Sunday, October 15, 2017


Hello Mr. Eric,

My name is Adriana. I've been reading your posts in FB about the disasters happening and about to happen. I live in OC California. I  am very worried about it. I was thinking to sell the house and move to TX, but I won't be able get much for it. Also my daughters don't want to come with me, they want to stay here in CA. I've been talking to them about all this and they refuse to follow me. What is your advice. I am praying about this important decision in my life. Thank you for all you do, working for Our Lord Jesus Christ.

Adriana N

Here is my latest work
My latest book reveals the decline of Hollywood and much more! – Leo Zagami

Leo Zagami

  I agree with Bishop Williamson. I just think if Sedevacantists are right, then Catholicism is false because Christ would have abandoned the church if there were no real popes for the last 60 years or so. I think Protestantism was caused by the corruption of some Catholic clergy or maybe the Borgia family affected it in a way. Anyway Protestantism is a tool for Zionists. I'm thinking of joining one of the Eastern Orthodox or Oriental Orthodox churches, or maybe the Church of the East. I was born Muslim but I don't believe in Islam anymore. The denominations in Christianity are confusing. Just the fact that the Vatican is against Holocaust denial shows there's a Zionist hand. The Pope sounds like a EU leftist to me. What do I do?

Yahzeed Ahmed

Multiple eyewitness testimonies and videos confirms the existence of a second shooter in Las Vegas.
The official narrative that gunman Stephen Paddock acted alone with dozens of guns has been unraveling by the day.
Rene Downs, guest of Bellagio on the night of Oct. 1:

Listen to first 5:19 of the Infowar interview with a Bellagio customer on the night of the massacre.

Now listen to this interview as well up to 3:43.

And the FBI is attempting to "persuade" such witnesses to change their testimony.

Nick F.

Bannon supports Trump's plan to   move U.S.Embassy to Jerusalem.

Laura Ingraham makes me "puke".

I only listened to second half of Bannon and first half of Ingraham.

These are neoconservatives who  used the legitimate anti-Common Core War to divert the nation from the major Constitution-killing dangers of   tax- funded school choice/charters.

Add Heritage Foundation to the crowd with its support for NAFTA, Reagan-Gorbachev US-USSR education agreements 1985,  and most recently, Heritage's support for the  COPS (community oriented policing system/police state) and we have a  really scary picture of the future.

With friends like this who needs enemies like North Korea, China, and Russia?

Which flavor of dictatorship do we favor? 

Have a nice Sunday.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Former Senior Policy Advisor
U.S. Department of Education

Eric,  We have not communicated for awhile, be advised I am still among the living and have survived the many attacks and trials that are
a signal of our time.  You as well have seen your own trials and attacks I pray that you remain strong.  If, you desire and are in position please advise of your number so that we can speak there are many subjects of importance.

Keep the faith,

Paul O

Dear Eric
For the benefit of friends who are in the MDM prayer groups , can you please give me the references you make ,which will enable them to understand who the real false prophet is ?

Mary M

TCK:  share international's website...

Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Mass Shooting Was Another Faked Event—and Why These Deceit Events Matter REVISED

By Brain Busters

No blood (except few incidents of obvious faked blood) : few ambulances in any TV footage or allowed Internet material : MSM statistics change drastically about how many died and were wounded, and how many guns were supposedly found in killer’s hotel room : people interviewed by MSM do not seem truly traumatized : and no screaming after hundreds of gun shot wounds. Complete lies (and very mediocre acting by bad “crisis actors”).

Google “Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press Photos Mandalay Bay Las Vegas Shooting photos” and click on images. This is photos taken the next day in day light of the concert area. No blood and when one person dies from an assault rifle you would see splotches of blood at least 2 feet across and ¼ inch deep. Over 500 people were supposed to have been shot!

There is too much emphasis on how many shooters. There no doubt were various shooters and Mr. Paddock was probably not shooting at the concert at all. There could be two or three conspiracies going on at the same time? How many bullet casings were on the floor? Why when photos of his door taped up with yellow police tape it does not look shot up like he was firing bullets through the door? The real shooters likely were using blank bullets.

See video: Hospital Victims of the Las Vegas Shooting Hoax at:

Google Las Vegas Massacre - The Search For ANY Evidence of Real Deaths - Part 1 at DailyMotion video sight. It is six parts and it was taken down from Youtube as were a lot of other video. They say to check these two websites for some censored videos:

Google “Marcio Jose Sanchez Associated Press Photos of Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting” (best to use some other search engine) and then click on images. Photos taken the next day with sun light. No blood. No evidence of trash and stuff moved around to move bodies?

