Sunday, November 5, 2017

Great Apostasy? As Identified by Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr. Nicholas Gruner.....Naaah, couldn't be. There are so many conferences to go to!

Great Apostasy? As Identified by Archbishop Lefebvre and Fr. Nicholas Gruner.....Naaah, couldn't be. There are so many conferences to go to! 

Dr. Chojnowski: Note that the statue of the Virgin of Aparecida --- a statue, by the way, that the Fatima Center went to venerate with John Vennari, Fr. Nicholas Gruner, Cornelia Ferreira, Fr. Paul Kramer, and Dr. Robert Hickson 10 years ago --- I, unfortunately, had to fly home that day to teach the next day at Gonzaga University --- is the tiny image, AT THE FEET OF BUDDHA, and over the head of the Roman collared Conciliarist priest with the groovy stole on in the middle, second row. Notice they treated the Buddha, in their prayers and in their veneration, as if he were just as alive and holy as the Blessed Virgin Mary, Assumed into Heaven.
So if people are in communion with the Cardinal-Archbishop and the Cardinal-Archbishop is in communion with the Buddhists and the Buddhists are in communion with Buddha ....but if I am in communion with the one who the cardinal is in communion with but I am not in communion with Buddha but he is in communion with those in communion with Buddha......Oh Crikey! But of course, they are from the liberal side of the Catholic Church and we are from the conservative side and conservatives have their Latin Mass and the liberals have their interreligious worship in which Buddha is venerated........"One God, One Faith, One Baptism"................Well, I am glad the popes, ecumenical councils, the Fathers, and Doctors, spent so much time keeping heretics out of the Church, since heresy separates you from the Church........wait, they are in the Church, in fact they are the magisterial authority in the Church --- so they are teaching so so so so ................For a copy of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest it is available on!
I wonder when the new Preface honoring Buddha comes out!
Here is the article from infoCatolica: 
In a Buddhist temple of Sao Paulo
Cardinal Scherer attends a ceremony to venerate the Virgin and the Buddha at the same time
The Buddhist temple of Zu Lai in Sao Paulo (Brasi), hosted an inter-religious ceremony in which an image of the Virgin of Aparecida was placed at the feet of a Buddha. Cardinal Odilo Scherer, among others, attended the event
( InfoCatólica ) The cardinal and archbishop of San Pablo, SER Odilo Scherer, together with Mons. João Bosco Barbosa, bishop of Osasco and president of the National Commission for Life and Family of the CNBB, the Redemptorist rector of the National Shrine of Aparecida, Father João Batista de Almeida, and a dozen priests, participated in a ceremony in which they prayed with Buddhists and both images were honored.
Joint veneration
The text of the poster announcing the act said:
"The meeting between the Patron of Brazil and the founder of Buddhism, Buddha Shakyamuni, is an act to promote respect and tolerance among religious people. It will be a time of great faith, in which we will receive their blessings of happiness and peace to all beings. "[...] Come and revere them and share with us that moment of union, strengthening our commitment to faith and peace »
However, the Scripture teaches:
What concord can there be between Christ and Beliar? What can the faithful and the infidel share? What agreement can there be between the temple of God and the idols?
2nd Cor 6,15-16b


  1. What statue of Our Lady? I enlarged the photo and cannot even find Her! Please show me a clear photo of Our Lady at the feet of this Buddha! And please show me a photo of Fr. Gruner and John Vennari at this Buddah's feet.

    1. To clarify, Fr. Gruner and John Vennari were never there at the Buddist Temple, read what Dr. Chojnowski said again: "Note that the statue of the Virgin of Aparecida --- a statue, by the way, that the Fatima Center went to venerate, etc.." He clearly states with the phrase "by the way" that they went to see the statue of Our Lady, which was not at the Temple 10 years ago. The Statue was at it's normal location 10 years ago, and it was only for this event (in the present) that the statue was brought to the Temple.

  2. Great Apostasy !!! Is that what you call it. How about murder (sister Lucia) fourgy (third secret) after 1960.Extortion racketeering money laundering sexual sins of every kind and on and on.
