Saturday, November 18, 2017


By:  Eric Gajewski
The New World Order is in for a surprise.  It is God who is in control
And he that sat on the throne, said: Behold, I make all things new. And he said to me: Write, for these words are most faithful and true.  Apoc. 21:5

If you have been following this apostolate for some time now you should know how important the message of Fatima is for our times. Make no mistake, the Fatima message, is the backbone, of this Apostolate and is directly connected to the Apocalypse.  Sr. Lucia said so as well.  Furthermore, we know how intimately connected the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts are and how, when, we have, a strong devotion to Our Lady, we will have an even greater love for Our Lord.  Having said that, in today’s reading we see Christ the King on His Throne speaking that “He makes all things new”.  Are WE Catholics not waiting for a glorious period for the Church wherein the nations and even Jews will accept the true Messiah and the Church (not the Vatican II, Conciliar Church)?  If we believe the Word then we know we have a great ending coming to this story.  The New World Order will be smashed, not only, by the feet of Our Lady (intercession) but also by the Fire of Divine Love which come down upon men from on high by God Himself.  The world is right now being staged for the “Fire of the holocaust” to come down and wipe out a greater portion of humanity.


God of surprises?  We have heard Francis speaking of his version of the “God of surprises” wherein Love is said to be novelty and novelty itself is good for the Church but is this true?  Of course not.  The revolutionaries behind Vatican II are leading souls into a formalized one world religion in which every opinion will have equal share.  Surprise!  Well, true Catholics these days are not following what flows from the mouths in Rome.   

The God of surprises has a surprise not only for the New World Order but for Rome specifically.  So many of you enjoyed my latest exclusive video, “the faithful few” and it ties in with our topic today.  I encourage you all to watch it ( 


Mary and Christ have long been forewarning Catholics of this apostasy and yet so many remained stunned “by this apparent surprise”.  Perhaps, it is not so much as being surprised but rather being appalled at this point.   
It is a tough pill to swallow.   
However, the New World Order, will be surprised, when, they find out, in the end, that, it is truly God, who is in control and merely allows evil so that good can be seen all the more vibrantly.  Thus, evil is truly not in control like they think and we can reference the vision of Pope Leo XIII.  In this vision the devil is granted 100 years to destroy the Church.   

Well, we are coming to the climax where God pulls the rug out beneath he feet of the devils and all the enemies of the Church.  Thus, the world ought eagerly await the fruition of the Fatima message.

The former passing away. Let us face it, this, modern world, is heading for destruction.  So many are asking “Why hasn’t God acted by now”.  Perhaps He has and is and we are missing out on what He wants us to truly see and learn.  For example, things are getting so ridiculous with Francis and Rome these days that a good number of conservative “novus ordo” types and now coming wholly to Tradition.  This is a positive yet most miss it.   
Vatican II will pass even as this earth will pass.   

 In addition, what can we say about ourselves?  Are we not waiting for our meeting with Jesus in death?  Now, granted, few, will directly get there, having, first gone to Purgatory but the word “conversion” needs to be at the forefront of our minds and hearts daily.  We must die and pass away in order to live wholly in Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary was the perfect model for all Christians as it relates to how we should live.   

It is no wonder heaven chose to speak through Mary at Fatima to get His people ready for the times ahead.  He first prepared His throne in the Womb of Mary and His eucharistic reign coming will see Him seated upon the Throne, Our Lady once again.  In closing to this section, one of the principle of being an eagle, is, being able to adapt and change to our surroundings.  The societal collapse is coming yet few have their wings spread ready to take to flight.  The Beast system will be looked back upon as something “former” as we transition into this new age for the Church.

Triumph of the Immaculate Heart/Social Reign of Christ.  My friends, before any rainbow can be seen there must first be a storm.  The more vibrant a rainbow is the more violent a storm we will go through.  Yet, the darker the night the greater our Light will shine.  The more chaos and confusion in the world the more will be matched by the perfect peace in our hearts that Christ gives us.  God is calling everyone to be a Saint and we will not become one without our King and Queen.  They must rule our hearts.   
We have to do our job and proclaim this message to the nations.  