Just like the faked Gay Orlando Pulse Nightclub shooting event was completely faked—so too was this latest contrived event by the deep state. It is not a mere opinion the Pulse Club shooting event was faked—it is a substantiated fact. And yet by far most naive American sheeple believe it really happened with 50 deaths and 52 more wounded. And now again almost immediately the MSM and politicians are back to demanding more gun laws.

Unfortunately some people are using this event to spread Islamophobia or Antifa-phobia (and there are good reasons for the nationalist-inclined to be wary of terrorism by Islamo-extremists and Antifa-extremists). Alex Jones at InfoWars.Com is claiming the alleged shooter is connected with other shooters, with Antifa literature and with ISIS (according to his insider sources). Many mainstream media sources are reporting ISIS has claimed responsibility but they do not name any source! One source is identified as SITE INTELLIGENCE in a report by Business Insider at:

SITE INTELLIGENCE is a lying Mossad website that routinely puts out lies and propaganda. People and attributing all kinds of stuff to the shooter. He does seem to have some questionable things about him—he is too rich and gives money away like he could be laundering money. He does fly all over the world and owns two airplanes. He may have been radicalized but I do not put a lot of stock in what Alex Jones says because he easily exaggerates, he routinely politicizes things to match his theories. He jumps from reality to fiction weaving back and forth and it seems sometimes he doesn't even know which side he is on—since as a narrator he is so gifted in being in the land of supposition and plausibility. It is good that he has a nose for conspiracy and has a genius level of intelligence and suspicious paranoia since often enough he seems to be on to something likely.

He did correctly say the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings were fake (which they absolutely were) and then he backed away saying he did not know for sure. But he did NOT correctly and courageously state the Orlando Pulse Club was a staged event (which it most definitely was). And since he has insider contacts he claims Antifa, ISIS and the Democrats are behind this event. Many of the faked killings such as the London Bridge events he acts if they were real and then he engages in his usual taint toward Islamophobia. He blames Saudi Arabia for 9/11 when it was really Israel. He routinely speaks as if Israel is some Saint state. He works an agenda besides truth.

Still people need to understand these events are being used to motivate voters, citizens in general and politicians to crack down on gun laws (and there is a special push to keep the “mentally unstable” away from guns—which can be, and too often is, a very arbitrary and subjective set of labels by supposedly scientific and objective minds.

There are zero bloody photos of this event! Google “Mandalay Bay shooting concert victims” and click on images. There are no photos of blood. You see a smallish number of photos of people lying on the ground, or running, or lying like they are dead but there are zero photos of the kind of blood one would expect. Very, very suspicious. Few photos or footage of ambulances—and the ones you see you don't see bodies being loaded into them? See these photos taken off the Internet:

As usual many alternative news sights will act like the terror event actually happened and then add their own political agenda. But people need to see real evidence that positively proves 59 are dead and 500 were wounded.

Citizen journalists critiquing main-stream-media are spending too much time and effort on wondering how many guns and where the guns were actually fired. Some are also wasting time and effort with numerology and secret society symbols—which is not especially convincing and rather seems to imply nuts with tin hats. Where are there convincing photos and film footage of dead and wounded people on the field with blood and being loaded into ambulances.

If you google (but use different search engine browser than google) “Mandalay Bay shooting crisis actors” and click on videos you can see videos of the bad acting and the truth about much the mainstream media is in bed with this crime of lying to the American people.

Watch this video of people running out of the concert because they are clearly scared of the sounds of many, many gun shots. In this one video you will literaly see thousands of people running away from the concert and into the street; but guess what; none of them have blood on themselves, none of them are screaming, none of them are helping people who seem wounded—they are all intact. Las Vegas - @3:11 Glass being broke out or SNIPER FIRE? Listen before first Shots #DNN at:

Just recently dozens of so-called professionals within the field of mental health have signed a letter more-or-less declaring Donald Trump to be psychologically unfit to be president—which is against their professional ethics since none of them have personally interviewed him. To argue that the profession of psychology and psychiatry is beyond the dirty realm of politics is naive (and we know such professionals were involved in the U.S. torture programs).

