Monday, October 16, 2017

We Have Been Warned: The Novus Ordo Is Not Catholic (Vatican II)

We Have Been Warned: The Novus Ordo Is Not Catholic (Vatican II) 

I believe the Novus Ordo Mass is intrinsically evil. Why? Because it is abundantly evident that it’s design was perfectly suited to modern times, I.e the de-Christianisation of Western society or rather Judaeization as I call it and also because it closely matches the reference to the Judeo-Masonic plan for world dominion; as printed on the U.S. dollar bill, “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” or New Order of the Ages. One government, one currency and one religion is the idea. ***cough ecumenism/religious liberty cough***

Let us also not forget, Archbishop Bugnini, the chief architect of this counterfeit mass, was proven to be a Freemason! Is it just me or does it appear that the Church, with the exception of those preservers of Tradition and Truth, has all but embraced this “New Order of the Ages?”
The following decline of faith and the statistics since this part-subversion of Holy Mother Church speak for themselves, no reasonable and open mind can deny this reality. Now does this really all come as a surprise when the demonic power behind the “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” is proven to be the “Synagogue of Satan,” as per Revelation? Coincidence? I think not.
So are tabernacles still a thing in New Order Catholicism or have they been all but replaced by the thrones of men? A simple table with no sign of craftsmanship, beauty or anything once common to a Catholic church has somehow been preferred to the House of the Lord and the stunningly crafted High Altar upon which It once laid. Not only has the sacredness of the sanctuary been destroyed but the entire church’s design is inspired by the plot against the Church, the Devil’s plot for your soul.
Modernist architecture extinguishes faith, Traditional Christian European architecture enflames it. Modern man can hardly comprehend the love for God in the hearts of the builders of the awe-inspiring Cathedrals of Europe, built not just for any age but for all ages.
Again it is no surprise when the Church ceases to teach the Faith, her enemies have assumed control of Academia in once fanatical Catholic Nations. The vassal government has assumed the role of the Church and of parents in the sanctification and education of their children, rather it corrupts and indoctrinates. You can guarantee there will be no mention of the rights of God in schools but only of man.
“Do as thou wilt is the whole of the law,” is the single commandment of 33rd degree Freemason, otherwise referred to as the wickedest man on earth, Aleister Crowley. This is the religion of all in the beyond corrupted institutions. It is to serve oneself as the Devil does.
Getting back to the disappearance of the Tabernacle, the words of Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli ring truer than ever now. Regrettably and with tears of sorrow I repeated the very same words at a happy clappy service (NO) that I was mereIy present at and out of necessity.
As difficult as it is I will try not criticise too deeply, or too much more than I already have, mainly because the abuses are simply too numerous to discuss separately already.
The old minister, for want of a better word, was “adorned” in the most vile pink bedsheet substitute for a Catholic Priest’s vestments. This vestment was totally void of creativity or any evidence that its fabricator/s were inspired by the love of God and a zeal for souls. It appeared to be a bedsheet just like those of a female Protestant preacher, whose sole function is to remind the people that they are saved despite overwhelming evidence pointing to the contrary.
I come from a family who have only ever known the Mass as a Sacrifice of Propitiation, an un-bloody re-offering of Christ’s passion. So to hear the word “memorial,” spoken unnecessarily loudly through a mic like those of life coaches, and absolutely no mention of a sacrifice, was a huge shock for me.. not to mention the presence of overhead projector screens and other modern innovations that serve only to poison and destroy the true mystery of the Church, and of what goes on behind the doors of traditional Catholic churches.
So is the Catholic Mass really just a mere memorial where we only believe in a kind of symbolic presence, or do we most sincerely and devoutly believe in the Real Presence, Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, just as Catholics have always done? Naturally, the contents of the New Order Missal and New Catechism will always arouse controversial questions such as the latter and demand an explanation due to the contradictions it promulgates.
If the Church is truly Divine, we must profess with certainty that she cannot contradict herself. One would think that this fact alone leaves those who propagate such heresy wide open for outright attack or criticism at the very least, yet they mostly spend their time accusing others and are actually left unnoticed, while any who uphold Tradition and believe and do as the Church has always believed and done is subject to persecution in some way or another.
There were also women distributing “Communion,” while the priest at times appeared to be pondering his eagerly anticipated impending retirement, seemingly unaware of the true purpose of his vocation and of the importance of Christ’s Priesthood in the world. The Priest, facing the people with his back toward where Our Lord once dwelled, tells me he is more concerned with the flesh than with the spirit.
