openly. After the church recognizes married priests first, of course.

    1. Yes.A constant push to obliterate all of Holy Mother Church's moral teachings in the vII cult.

  2. It's what happens when the State becomes the Church, per the

  3. What to do you think about this decision?