Now days more and more social media, video sharing websites like YouTube, and search engines are blocking our civil right to associate and the right to free speech. After the Orlando Pulse Club event there was enough freedom for citizen journalism to counter the fake news coming from the Main-Stream-Media or MSM for short. You could use common Internet search engines to find both articles and videos that shed light on the many red flags regarding the official version of that faked or staged event to know proof-positive it was a false event. No one was killed at the Ariana Grande concert in Manchester (young people filmed the concert area after the supposed shooting and there was no blood and bodies lying on the floor. The Orlando Pulse Club staging was such a poorly performed event and the acting was ssssoooo bad that it was obvious to even average people with average intelligence.

Then later on his is visiting his friend in the hospital and it is so obvious his friend was not shot at all!!!!!!

YouTube, Facebook, search engines, etc. are censoring more and more real news and will be less easy for the truth to be discovered and communicated. But think about this: they claim upwards to 20,000 thousand people attended that country music festival—how many cell phones with cameras would have been there as well?

One YouTube video that was accessible one day ago is no longer available. It showed a cell phone filming supposed victims being brought in a hospital emergency room. No blood. No serious mangled bodies. No seriously distressed noises of wounded people? YouTube is killing videos!!!! People need to post there video on other websites.

Surely the gun shot sounds from some places sounded real—such as from the hotel—but they could have been “blank bullets” coming out of real automatic rifles or a machine gun. Yet there is also cell phone footage at the actual concert crowd in which people are heard declaring what they were hearing was “fake” gun shots. So you may have sources of gunshot sounds and people believing real bullets are spraying and people taking cover and running, etc.

Again Alex Jones and his crew are still acting as if the crimes really happened and his focus is connecting this event with a struggle within the deep state—corrupt people within our own government and corporate culture as globalist who use proxy fronts like ISIS and Antifa. If you watch this video from his website:

You can get an idea of what he is thinking. He knows the evil is within a corrupt swamp of the DC Beltway. When Congress passes the spending bill for the year of 1.2 trillion dollars realize a whole lot of people can be corrupted with this amount of money. There is so much unnecessary money being spent especially for Homeland Security, the Military Complex and now the Surveillance Complex. There are a lot of corrupt players within and this really what he is referring to. Jones is talking about a “mafia warning” to Trump and yes Washington D.C. Is basically a mafia as is political parties and is the Zionist control of the media and our foreign policy.

But he is “not” exposing the fact that concert goers didn't get shot—rather he is giving his own spin as if this were really carried out with special interest to the shooter who seemingly has such an interesting set of circumstances. Even when Alex Jones refers to the lady taxi driver taking people to the hospital it was because of a broken leg not a gun shot wound. It was not a bloody event like the media is pretending. All these false flag operations that are faked and staged are going to lead up to serious laws to control us and keep us form having any people power and yes Alex Jones is falling for this same stuff. Watch video: 99.9% Vegas Mandalay Bay Shooting Hoax at:

There have been several faked mass killing events over the last years—that most people believe were real events—the power of fake news! There were also real killing events of a mass nature that were officially blamed on innocent suspects. But this last event is so full of red flags that it is most likely no one was killed and no one was shot with a real bullet. There is a picture of President Donald Trump shaking the hand of a supposedly wounded victim (but he doesn't seem very wounded). You see an interview of a TV anchor and a dude that supposedly had a bullet go through his shoulder and chest and yet he seems as awake, aware and nonplussed as if he didn't even have a bee bite:

Some X-CIA Intelligence officers are not afraid to tell the truth so people like Alex don't go off the deep end. See videos: STEVE PIECZENIK says FALSE FLAG!! 10/4/17 (pt-4) REAL NEWS, ALEX JONES INFOWARS, WAR ROOM! At:

Robert Steele "As A CIA Officer I Ran False Flag Ops. Las Vegas Is A False Flag!" at: Also see this equally insightful interview: Robert David Steele: Las Vegas Massacre False Flag Case Study at:

Lestado Codicus, on December 3, 2015 at TheRealStrategy.Com writes: “…Using a Stanford Study to show that the average amount of mass shootings prior to Obama’s election was 2.5 per year…. This year the total is 14.4 TIMES HIGHER than the average in 2008. Either everyone is losing their minds this year or many of these events are what I like to call a false flag”.

