Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Government Ties to Porn and Pedophile Web Sites

Government Ties to Porn and Pedophile Web Sites
“We corrupt in order to control.”
A reader, “Barantian,” suspects the Illuminati
are behind much online porn and pedophilia.
This is consistent with my view that humanity has
been inducted into a satanic cult where its members are
exploited by being made sick.

(Disclaimer: Barantian also claims Julian Assange, Glen Greenwald & Ed Snowden are tied to the CIA. I reserve judgment on this.) 

“We become what we behold. We shape our tools & then our tools shape us.”
- Marshall McLuhan, Canadian media theorist (1911-1980)
By Brabantian

It appears the hugely popular ‘free porn video’ sites are secretly funded by governments or billionaire oligarchs, the only people who can afford to host them … Consider:
Videos take huge ‘bandwidth’ (data volume) on the web, versus text pages or photos … Just one video can be over a gigabyte, comprising more data than hundreds of normal website pages … & there is a significant expense in showing such a video millions of times … Yet thousands of hours of porn on the web is free via video ‘tube’ sites, streaming huge waves of pornography that would bankrupt all but the wealthiest website owners
IT sites such as TechCrunch report that at some moments, the world’s most popular free porn video site, XVideos, spikes to more than 2% of ALL the internet traffic data volume IN THE ENTIRE WORLD … just that one free porn website … and there are several others mega-popular as well
The free porn sites have advertising links to pay-per-view, cam girl sites etc … but the economic model does not add up, given the huge expense of transmitting thousands of hours of free video pornography to hundreds of millions of viewers … whatever their ad sales etc revenue, it seems impossible that the ‘pay’ side would fund the giant video hosting operation, even bigger than CIA-Google hosting YouTube.
Furthermore, it is noticeable that there is very partial ‘copyright policing’ on the free porn video sites, unlike with popular recent Hollywood films … It seems the adult site owners, collectively have a memo to ‘go easy’ in permitting the free distribution of their wares.

Porn production seems tied to particular nations & cultures … It is said 80% of the porn is produced in the USA, nearly all by Jewish producers, & with many Jewish actresses & actors as well.
It has been said the largest internet business in the world, is Chinese men navigating around their censor portals to purchase Japanese porn.
PORN is pervading the male youth of every culture. Once on a metro train in a European capital, I was sharing a 4-seat section with 3 lads from the Moroccan community, chuckling over a smartphone video … When the phone was held up for the view of the young man next to me, it was a video of ‘hijab porn’. On the screen there was a woman wearing a Muslim face veil, a pair of socks and nothing else
Over the last few years, education statistics have reversed, and now females obtain more Master degrees than men in many countries, with women having much more career motivation and drive. It is suggested this is because young male brains have become addled with porn
Various articles now are talking about the huge amount of paedophile material on the ‘Dark Web’, the websites you can only access through special tools like the Tor browser … but this also turns out to be a government operation.
The Tor browser was developed by CIA-tied United States Naval Research Laboratory employees. Tor’s key role in serving paedophiles (as well as drug & human traffickers etc), was exposed by 33-year-old Andrew Anglin, proprietor of the Hitler-Nazi-meme, ‘Daily Stormer’ website, who has since August been shut down repeatedly from a series of ordinary web addresses.
For the 4 million monthly visitors who were viewing his site until August, Anglin has been forced to use the Tor browser, for all those times in between the short intervals he is able to be seen via a normal internet address. Tor lets you ‘host’ a website which ‘floats’ on the ‘Tor nodes’, without needing a specific web ‘url’ address – you can transmit to the world from a simple computer in your closet or cellar.
When the ‘neo-Nazi Daily Stormer’ was forced to start using the ‘paedo-web’ Tor browser, the Tor browser people openly discussed modifying the Tor programme to ban ‘neo-Nazi’ Anglin & the Stormer … But Tor’s board seems to have been shamed by Anglin’s big point that this threat, proved to the world that the Tor designers – openly connected to USA intelligence agencies – have intentionally created Tor for use by pedophiles.
In the past Tor’s directors always avoided blocking pedophiles from Tor, even tho they could easily install tools to repress the pedophile links which thrive on Tor … neo-Nazis bad, but pedophiles OK for the Tor people? As Anglin wrote:
“The Darkweb [accessible through Tor] is mainly used by pedophiles to share child pornography. … The Tor project claims to be designed for Chinese political dissidents – or whatever – but the main use of the software has been for child porn, & it is not believable that this amount of resources would be expended on some shite for Chinese political dissidents who can just buy a normal VPN if they need it. Slave traffickers, terrorists, assassins & drug dealers also use the Tor service … The Tor development team had never given comment on pedophiles or anyone else using the service, but felt the need to come out & condemn the [neo-Nazi] Daily Stormer [after the Daily Stormer was forced to host via Tor]“
Indeed the ‘China dissident’ pretext for Tor seems fake … Governments can easily & simply block usage of Tor, it seems, as China & Iran apparently do … Plus it is easy for any government/internet provider to see if you have downloaded Tor, even if they couldn’t tell where you go using it.
Developed by CIA-tied people, Tor is generally suspected of having back doors to help US gov, CIA-Mossad etc identify any users … including all the Tor-using pedophiles, who may be mostly known to the NSA, CIA & Mossad. This gives them a great gold mine of people who can be blackmailed or destroyed whenever needed … whilst keeping the myth of ‘anonymous Tor’ alive entraps a stream of new people.
Speaking of entrapment, the Tor browser with its child-rape-friendly profile, is aggressively promoted by the fake ‘dissidents’ whom all major governments know are hoaxers, Edward Snowden & ‘not-really-living-at-the-Ecuador-embassy’ Julian Assange, who have left a trail of real dissidents jailed or dead after trusting these fake ‘leakers’ & their media pumpers such as Glenn Greenwald (jailed: Reality Leigh Winner, Lauri Love; dead: Seth Rich, Peter W Smith). That, of course, is a separate big story … here are some excerpts from the report at European intelligence agencies on the Snowden fraud, also touching on the pro-Israel Assange (who was admitted by both Zbigniew Brzezinski & Benjamin Netanyahu to be a fraud run by intel):
Wikileaks insists on TOR to receive ‘leaks’, of course, after which you may be dead once Assange tells his US paymasters all about you. In the case of Peter W Smith, Assange denied receiving the transmitted Smith leaks once Smith became a corpse.
And it is, in fact, easy to access Tor websites, including its pedophile sites etc., even without using the Tor browser. The late ‘suicided’ hacker dissident Aaron Swartz & others, pioneered ‘Web-2-Tor’ links … Here, for example, is how you can view Anglin’s Hitler-right-wing ‘Daily Stormer’ whether or not he is on the ‘normal’ internet at the moment
The US intel agencies are quite tied to pornography and look to the pornography industry for recruiting key operatives. Jimmy ‘Jimbo’ Wales, who used to attend intimate birthday parties of the late Israeli President Shimon Peres, was a pornography seller before he was hand-picked to become the supremo of the CIA’s Wikipedia. Also a former pornography seller – gay pornography in his case – is the Rothschild asset Glenn Greenwald, pumping the ‘Snowden’ hoax that is leaving a trail of dissidents jailed or dead.
Like the US pornography industry, Tor does seem rather Jewish. One former Tor top figure, Jacob Appelbaum, left Tor amidst large public sexual abuse scandals. Here, a link to a photo of Jewish Tor board members with large Jewish synagogue ceremonial Torah scroll

Fiona Barnett, "Satanic Pedophile Network Exposed"
