Saturday, November 18, 2017

Is Bergoglio “under the control of Satan”?

Is Bergoglio “under the control of Satan”?
The Associated Press is reporting, and no doubt with considerable satisfaction, that Francis has charged so-called climate change deniers with being “perverse” concerning what he considers “one of the most worrying phenomena our humanity is experiencing.”
If only the Humble One’s propensity for dabbling in pseudo-science and name-calling was our biggest problem!

In a message  to the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, His Greeness said (while quoting himself – one of his other favorite pastimes):
Unfortunately, many efforts to seek concrete solutions to the environmental crisis are often frustrated for various reasons ranging from denial of the problem to indifference, comfortable resignation, or blind trust in technical solutions (cf. Encyclical Laudato si’, 14).
We should avoid falling into the trap of these four perverse attitudes…
Francis reiterated his support for the Paris Agreement and its (allegedly) “clear path of transition to a low- or zero-carbon model of economic development,” exhorting the assembly:
I would like to reaffirm my urgent call to renew dialogue on how we are building the future of the planet.
Make no mistake, the planet “we” – meaning, Bergoglio & Co. – “are building” is the City of Man; one not just unlike the City of God, but rather one actively opposed to it.
The bottom line here is staggering and yet simple.
In his book, “The Fourth Secret of Fatima” (2009 English Publication, Loreto Publications), Italian journalist Antonio Socci offers details of a radio interview of Fr. Malachi Martin (who had read the Third Secret of Fatima) and his exchange with a caller:
A listener intervenes on the precise content of the Secret: making reference to confidences received from a Jesuit, he speaks of a Pope who “would be under the control of Satan. Pope John was reeling, thinking that it could have been him.” Father Martin responds: “Yes, it seems that this person would have had a means of reading or would have been given the contents of the secret.” Then he got to the heart of the matter: “it is sufficiently vague to cause hesitation, but it seems to be that.”
Can we be absolutely certain that the Third Secret of Fatima concerns a pope under the control of Satan?
I’m not even sure how anyone can be absolutely certain that Francis is actually the pope!
That said, there can be no doubt whatsoever that Francis is – if not under the control of Satan – the Evil One’s most powerful servant alive and active in the world today.
With nearly every Bergoglian initiative – from the Synod charade, to the Year of Mercy masquerade, and his numerous ecumenical endeavors – if one but scratches the surface, there one will find evidence that Satan is writing the script.
And when I say “scratch the surface,” I mean just that – a mere scratch is all it takes.
A simple internet search of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( reveals the undeniable presence of the diabolical:
Population Growth as a Variable
  • “These false arguments [against coercive birth control and abortions] must no longer hold the poor to ransom. Globally, population growth is primarily driven by coercive pregnancy: where women and couples are not given informed choice to avoid pregnancy … Indefinite population growth is physically impossible on a finite planet. It must stop at some point: either sooner through fewer births by contraception and humane, pro-active population policy.” [Emphasis in original]
Ways to advance the goal of gender balance in the UNFCCC
  • “…the creation of a fund to ensure that rural and poor women can access abortion services.”
Operationalizing a Gender-Sensitive Approach in th Green Climate Fund
  • “An external evaluation of the Global Fund’s Gender Equality Strategy and Sexual Orientation and Gender Identities Strategy in 2011 pointed out that rather than relying on individual staff members, the implementation of gender-mainstreaming has to be understood as a Secretariat-wide priority.”
The curious can do their own internet search and within minutes unearth countless citations of a similar nature; more than can be read in a single day.
So, how bad is it?
After pledging his support for the efforts of the UNFCCC, and by appearance the endorsement of the Holy Catholic Church, Jorge Bergoglio – cashing in on his papal bella figura, whether real or imagined – concluded his message saying:   
“This commitment is supported by the wise providence of God Most High.”
It’s high time for the milk-drinkers among us to throw away their sippy cups and come to terms with the bitter reality that is staring every authentic Catholic square in the face:
Satan has taken up residence in the Vatican.



  1. I have listened to many of the recordings of Father Malachi Martin and I thank him for trying to warn people of the apostasy to come and the Chastisement. Rest in peace, Father! What he was able to reveal does send shivers down one's spine. We must all be faithful to the One True Church if we are to save our souls. The Blessed Virgin will protect us if we pray to her in humility.