Do you know a new genre of acting has evolved with 9/11 and the war on terror. Some actors sign up to be “crisis actors” in which they participate with Department of Homeland Security and the Military to create scenes of pretended war scenarios and pretended terrorist events (where the act as if they are wounded or killed on the battlefield or in a crime scene). Hollywood-like stage-scenery and costumes are included. Some of these actors sign elaborate contracts in which they may sign “secrecy clauses” in which they are not allowed to reveal certain realities. And so it is only takes one more step to take these crisis actors to create fake news. One of the actors posing as a witness has already been identified as a professional media insider, watch video:

Another reality Americans should understand is that it is now lawful for the American government to disseminate fake news propaganda to the American homeland. Previously two laws prevented this: the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 and the Foreign Relations Authorization Act of 1987. But recently by way of a National Defense Authorization Act this important restriction has been overturned by our own Congress and so it is apparently legal for our Government and the media to lie to We The People. And lie they do on a routine and flagrant basis!

The limited footage of the MSM coverage of this massive event is in itself a major mystery. You should see massive amounts of blood; mangled bodies, total pandemonium, ambulances and gurneys actively moving in crazed fashions everywhere (most of these events have mostly police cars and police patrolling while the staging areas for wounded passively clean and stagnant). You would be hearing loud screaming everywhere—even marines scream when shot in war conflicts. The people interviewed would sound absolutely traumatized—not like they are merely talking about some movie they saw.

This event is so fake. From a few cell phone cameras on the Internet you hear bullet sounds and you see crisis actors hiding for cover and others following. You see people running and jumping over fences. You see some crisis actors falling like they were hit by bullets. But there is no screaming like had it been real. There is no blood. There is no body parts breaking away. It is not close to what a real war zone would look like.

In fact some cell phone footage has a man standing among others cringing close to the ground. He raises his hands at the supposed shooter and shots obscenity at the shooter. He would not show such bravado if people were really experiencing real bullets (and there were many minutes of the equivalent of machine gun fire).

Sunday night the MSM is say 2 people dies and 20 some were wounded. There next day 50 died and a couple hundred were wounded—then to more dead and 406 wounded. The same with the number of guns found in the supposed killer’s room kept changing—why? They want to ban semi-automatic weapons and they want to ban anyone who has any kind of psychiatric issue from owning a weapon.

So if you believe in some so-called conspiracy theories you can be labeled crazy. Also our own government has been motivated to label patriots as suspected or potential terrorists. Read article:

72 Types Of Americans That Are Considered “Potential Terrorists” In Official Government Documents

See as well: The Department of Justice Prepares to Step up War on Domestic Extremists by Derrick Broze. Google this too. We learn John Carlin, the Justice Department’s chief of national security, and federal prosecutors are looking for new tools to deal with the rise of “domestic extremists.” Also checkout:

We are Preparing for Massive Civil War, Says DHS Informant at:

People thought these kinds of faked lies from the mainstream media and our own government would stop with Donald Trump in the White House. But apparently the same old deep state is still up to taking away the guns (and they want all the fire power that could stand up to a tyrannical government). They are trying to take gun rights piecemeal but they want destroy any potential of resistance against a corrupt government. And this government is corrupt.

Anyone who knows anything about history in any real sense, and knows anything about America’s “real” foreign affairs (that is the many dictators it has supported even to the extent of helping them kill their own people) should know that one “never” trusts “any” government to the extent the naïve sheeple here in America are willing to go along with these exceedingly dangerous plans of just “trusting” politicians and the mainstream media regarding gun rights.

See the film ***Innocents Betrayed: The True Story of Gun Control Worldwide*** by Jews For the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (FPFO) on YouTube (an important video to counter the naiveté of some left-leaning Christians and Jews here in the United States). See also another very important video:

MOLON LABE – How the Second Amendment Guarantees America’s Freedom at:

People need to study the vast disparity of how much more fire power the internal police systems are amassing while politicians are taking away the peoples’ rights.

Anyone who seriously studies DOD Program 1033 should feel shocked at how many military M-14 M-16 rifles (something like 75,000), machine guns (15,000), bullets (and ‘many’ categories of weapons and hardware) have been transferred to police departments and DHS over the last years, as ‘extra’ inventory.

This is NOT some benign program as the United States government has violated the Posse Comitatus Act of strict separation of police peace officers and military as war killing training and purpose. See: In Whose US? Machine Guns, MRAPs, Surveillance, Drones, Permanent War and a Permanent Election Campaign at:

The growing militarization of U.S. police: Thousands of SWAT-type raids changing face of law enforcement at: Read more at

Various departments within the Department of Homeland Security has on order 1.6 billion (yes BILLION) bullets—while there are about 330 million people in our entire country? This massive quantity (that included millions of hollow point killer bullets) has never been anyway close to adequately explained, and has not brought the kind of hysteria as focus on public shootings broadcast all over the media and the country?

