Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Cardinal Zen, “A Huge Disaster for the Church Is Approaching”

Cardinal Zen, “A Huge Disaster for the Church Is Approaching”
I am pretty sure we are already in a Vatican II disaster...
Retired Cardinal Joseph Zen of Hong Kong has warned that the Vatican is selling the Catholics to the Communist Chinese government, writes Asia News.
During a homily on November 10, Zen said that the Vatican is trusting more in diplomacy than in the Faith, “The Holy See is ceaselessly compromising and has even arrived at the point of selling itself out to appease. This is by no means what God expects of the Church.”
Zen said that there is an “evil plan”: The Vatican will ask faithful bishops to resign "in order to leave room for illicit and excommunicated bishops.“ For Zen this will be "a huge disaster for the Church”.