Sunday, November 12, 2017

Bishop Williamson, "Menzingen Commands"

Menzingen Commands

Providence has kept the Society safe at home – ?
By blocking many attempts to join with Rome!

By no means all readers of these “Comments” are in favour of criticism of the words and deeds of the Headquarters at Menzingen of the Newsociety of St Pius X. However, there are many who see that just as Archbishop Lefebvre was, for the good of the Catholic Church, fully justified in taking his fruitful stand against its being wrecked by the Second Vatican Council, so one is fully justified, for the same salvation of souls, to criticise in public the slide of that Newsociety into the arms of Rome’s Conciliar officials. The June issue of Menzingen’s in-house journal for Society priests, “Cor Unum,” published yet another hard-hitting justification of that slide. Menzingen is obdurate. Menzingen must be corrected, in public.

There follows in italics a fair summary of some of the main arguments, which can be checked (in French) on the Internet at the website RĂ©sistance catholique francophone:: Cor Unum juin 2017
Archbishop Lefebvre made Society relations with Rome the concern of the Superior General (SG) alone.
That was because he knew that his own priests under him could not be relied upon to understand the extreme need for prudence in dealing with the Roman officials. The present SG proves how right he was.
The General Chapter of 2006 entitled the Society authorities to dismiss from the Society any priest disagreeing with their policies in public – “This warning is to be taken seriously.”
That is just how Paul VI “dismissed” Archbishop Lefebvre. Does Menzingen see who it is imitating? And did the priests voting in 2006 foresee where their authorising such dismissals was going to lead?
No matter how good are the dissenting arguments, public dissent always harms the common good.
Did Archbishop Lefebvre harm the (true) Church’s common good by his two decades of dissent? Truth is the ultimate measure of authority, es pecially in the Catholic Church, and not the other way round!
Archbishop Lefebvre saved the Church by forming priests in accordance with Catholic Tradition.
Not exactly. Forming good priests was his way of saving the Catholic Faith. But priests now being formed by Menzingen to go along with Conciliar Romans risk saving neither Faith nor Church.
The Archbishop always recognized, and wanted Society priests to recognize, the Church authorities in place, both before and after he consecrated four bishops in 1988.
Yes, but in 1988, after the Romans had once and for all proved that they would not look after the Faith, his attitude towards them changed radically: “Up till now, diplomacy, but from now on doctrine,” he said, as Menzingen well knows, but Menzingen just does not see doctrine’s importance as the Archbishop did.
Exactly. Dissenters from Menzingen are making questions of prudence into matters of Faith.
No. To submit believing Catholics to Conciliar – i.e. disbelieving – Romans, is directly a matter of Faith.
But how can such Romans be converted if the Society’s believing Catholics refuse all contact with them?
How can Catholics keep the Faith if they submit to contagious, even innocently dangerous, modernists?
But not everything in today’s mainstream Church is Conciliar. It includes conservatives, who like us.
But the conservatives have no power. All power in Rome is in the hands of Freemasons who are bitter and resolute enemies of Catholic Tradition, of Our Lord’s Church, of Our Lord and of God. And everything in the mainstream Church is being taken ultimately in the Conciliar direction, especially by Pope Francis.
Kyrie eleison.


  1. How does Modern Rome think?
    The Origins of Sabbatean Secularization (Vatican II) in Eighteenth-Century Europe

    "Man is a god in the making, and as in the mystic myths of

    Egypt, on the potter's wheel he is being molded.
    When his light shines out to lift and preserve all things, he receives the triple crown of godhood, and joins that throng of Master Masons who, in their robes of Blue and Gold, are seeking to

    dispel the darkness of night with the triple light (LUCIFER) of the Masonic Lodge."

    The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of
    Hiram Abiff
    (1st of many cult messiahs)

    Luciferians, Illuminists, Gnostics, Freemasons and the plethora of occult and esoteric cults and groups comprising the

    dark Empire of Secret Societies have a

    common spiritual source

    and although their outward rituals, rites and ceremonies may appear different all of their inner doctrines are the same:

    and pre-eminent is the Doctrine of Mankind's Intrinsic Divinity ... that Man is a god-in-the-making...." TBC

    1. What does Rome think of us?
      Luciferians, Illuminists, Gnostics, Humanists, Atheists and Freemasons

      sneer at those who believe that Christ was the transcendent God clothed in flesh.