Archived stories on the militarization of the police are at:

Government keeps encroaching on all manner of human life. Also recently the federal government has been involved in promoting more and more psychological evaluation into children in schools. See: A new bill is being proposed by Congress that will fund the psychological testing and profiling of all children in America at:

FBI is Enrolling Church Leaders, Social Workers and Community Leaders to Spy on You Kristan T. Harris | American Intelligence Report. The plan is to establish a network of Shared Responsibility Committees (or SRCs) across America that would keep an eye out for potential rabble-rousers.

Letter Details FBI Plan for Secretive Anti-Radicalization Committees by Cora Currier, Murtaza Hussain at:

These false events have to be exposed. This stuff is too serious. What if Trump gets impeached and the Democrats gain more power. Most of Congress is already too corrupt and too under the thumb of larger corruption.

The false flag 9/11 was used to start the War on Terror conflicts in the Middle East and to destroy our Bill of Rights. What will this latest false flag event that they have turned into a major tragedy create as change if it is not exposed to total daylight? 
Hello Eric, 

My name is Elizabeth. My mom and I have been listening to you for many months now and have been totally enlightened about what is happening in our beloved Catholic Church.

I write to you from Trinidad and Tobago a small twin island republic in the Caribbean. Thanks to you and others we have been preparing our home for the coming tribulation. There is only one priest in our Archdiosis who celebrates the Mass in the traditional Latin rite. So we along with a few others attend Mass there.

I was listening to your program this morning and heard about your dental problems. I would like to recommend a course of action to you that may very well prevent further need for additional surgeries and the pain and recovery process that accompanies it. This will help you to heal.

Eric, do you know coconut oil? I think it can be bought in a health foods store. It is wonderful for something called oil pulling. All you have to do is put a tablespoon of organic oil in your mouth and swoosh around for 20 minutes and spit it out in the trash (not sink, never the sink).

Coconut oil is excellent for pulling bacteria out of the mouth and by extension the whole body. It will heal what ever issues you have. You can do it as many times a day as you like. It can be incorporated into your daily oral routine. It leaves your teeth pearly white and breath super fresh. Better than any toothpaste on the market.

I hope you would try it. One you do that you can also try inaddition to the coconut oil, magnesium oil. The two in combination together is awesome. The magnesium oil can help to remineralize your teeth.  20 minutes at a time is all you need.

I hope this would help you. Thank you for all that you do to spread the truth.

Elizabeth R.
I have been following you for quite some time. If you live in the US. have you got somewhere safe to go? I live in Northern Ontario. Even here is not far enough. We, my family have a place farther north to go to. For some reason I worry about you. Talk to me please, let me know that you know how to keep safe. 
Suzanne. Aka grandma

Schools already involved

St Anthonys Catholic Primary School, Dulwich, Southwark  under Archbishop Peter Smith

Hammersmith High School, London, UK  under Cardinal Nichols

St Bedes Catholic Primary School

Can you please promote this petition on your web-site. Another Catholic school in UK introducing transgenderism

Keep up the good work,


Dear Eric,
Please know that I am always happy when I see your long-awaited videos on u-tube.  I should check your site more often.  anyway, I am flying to San Jose this sat. as my son was electrocuted and needs some help and I would love to go to a resistance mass while I am out there if possible.  That city and any cities close by would be helpful.  Also, I have been meaning to tell you that I found a site for the online breviary:  It is a beautiful site with music and paintings and all traditional.  I am joining to be a secular member. 

Ok, thanks for your help and all the work you do for souls, mine included. 


P.S.  I would like to buy a breviary book.  Where do you recommend I find one, the Pius 10 site?  Thanks Mary W
Hello I was hoping you could advise me on whether I should attend mass at my local chapel please I presume they would be governed by Vatican 2 and most of the wording of the prayers have been changed. I truely dont want to offend God by going if its wrong to be there many thanks



My friend ​
Drennan passed away peacefully this evening, October 9, 2017, at Presbyterian Hospital in hospice care after suffering a devastating stroke on Saturday. Drennan was the Music Director of St Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in south Charlotte for many years, and an active member of our AGO chapter. A memorial service will be held in his hometown of Kershaw, South Carolina, next week. He is survived by his sister, Beverly Thompson.


Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul, and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest In peace. Amen.
+Requiescat in pace, dear friend.
Scott F.

Hi Eric , we had emailed Awhile ago., maybe a year or so. I had a quick question as far as traditional vs . Modern mass . I am drawn more towards the traditional mass even though I am a convert . I am the only one at my parish that wears the chapel veil ., however I don't mind being different , I know the Holy Spirit led me to do so . I have more that I would like to discuss with you , but what do I do if my entire diocese except for a few masses is non- traditional. ? Do you and others I see on utube channel , have several traditional parishes ? Or do you not participate in mass at all? Sorry about my curiosity I'm just torn.

Trisha S

Jim Rizoli
Hi, we feel need to let you and people know that the translation of Mary Julie Jahenney's book in English has mistakes when it comes to one herb. The herb in the book in English is translated as St. John's Wort and this is wrong, it should be Ground Ivy.
My brother did research and the Latin name of the herb in the book is correct but the English name of St. John's Wort is incorrect, if you type in the Latin name you will see that Ground Ivy is the result that pops up. My Mom went through this search about 5 years ago, because she wanted to get the herbs for when the time came. In her research she found out that in one of Mary Julie's books in French, she has a description of the herb and it does not match the St. John Wort herb. Further more in the book in French, God says to get this herb while it is still in existence because one day it will no longer exist and Mom says that St. John's Wort is easier to get than Ground Ivy.

The Latin name of St. John's Wort is: Hypericum perforatum
                           Ground Ivy is: Glechoma hederacea

I am finishing a course in natural remedies and I can tell you that it is not St. John's Wort because  this herb is used as an anti-depressant and anathestic. As Ground Ivy is used for diseases.

If you would like the parts I am speaking of in English, I will translate it for you, if you wish. I translate from French to English religious books, quotes, papers, etc. for other Catholics.
Because whoever did the translation in English they actually skipped some some when they translated.
If you need the sources it will not be a problem, we have all her books in French and we are well aware of her prophecies.
God bless,

This is how we fight! We don't just battle flesh and blood.

Polish line the country's border and pray the rosary, and it was on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.
Jenn C.
Dear Friends-

As you read the following 1984 interview of a defected communist KGB agent, keep the SSPX in the back of your mind: 
Sean J
Hello Eric

I have started reading Padre Pio’s letter and decided never to complain again about my tribulations and asked God to send me more if it be His Will and they bring me closer to Him


Alfred  P
hi eric,
            don't know if you've seen this... a catholic bishop in Ireland last week criticised  the "hpv" injection to highlight its dangers.... within a week after pressures from priests and health minister he withdrew his comments, I was glad to see someone having a backbone for once but was disappointed to see he buckled under pressure and back tracked.


  Gay Mafia Takes Over of U.S. Bishops & Media
Fred M.
TradCatKnight, your site is inspiring and hopefully through your connections you might be able to help us in our mission which is dire at this point.  Here is a letter that has been sent out to some but the wishes are there, daily rosary at 3, inundate them with email and mail so that they can't avoid addressing this, guardian angels help.  
God bless you and may God grant that we be successful of helping to finally get this done for her. 
Dear Sir or Madam,

