Friday, October 13, 2017

VIDEO: Planet X Birth Pangs (September 2017)

VIDEO:  Planet X Birth Pangs (September 2017)

Christ to esteemed/approved Catholic mystic Marie Julie Jahenny:
From Prophecies of La FRAUDAIS Marie Julie Jahenny Page 273
I read..
            In the eternal Wisdom, I have my purpose to preserve life for an immense number of Jews, because on the day of My rejoicing I want to confound them. The ungodly eye of all those souls will
            remain open, because I want them to see My power, I preserve it them to see, with their own eyes, the RADIENT PLANET I will have coming out from the remotest parts of exile, under a frightening storm of fire, and under the signs of my anger, the whole sky will be crossed with bolts similar to the ones  My Father thrusted upon the World, when I offered Myself for the ransom of My people...

September was yet another extremely violent month from an 'earth changes' point of view.

A series of class X solar flares seem to have been the harbingers of unprecedented natural phenomena, in both quantity and intensity.

Two historic earthquakes hit Mexico causing more than 300 deaths, destroying hundreds of buildings and damaging thousands more.

The 2017 Atlantic hurricane season is among the top 10 most active in history, and it's not over yet. So far, the real shocker was three hurricanes at the same time, two of which, Irma & Maria, tore a swath of destruction through the Caribbean and into central Florida.

Unseasonable snow and cold temperatures also hit Northern Europe and the US northern States this September, while oversized hail, heavy rains and flooding also pounded Europe, South Asia and Africa.