Monday, November 6, 2017

NOVUS ORDO: Our Lady & Buddha share the same altar in Brazil

NOVUS ORDO:  Our Lady & Buddha share the same altar in Brazil 
A slight variation from John Paul II who removed Christ off the altar during an Assisi meeting and replaced it with Buddha
 We see Brazil’s beloved 300-year old statue of Our Lady of Aparecida, above, placed underneath an altar dedicated to Buddha.

The blasphemous act was the fruit of an inter-religious event in São Paulo, titled “An Act for Justice and Peace in the World,” which took place at Zu Lai Buddhist Temple on October 28, 2017. 

The event was held by both the Archdiocese of São Paulo and the Fo Guang Shan Buddhist monastery, and was advertised as “a moment of great faith.” The Catholic Prelates in attendance included Cardinal Odilo Scherer, Archbishop of São Paulo, and Bishop João Bosco de Souza, the diocesan Bishop of Osasco.

This profanation was supposed to be a commemoration of the 300th anniversary of Our Lady of Aparecida, Patroness of Brazil. The Prelates saw it fit to place Our Lady’s statue at the foot of the devilish statue of Buddha, even offering it incense, below second row.

This flagrant desecration of Our Lady’s sacred statue is a renewal of a similarly heinous act that occurred in Assisi on October 27, 1986, in which a statue of Buddha was placed over the Tabernacle of St. Peter Church.

In these times of great apostasy, it is important to remember the words of Pope Pius XI:

It is evident that the Apostolic See cannot under any pretext take part in these [inter-confessional] assemblies; nor do Catholics have any right to favor such enterprises by their support or action. If they did so, they would be attributing authority to a false religion, entirely alien to the one Church of Christ. How could we tolerate that the truth, above all the revealed truth, be made a subject for compromise? This would be the apex of iniquity.”

Translation of the flyer inviting for the act, below third row:

"The Zu Lai Templewill receive the image of Our Lady of Aparecida in a great encounter between members of the Buddhist community of the Fo Guang Shan Monastery and the Roman Catholic Church.

The meeting between the Patroness of Brazil and the founder of Buddhism, Shakyamuni Buddha is an act to spread respect and tolerance among religions. It will be a moment of great faith, in which we will receive their blessings of happiness and peace upon all beings.

Come to revere them and to celebrate with us this moment of union, strengthening our commitment to faith and peace."

Photo montage showing the 'act for justice and peave' event held in Brazil, with Catholics and buddhists posing for photos

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