We need to take matters into our own hands at this very late point in time.  If was can salvage any mercy from God towards us we need to act NOW. 
Our Lady in her apparitions at Fatima in 1917 requested several things of us and one thing from the Pope and all the Bishops which unbelievably and unfortunately has not been done, including the deceptive consecration of Pope John Paul in the last part of the last century which did not fulfill her request.  She asks so little of all of us and to think that her most precious leaders of her son’s Church would continually deny her is again unfathomable as this has cost the lives of nearly 2 billion people, countless wars, unnecessary destruction to mention only a few notables but most importantly to the countless souls that have been damned as a direct or indirect consequence of their disobedience. 
Time is short as many can sense, Catholic or not.  We see Satan and his works in great abundance all around us and the looming threat of war is not a minute by minute reality.  We must act now to see if we can get her what she wants and therefore what God himself wants.  Through the explicit consecration of Russia to her IMMACULATE HEART she will make Russia her instrument to save the world and make her Catholic again with the promise of world peace and her triumph.  She will cast Satan into hell and there will be a period of peace on Earth.  We can save ourselves, billions of lives and perhaps the real destruction of all life on this planet.  Remember some of the Vatican approved prophesies and Biblical predictions where nations will disappear in the blink of an eye and ¾ of the people of the world killed.  Afterward “the living will envy the dead” and if “God did not cut short the time even the elect would be lost.” 
As children of God who gave us such an indescribably wonderful mother how can we let her down any longer?  Therefore, we are trying to get as many people together in this cause, win, lose or draw to get her request accomplished.  We need each one of you who wish to help to consider that Jesus died and 3pm and he said that ‘anything that you ask of me in this hour I will grant unto you’.  He also said that ‘anything that you ask of the Father in my name through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he will grant unto you’.  We ask that you and as many people that you can reach pray a rosary at 3pm every day and ask for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate hear immediately as she desired, via the Pope(s) and all the Bishops.  If you are unable to pray the Rosary at that time to do it at another time of the day but at 3 to at least say one Hail Mary, one Our Father and one Glory Be.  We also ask that you all email every hour while you are awake the Pope(s), Benedict and Francis and your local Bishop(s) for this as well.  We also ask that you remember that each one of us was given our own Guardian Angel at conception and if you ask them, if it be God’s will, to go to the Pope(s) and all the Bishops Guardian Angels and ask them to not stop coaxing them to consecrate Russia to her Immaculate Heart as well. 
We need to get the press, magazines, newspapers, radio, internet sites Catholic and Secular alike aware of our actions to that this can stir up unwanted spotlights into this neglect to do as the Blessed Virgin asked of them.  We need to “shake down the thunder from the sky” in this Hail Mary type pass because “although the odds be great or small” Notre Dame (Our Lady) will win overall.  We can turn, through the Grace of God this blatant disobedience into obedience and get it done for her.  Once this is done we hope that God will have mercy on us and at least diminish his much-deserved wrath.
We must not stop until we get this done.  We will need watchdogs to let everyone know what is going on.  We can’t let them hide or lie to us any longer.  The third secret was meant for us not for just them.  They have taken too many liberties with their actions and we have all had to suffer for it but no longer. 
Please, spread the word to as many as you can.  We are at a very dire point in the history of the world as in the Bible it is said that we have offended God even more than the people in the time of Noah and only 8 people and only all the animals on his ark survived then.  How many of us will survive this time if this is not done?
Remember anything is possible with God and nothing is possible without him. 
God bless you all and may our prayers and actions meet with success.  Thank you all…and pass it on so that perhaps a mere few thousand can multiply to at least one billion at the end of the week.  The only way that they will be able to silence us is to do this and obey our Lady and her Immaculate Heart.
Thank you, Catholics for Consecration.
Jean M.

I hope this finds you recuperating and doing well. I was very sorry to hear you were having to have a procedure performed. But it also has gotten me to email you and tell you what all your hard work means to many of us out here.

Many times I told myself I was done listening to you but I keep coming back. When I think about the programs you have put on and I thought there are so far out there it was hard to believe. But you always backed up what you said with facts and the mystics and prophecies. I must say that I have learned a lot about these listening to you. You have put so many of the prophecies into perspective and have researched many that are obscure but all are approved by the church. I don’t think anyone else is talking about them and the chastisements that we are approaching. And I also like that you bring the deep spiritual side! Most people leave that part out.

I am a convert into the Novous Ordo Mass. Never knowing there was such a thing as the Tridentine Mass. To make a long story short we are now attending Our Lady of Sorrows Church in Phoenix. We are very happy here but I do see some of what you say about the SSPX. Though I am in now way ready to leave them. I met Bishop Williamson here a few years ago. I like a lot of what he says but not all.

I’m sorry this is long but I just wanted also to thank you for telling us about Fatima Foods and all the programs you do. I am praying for you. I know times are tough and we are being sent many crosses to offer to our Lord and Lady. My husband just had a stroke and I think some dementia or a lot of damage. He has put us into a lot of debt . So now we have to totally put our trust in our precious Lord and his Mother. I think it helps to know we are never alone and we have many prayers from family friends and those we don’t even know.

I pray for you recovery and ministry and may Jesus carry you through you trials and Our Lady be at your side.

In the two hearts
Myrna Perry

I was raised with the traditional Roman Catholic religion and strayed away from all religion as a teen into my late 20s since listening to you and other things I am now fully awake and can clearly see, so for that I thank u. I've been slowly going back to the traditional Roman Catholic church every sunday and getting back to the way i should be living my life. Thank you.
Laura Sanders

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