Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Wall Street Is Actively Preparing Nuclear Attack Contingency Plans: “These Bankers Have Firsthand Knowledge Of What Is Going To Happen”

Wall Street Is Actively Preparing Nuclear Attack Contingency Plans: “These Bankers Have Firsthand Knowledge Of What Is Going To Happen”

The Hal Turner Radio show just released an article that merits immediate attention, given the current situation regarding North Korea.  The article is entitled JP Morgan Chase issues ‘Emergency Bylaws’ for Bank to Operate after a nuclear attack Just that title alone should ring the alarm bells.  Turner listed an excerpt from these bylaws filed with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) on Wed., October 4, 2017.  These emergency by-laws deal with how the board of directors can operate after a nuclear attack has occurred against the U.S.

If you visit Turner’s website, you’ll also see part of that actual filing, in which the bylaws will come into effect in the event of an atomic or nuclear disaster.  Biological or chemical terrorist activity, too, is mentioned.  If you ponder this, an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack on the United States would also spell “curtains” on the controls for the nuclear power facilities in the country.  We would see significant problems and potential meltdowns for numerous atomic piles across the nation.
There are also a couple of “kicker” phrases in this submission.  One of them is that the Board of Directors cannot be held liable for any decisions made during the emergency except for “willful misconduct.”  The bylaws hand anyone on the board of directors a “get out of jail free” card and allows them to stymie anyone’s attempt to remove funds or use any credit.  The second “kicker” phrase is the prize winner, though, and here it is:
“Section 11.03.    Quorum.  At any meeting of the Board, or any committee thereof, called in accordance…the presence of one director shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.”

And who might that one director be?  Well, who’s the CEO of JP Morgan Chase?  None other than James “Jaime” Dimon.  Guess what?  Dimon would be safeguarded in the event that COG (Continuity of Government) operations took place, as JP Morgan Chase is the largest and most important bank in the United States.
Going back through the years, it was Dimon who oversaw the TARP (Troubled Asset Relief Program) bailout to JP Morgan courtesy of the taxpayer via the Treasury department…to the tune of $25 billion.  Dimon is a Democrat, and he has contributed large sums of money to the Democratic Party, as well as to Obama.  He also “dabbled” in trading in 2012, where on his “behalf” JP Morgan Chase sustained a $6.2 billion loss on derivatives speculation.  Dimon fooled investors and led investigators on a wild goose chase that did not enable them to pin anything on him.
Dimon served as the head of President Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum and was also appointed the head of the Business Roundtable. When it comes time to hide the rulers underground, Jaime Dimon will be with them.  Does it make a difference?  Depending on the extent of the damage sustained after the attack, it depends.
The importance is in the forecasting…the “telegraphing” of the punch…the scrambling of the rats prior to the ship going down: bylaws have just been filed with the SEC by the largest bank in the country for the express purpose of governing corporate policies after a nuclear attack.
Rothschild liquidated a great deal of U.S. assets in recent weeks, and Paul Singer (billionaire investor and oligarch) expressed concerns for client positions and vulnerabilities in the event of an EMP attack.  For several years, leading bankers have been leaving the industry and retiring quietly with assets to prepositioned secure facilities both private and government-owned.
This latest move of filing bylaws with the SEC by the largest bank in America should not be taken lightly.  These bankers have firsthand knowledge of what is going to happen…as the government needs these bankers and oligarchs to maintain the established political, economic, and social order in the event of any crisis.  Take a page out of their book.
Those” behind the throne” look at the long-term picture as well as the short term, and they act upon what they see, regardless of whether the crisis happens.  They play all the options and the positions are covered.  They address all of the possibilities, and give themselves better odds if those possibilities become probabilities and then occur.  Always watch the oligarchs and follow the money, to include the companies that control it and their policy decisions.  Follow the money, and you’ll see what moves are being made on the chessboard and can better determine when the possibilities become reality.
Related: The bankers are preparing… are you ready?

The Bankers & The Staged World Wars