  2. We can answer that question with an unequivocal yes

  3. How can he go against so many previous stances of the Church and continue to get away with it?

    Is he a Mason? Or are those who constantly attack him Masons who wish to further weaken the Church?
    It's hard to tell.....I do know that he is Jesuit and this is why they were formed (from yahoo answers in answer to "Who were the Jesuits?"
    The Jesuits were founded in 1534 by Ignatius Loyola, an ex soldier.They were confirmed by the Pope as a Catholic religious order in 1540.The order had a military style organization, and took a vow of direct obedience to the Pope.
    The Jesuits had 3 main activities.Firstly, to build schools and colleges, secondly to convert non-Christians to Catholicism, and thirdly to stop the spread of Protestantism.
    They quickly became the most powerful order in the Catholic church,and were instrumental in the success of the Counter-Reformation.This was the action taken by the Catholic church to, firstly, stop the spread of Protestantism and, secondly, to regain areas gone Protestant for Catholicism.
    The Jesuits were thus responsible for changing society, as they developed the Catholic Catechism as a means of fighting Protestantism and extending Catholicism.They were the most important element in the success of the Counter Reformation.They were also responsible for establishing Catholicism in China ,Japan,and Korea.
    Today, the Jesuits are still the largest male order of the Catholic church.

    They have been known to be very crafty.....possibly the whole anti_catholic stuff is some kind of dangerous risky 'act'?????

  4. good content anonymous..leave a name next time

  5. No. The Jesuits are not "acting" anti-Catholic. People who have remained authentic and faithful Catholics know the terrible reality that the Jesuits as a whole are simply not Catholic any more. And if those who know this don't expose this truth about the Jesuits (even though we are compelled to thus talk about negative things within the Church and give scandal to non-Catholics), then others may fall victim to the Jesuits' modern version of "Catholicism." Because Jesuits are a huge subversive factor right now in the Church -- and they have been since long before Vatican II. (Vatican II did not come out of thin air. The ground for it was paved many years previous to it. We know this from Pius IX, Leo XIII and Pius X in particular who spoke of the growing subversive and destructive undercurrents within the Church -- which then became mainstream w/Vatican II many years later.) And regarding the Jesuits' most visible and catastrophic member Bergoglio, all indications are that he is a fully initiated Mason.

    The Jesuits were indeed phenomenal in their first 200 years or so and gave many saints and noble institutions to the Church. And as in the case of anything/anyone carrying out/living the authentic Truth of Jesus Christ, as taught by the Holy Catholic Church, the Jesuits were thus targeted for attack, subversion and destruction. They were suppressed even by the Church in 1750 -- but this was the work of God's enemies at a time when the revolutionary, Masonic pestilence was making deep inroads everywhere.

    The campaign to discredit and then dismantle and destroy all that made the Jesuits great has been very successful over the last 200+ years, and most all current "Jesuits" should be closely weighed on the "Catholic scale" to see if they even qualify as Catholics. Sadly, most "Jesuits" today are barely Catholic at all.

    That said, some years ago (1980s) in my very young years there were some old-school Jesuits who were trained in the 1930s/1940s and who were still real Catholics. Sadly, they are no longer in this world, but I had the immense privilege of working closely with the eminent theologian Fr. John A. Hardon, SJ -- whose cause for canonization has been opened. He taught me many things, and filled my mind with many choice pearls of wisdom that I still remember and work to apply to my life today. One thing I remember very well was when he told me that the book "The Jesuits" by Fr. Malachi Martin was an authentic in its representation of the Jesuit order. This is huge.... And so with that endorsement, anyone who reads Fr. Martin's book will understand the terrible reality of today's Jesuits and much more. And it should shed a lot of light on the Bergoglio catastrophe unfolding before us during this apocalyptic time in Church history. How tragically terrible that the "pope under the control of Satan" that is most likely part of the Third Secret (per Fr. Malachi Martin) is none other than a Jesuit.

    How devastating has been the diabolical subversion of the Jesuits, and how terrible continues to be their impact on Church and world history. Let us hope that with the promised triumph of the Immaculate Heart, the order can be resurrected to is former splendor.... or that new orders will replace the original Jesuits as the defenders of all things Catholic. Amen.


    2. Excellent response. Thank you, Mary Catherine. And thank you TradCatKnight, for your very interesting and informative site. I will look into how to put a name for me here. Trust is not an easy thing these days.

  6. Correction: The official suppression of the Jesuits by the papacy was 1773, although other areas did this earlier.

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