Wednesday, October 11, 2017

WAR DRUMS: Britain ‘draws up battle plan for war with North Korea’

WAR DRUMS: Britain ‘draws up battle plan for war with North Korea’
Latest news as it relates to the world war 3 buildup...
Britain is reportedly preparing for the possibility of war breaking out with North Korea as concerns rise that another provocative missile test could trigger a military response by the US. North Korea is being closely watched amid fears it could launch another long-range missile test on Tuesday to mark the anniversary of the founding of its ruling party. Bellicose rhetoric from Donald Trump has heightened tensions in the region in recent months, prompting British officials to draw up military plans for a response to a break out of hostilities, it was reported.

Among the plans disclosed by the Daily Mail is the deployment of the Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, HMS Queen Elizabeth, before it has undergone flight trials. “We have plenty of ships to send… the Type-45 destroyers, the Type-23 frigates. Britain’s new aircraft carrier could be pressed into service early if things turn south,” a senior Whitehall source told the newspaper. READ MORE

Iran Warns ‘All options are on table’ if US blacklists Revolutionary Guards

Iran Warns ‘All options are on table’ if US blacklists Revolutionary Guards
Tehran has once again warned Washington against designating the elite wing of the Iranian Army, the Revolutionary Guards, as a terrorist group, saying that “all options are on the table,” according to a top aide to Iran’s supreme leader. “Whatever they do we will take reciprocal measures. All options are on the table,” Ali Akbar Velayati, senior adviser to Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei said on Tuesday, Reuters reports citing Isna news agency. The aide went on to accuse Washington of supporting Islamic
State (IS, formerly ISIS\ISIL) terrorists. Iran’s statements mirror those of the US, with President Donald Trump having recently accused the Islamic Republic of supporting terrorism. “The Iranian regime supports terrorism and exports violence, bloodshed and chaos across the Middle East. That is why we must put an end to Iran’s continued aggression and nuclear ambitions,” Trump told senior US military officials on October 5. READ MORE

North Korea May Preparing to Fire Short-Range Rockets Next Week

North Korea May Preparing to Fire Short-Range Rockets Next Week
North Korea is preparing to fire multiple short-range rockets around the opening of the Chinese Communist Party’s twice-a-decade congress on Oct. 18, a South Korean daily newspaper reported. The South Korean and U.S. militaries have recently spotted about 30 Scud rockets being moved from Hwangju, south of the capital Pyongyang, to a missile maintenance facility in the western coastal city of Nampo, the Seoul-based Asia Business Daily said, citing an unidentified person.
While launching dozens of short-range rockets simultaneously is unusual, it’s not unprecedented. In March 2014, Kim Jong Un’s regime fired 71 of them in a single week. Such a move would also show how North Korea is capable of various types of provocation, having spent the past few months testing missiles that could potentially deliver a nuclear warhead to the U.S. mainland. READ MORE