      This animosity and contempt manifests in numerous ways but all reduce to the Luciferian belief that

      Bible-believing Christians are superstitious simpletons.

      Luciferians and other co-religionists consider the Virgin Birth, the Raising of Lazarus, the Crucifixion, the Resurrection and other elements of the Jesus story were

      not  literal, historical events but symbolic keys to a "higher" understanding wholly misinterpreted by ignorant Christians.

      The articulate spokesman for Freemasonry, Albert Pike, (3 World Wars Architect)

      confirms his cult's animus (hatred) towards Christianity..."

  2. St. Martin of Tours (and all the Saints)

    ... OPPOSED Arianism,

    "a heresy that denied the divinity of Christ..."

    Venerable Leo of Tours_Devotion to the Holy Face 1800s, St. Therese, Father Gomar De Pauw (USA) ...

    EXPOSED Progressivism/Modernism,

    "a heresy that denied the divinity of Christ..."

  3. Fr. Gomar Depauw to Paul VI:

    "Today's condition of the Catholic Church is beyond the point of doctrinal heresy, factual schism, and even apostasy. It is in a state of CHAOS and utter collapse resulting from the

    systematic destruction of first our liturgical and other traditions,

    and now our very beliefs and morals ….

    The liturgical reform

    Shortly after the Council, ballet dancers perform before the "table" at the "drama of the Mass"
    Informations Catholiques Internationales, July 1, 1967

    In open violation of all past and present liturgical directives, the Roman Catholic Liturgy, once the envy of all other religions, has for all practical purposes been destroyed. And it gives us very little personal satisfaction to know that all those responsible for this destruction were in advance irrevocably anathematized by the still valid solemn decree of the Council of Trent:

    “If anyone says that the Mass ought to be celebrated in the vernacular only, let him be cursed.”(Canons of the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, n. 9.)

    COERCIVE changes have subrogated our traditional practices with the “litniks”of our Church Establishment daily intensifying their attempts to subjugate the “people of God”..."

  4. THE Mass
    under duress
    at the first "Catholic Chapel"
    Westbury Long Island, New York


    "Fr. Gommar A. DePauw Traditional Catholic Mass
    Archangel's Archive Youtube"

  5. Archbishop Lefebvre's verdict was : Rome has lost the faith. Rome is in apostasy. Rome has left the Church. This is more certain today than it was in the decade of the 1980s when it was the seat of the Anti Christ.

    This is because the Conciliar church was the vehicle for establishing the foundation of the 1world universal religion of all faiths and creeds for the jwo Beast system. This is being set up as a legacy of 'St' John Paul II upon a foundation of 12 stars or Sees for the 1world religion under the cult of the Santo Subito.

    Seven of those foundations are now established. The first star was established in Kazakstan under Nursultan Nazarbayev a big disciple (apostle) of JPII . The 7th star was established in Namyang, South Korea. Big nouvus ordo whoop-de-do over there in Oct 2017 when they raised the Namyang altar. Only Five more of these Sees now to be set up.

    This is a countdown to the 1world religion of all faiths.

    The Conciliar/Harlot church of the Revolution was only ever to be a transitional vehicle to the full blown Assisi on steroids 1world universal religion for the Noachides. Still too much of the true and holy faith in the counterfeit church - in its history, artefacts and among the people. As mama Merkel said of the German nation she is destroying: Too much history. To much history.

    By plain reasoning they have to take down the nouvs ordo when the 1world religion is set up on its 12 star foundation.

    Now that it has served its purpose Francis and his successors will destroy it.

  6. Five stars to go Eric.

    When the 12 stars are in place for the EU Soviet (new pagan Rome on the footprint of the old one both East and West), then the Dark Repulsive Force can reveal their one world religious leader -"the one who is (no 6) and is not and yet is" - the eighth king. The whole meshuggineh then becomes 1 leader,1 empire and 1 religious system.

    After world war this will appear a no brainer and only solution for the nations (all but a few) which have rejected the kingship of Christ.

    Our space brothers and artificers coming on the clouds to save us from ourselves with all their supernatural (I mean advanced technological powers) might even decide to raise the dead - what ho (after consulting with the DRF, of course) If we are around we might even get to see it on live TV.

    This stupid movie is in production as of this correspondence.

    I think in the final clay toes of the idol, the Eastern wing of the empire will form the Islamic crescent around the jew-El of The Crown: greater isra-El. Must the toe-ring or something. They'll all go out to meet him when he comes.