The mainstream media can talk all they want about a new world order coming but the reality is the old world order (Catholicism) was just fine to begin with.  Modern mad in his pride will either be crushed by the Living God into repentance or simply wiped off the map.   Now, some, may argue, a loving God, wouldn’t do that.  Yet the Son was sent to be crushed due to our own sins.  Yet some many stories from Scripture demonstrate the wrath of God.  Let us not be so prideful to think that we know better than God’s true Religion.   

For it is through these two pillars of victory, Immaculate & Sacred Hearts that the world will be saved (albeit few in number).  Therefore, watch and pray. Watch ye, therefore, praying at all times, that you may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are to come, and to stand before the Son of man.  Luke 21:36 .  Sin is always old loosely speaking. Are we not tired of living in this cesspool we call modern society today?

In the end, just as Mary runs to Jesus in defense of our Savior, so too, must we, run to Mary, in order, to fully comprehend, the Love of God for us all.  When you pray the Rosary, you ought be looking through the eyes of Mary as you meditate.  Therefore, let us not walk but let us run to Mary and Jesus and stay hidden in this Fortress that we might be protected against all of our enemies.  Let the Immaculate and Sacred Hearts reign and true “unadulterated Love” (not tampered by the false light of this modern world) rule the nations through the social Kingship of Christ! .  WHY CLING TO DOUBT, WORRY AND DESPAIR?  FOR BEHOLD! I MAKE ALL THINGS NEW…. 
Visit daily for all the latest church and endtime news.  


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  1. Alleluia!

         For Our Lady once more revealed to Jacinta, shortly before her death in February 1920, what is really the essence of the Third Secret of Fatima: that 666, satan, the forces of antichrist, would enter the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome beginning in the year 1972!

    "There is a formation within My House that I give and label as the evil men of the cross.

    They are impostors. They have entered to destroy. They have reached and attained the highest leadership in My House upon earth. They are recrucifying Me in My House...
    "I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government—a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist.”

    November 22, 1976

  2. Thank you for reminding us of the glorious Reign of the Immaculate Heart of Mary after Our Lord will crush Satan and all who follow him!

  3. Thank you for this timely article. There is so much bad news these days but we have to remember in heaven’s promise! Karoline

  4. A lot of earthquakes lately Eric have you seen? I admit you have changed my mind on certain subjects that I never bothered to look into.

  5. A lot of earthquakes lately Eric have you seen? I admit you have changed my mind on certain subjects that I never bothered to look into. Great site! Just found your work the other day on youtube. I will share it with my friends. Looking forward to the information you present.


  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great site! Just found your work the other day on youtube. I will share it with my friends. Looking forward to the information you present.

  8. The REAL 3rd secret of Fatima still remains suppressed. God Bless Fr. Gruner and Kramer for exposing the Masonic infiltration of the Church

  9. The Gospel readings for the last Sundays of the liturgical year clearly speak of the proving of the bread as the leaven raises it. Then - into the oven. The leaven is burned out and the bread is baked.

    The Church era of Sardis will pass in the fires of our Lord's judgement if the world does not convert.

  10. What are your plans for Thanksgiving Eric?

  11. How did your procedure go? We are keeping you in prayer please do the same for us. ~Anthony & family

  12. That has to be the best scene in the Passion movie. I cry every time. Our lady of Sorrows, pray for us

  13. This commenting system is hard to work with. This is my third attempt….

  14. AMEN! Let us all strive for holiness and everyday renew our pledge to be Christ’s alone!

  15. I appreciate all the information you present but I truly love your articles the best. Try to do more of them during the week, Stacy G.

  16. I have recently left the Novus Ordo and truly need a spiritual director. How do I go about doing this?

    1. lots of prayer and lots of calling of priests to find out where they stand on doctrine

  17. Glad to hear you are considering doing special guest radio shows again. I have a few I would like to recommend if you go through with that intent.

  18. The Apocalypse is my favorite book in the bible. I hope Mel Gibson can make a movie on it from a traditional catholic perspective. I heard he was close to
    doing a Fatima movie but it fell through.

    1. yes the movie did fall through i even sent him a letter

  19. LOVE! Thank you Eric for all you do. I am more new to you site but it is the best.

  20. I agree with you the message of Akita and the Apocalypse both describe a fire falling form heaven. We really need to pay attention to the sun these days even moreso than North Korea.

  21. Tradcat

    Jesus has sent you to gather his sheep.
    Good work