Why do we need the priest anymore, if we the faithful are able to almost entirely assume his role? Because we’d have to admit we are protestants that is why! This is the main view of Protestantism, the wishful thinking that there is no need for the Church at all and the cute baby preference of believing salvation is easily acquired, namely, that one need only declare and profess one’s faith in Our Lord and he is saved regardless of his state in life.
And yet Novus Ordo and liberal “cafeteria catholics,” sometimes claim to be against Protestantism. They have not been taught and handed down the true Faith my friends.
The handling of the Eucharist by unconsecrated hands is no longer seen for what it is, a great sacrilege. The disappearance of the communion rail also enables weak, subverted and timid “Catholics,” just like those of “Catholics for LGBT Equality,” to slouch as they irreverently, and without preparation, receive “Communion,” and in the hand.
Maybe you’ll hear some good things from the Priest, or not, or you could be read to by a little girl, thus dismissing any need for men to devote their lives to God, to His Church and to teaching the faith. We may now have little children take the place of the Good Shepherd. Is this a warping of the natural order? To place a child at the same level of the priest is unspeakably gross misconduct.
This all serves to reduce the role of the priest, it is an outright attack on the Order of Melchizedek. And it is an attack on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as it was instituted by Christ. It is perfectly reasonable to keep the priest on the pulpit and the children in the pews. The blind do not lead the blind in Traditional Roman Catholicism. Do not forget, the last “reformer,” Luther himself said that to destroy or undermine the Mass is the key to destroying the Church.
Don’t forget about confession! You may be greeted with a laugh or a dismissive tone as if to say what you’re doing is hopeless and meaningless. You will almost certainly receive an embarrassingly light penance, the use of whichever native tongue also destroys the sense of mystery and you just might leave feeling worse. And finally if that’s not enough to deter you, you’ll likely come across some cringe worthy art of some form in the Church, in my case the word “Forgiveness,” was plastered above the confessionals in gold French script font so as to attract the youth, even though the penitents are always fewer and fewer, and consist of mostly elderly.
Music is also toned down a notch! The modern hymns are quite literally cancer. The end of the use of Latin as the Church’s Universal language and traditional hymns has also hugely assisted in the decline and watering down of our faith.
The last thing I will comment on is the current dress code of the church. Veils for women have been excluded and casual clothing or outright immodesty is often permitted. This traditional use of veils serve to mask the natural beauty of women and is a sign of humility, all very reasonable since we are there for God and not for the flesh. We should wish to be seen at Mass as we would like to be seen before God at our judgment, is God not always present?
To me the modern Catholic church is no longer a hospital for broken souls but a community gathering to make sure everyone’s physical well-being is maintained and have a chinwag. New church twists the meaning of principles, morals and virtue. For just one example, to wilfully neglect correction where it is necessary or to dismiss error when it is noticed is seen as charity due to the feelings of any who stray. Of course they will be happy to continue on that path and feel well done by, at least for a while, it is human nature.
Meanwhile reasonable argument and counter-argument is more often than not seen as hate speech, “intolerance,” bigotry or bullying. It is this PC liberal culture we have embraced over the true teaching of the Church. We now have more tolerance for Islam, when it converts only by the sword and silent conquest, than for reasonable argument and counter-argument. What’s worse is not only do we tolerate but we seem to praise and glorify the Christ denying and Christ murdering Jews, when they are and have been our chief enemies for 1900 years.
Political correctness or rather the de-Christianisation of society is otherwise known as Cultural Marxism. It’s purpose is to corrupt and subvert minds in order to rid the earth of Christianity. Coinciding with the rise of technology, the “Errors of Russia” have spread like a virus from hell through media and education. You will notice its primary target is and remains strictly Christian European Nations. And at the same time we are also the only victims of the diversity deception and forced “multiculturalism, as a result of endless war none of us voted for. Remember, in Hell there is democracy, in Heaven, there is Monarchy.
To sum it all up the international financiers quite literally have us “goyim” building our own prison.
Remember, where there is no hatred of heresy, there is no holiness. Don’t even get me started on the Second Vatican Council. Though I’ll say one thing. Its express purpose was to dismiss the truth as merely an “antisemitic idea.” Its purpose was to free the Jews from the guilt of committing Deicide. Remember the whole crowd, in response to Pilate, cried out “His blood be upon us and our children.”

Vatican 2: The Great Apostasy??