Sunday, October 8, 2017

You Can Not Have Two Heavens

You Can Not Have Two Heavens
By:  Eric Gajewski

I encourage you all to pick up a copy of the Imitation of Christ and faithfully read a chapter each day.  Within the pages of this book is found countless wisdom as to how we ought be living.  Last night I stumbled upon some words which resonate in our modern times.  These words are, “You cannot have two heavens…”.  There is no heaven A and Heaven B.  There are far too many who call themselves “Christian” who seem to think we can have a paradise here on earth.  Christ didn’t nor did His Saints.  Although it is true in union with God we can have an inwardly Paradise this does not mean that we can find this “heaven” in the world itself in which we live.  In fact, the world will turn us into devils not Saints and yet why do so many try to make their earthly exile a “paradise”.  That topic could be debated upon for hours but for the sake of brevity let make some further points.


Pleasure vs. purgation.  We are here to please God not ourselves.   When we mix the doctrine of the devil with Christ’s we lose Christ.  Just as man cannot serve mammon and God man cannot likewise serve himself and God.  Modern man has been drawn out from his inward self and has been deceived into thinking that paradise can be found here on earth.  Modern man will argue “God is okay with me having some fun here and there…He is mercy!”  The false mercy card of the heretics of our times leads one to believe they can do as they want and God will be okay with it because (they argue) I am just human or I am saved (common protestant error).  Where does truly loving God ever come into that equation?  It doesn’t.  It is just an excuse.  The truth is man is put on this earth to love and serve God and this will involve daily self- denial and a carrying of the Cross.  We are here to cleanse our souls so that we can perfectly complete God’s holy designs for our lives.  Many say they are doing Gods will but the majority will end in hell.   Thus clearly the majority are not doing God’s Will thankfully we have Purgatory so we can complete the transformation of the soul into God.

You can have two Purgatories.  Where you leave off in this life (in a state of grace) is where you will pick up in the next.  Why would you want to do a longer Purgatory?  It seems many have a good intention towards wanting to please God but perhaps their eyes are still glued upon this life.  The Saints knew how dangerous the world is to the soul and yet you will see so many modern “Catholics” argue that a little bit of dabbling here and there wont set me back.  WRONG.  For if you are not advancing in the spiritual life you are regressing.  Thus have the intention each day in perfecting one of the virtues.  Have it in every movement of your heart to please Jesus and not yourself.  Pray, find solitude and silence and await upon His Voice.  Many want heaven without the Cross.  Many want to have the Sacred Heart of Jesus aflame in their hearts without ever being purified.

Double agents?  Do you say you work for Christ while your actions say you work for the devil?  We are all sinners.  We will all make mistakes.  The Lord knows I have made many and have done penances for them but we must be consistent.  Like in anything we do we must form good habits.  Actions speak louder than words is applicable.  How embarrassing it will be if we say we are of the Sacred Heart but are found to be an agent of self at our own Judgements.  That thought ought have us all tremble.  We must walk the walk and talk the talk and when we fail (as we will) we must implore His mercy so that we can continue on in our journey without falling into despair.  Who do you trust?  Yourself or God?  As agents of truth we are called to go out and now and denounce the Vatican II and all the evils prevailing in the Church.  We must do what is best for the Church and not us and learn to lean upon His grace rather than our own strength.

Vacation or abnegation.  This life was not meant to be a vacation whatsoever.  However, there are so many fleeing to and fro trying to find the latest earthly paradise in the world without first pursuing this Paradise within.  What the carnal eyes will see in this life is not necessarily what the inner eyes will see in the next.  Therefore, stand firm in abnegation and continue to deny what you want and through prayer and direction figure out what HE wants.  We must be very “blue collarish” in the spiritual life.  We have to get up each day and grind it our with Jesus if we are to advance in the virtues and holiness and so many are unwillingly to do this.  They choose the easier path which will ultimately lead them to hell or in the very least a very long Purgatory.

Distraction or action. Each day you are given new opportunities by God to prove the virtues to Him.  Each day He will test your fidelity to the Truth and Him thus we must constantly watch guard over our hearts.  TV, computers, ballgames and video games will not lead you to keeping watch over your heart.  For the most part these distractions have been setup by the New World Order to keep you from the Truth and/or keep you from the works of mercy you could be doing.  Faith without works is dead and the modern world in which we live in is a system of death.  Root out the distractions and plant “actions”.  Get out and do as God commanded in loving and serving your neighbor.  Assuredly, you have certain skills and gifts you could give even if it is just your time.  There are A LOT of hurting and suffering souls.  There are a lot of starving souls who seek the truth but do not know where to turn.

Find dining or resigning.  Live humbly and choose the lowest seat.  Surround yourself with those who you know have your best interest at heart.  If you think you work the week only that you can claim the weekend then you are dead wrong.  Each day is God’s and you could die on the weekend as well as during the week.  Those bouncing from club to party seeking to drown away or distract form their sorrows will only find a heavier Cross.  For you cannot run from that which is Love.  Love will hunt you down and find you in the club or party.  Therefore, we must resign as best we can to the trials sent our way and allow God to mold our souls within.  Everyone seems to want to have other men see themselves a certain way and fight for it but God did not.  Follow the Divine example.

In the end, there is no such Gospel of the true God which says suffering can be avoided and get to heaven.  Yet, this is the New Age’s or New World Order’s mantra.  The Antichrist will lead men on this path of self and the whole world will wonder after him (sadly).  Why?  Because modern man has been conditioned to try an attempt to have two heavens.  One in this life and the one in the next and yet by pursuing this false path they shall forfeit the latter.  There is no path of carnal pleasure which leads to heaven only pain and when Love is perfectly unified with your soul the pain that we endure for Him now becomes our “pleasure”.

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We Must Swim Upstream to Reach Heaven