Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Earth Has Gone Mad OR Have Men Gone Mad?

The Earth Has Gone Mad OR Have Men Gone Mad?
By:  Eric Gajewski
Rome abandoning the Catholic Faith and returning to ancient paganism was foretold by the early Church fathers.  “Gaia” worship is gaining ground.
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There is literally too much news to cover on a daily basis all which demonstrate the times we live in.  St. Anthony the Great warned that when churchmen joined “hands with the world” that the END would not be too far off and then we had Vatican II.  Vatican II has adopted the world’s errors and is leading men straight into the arms of the False Prophet and Antichrist.  Recently, we have also seen the neo-Trads point their fingers (FILIAL CORRECTION) at Francis and claim heresy.  The problem is these neo-Catholics are material heretics themselves.  We also had false traditionalist Cardinal Burke tell the faithful to keep from the SSPX until they are regularized.  Problem is they already were and the reality that the heretics “have taken this away” does not change that those who are rejecting Vatican II (objectively speaking) are the Church (in terms of faithfulness).  Quite simply Burke, Sarah and the other false traditionalists are still following and teaching the Vatican II New Religion.  When MOST don’t get it GOD must act and BOY is it going to get ugly. 

Continuing on in some novus ordo churches there is even GAIA or Mother earth worship.  I kid you not as I have reported upon this in times past.  It is frightening to think just how bad it will get.  We are constantly being bombarded by the new world order puppets (whether they be in the Vatican or at the nation level) with their “Mother Earth is angry’ propaganda.  This, of course, ties in with Agenda 21 and the environmentalist movement which is only paving the way for Antichrist Maitreya.  From Catholicism to Protestantism to Secular Humanism and even paganism.  Fortunately, we have heaven’s assurance that out of this turning away from the true Christ and Religion there will ultimately be a return but when?  A decade? Two decades?  It seems quite reasonable to suggest given Antichrist Maitreya might “reign” around 2022/2023 (GREAT TRIBULATION) that this glorious restoration of the Church will take place in about a decade or so


What will it look like?  The neo-Catholics would have you to believe that it will be a process of hundreds of years.  REALLY?  This is a clear sign that they don’t know the “season” we are in.  They are quit to jump boat from reality because the topics in which I cover are too “conspiratorial”.  They stay in a certain mindset and disposition and due to pride or willful ignorance stay in error following false traditionalists like Burke.  The answer will come by Gods Hand and a great purification of the world which includes churchmen.  The consensus of Catholic prophecy demonstrates this.  It means the vast majority of prelates will not even be around by the time God is done with His “purification program”.  To sum it up, the message of Akita best describes what it will be like (at least at first).  Those who survive the Tribulation coming will wish they were dead (at least at first).  It will be a glorious restoration mixed in with spiritual desolation.  Prepare your soul for the wilderness.  The Hebrews had 40 years to wander until they got to the Promised Land.  Catholics wont get as long before the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart but certainly it will be just as purifying.  God is going to show the world what happens when you start worshipping the earth or the soon coming Antichrist Maitreya and His Image (abomination of desolation).  

TradCatKnight - Stars Colliding - Ushering Antichrist & NWO 2017 Prophecy 

So the question arises is the earth really mad or are we just so “loony tunes” that we are willing to embrace anything that passes through mainstream or alternative media?  Folks, flat earth is a Jewish/Talmudic fairytale.  I cant tell you how many supposed Catholics are falling for this psyop.  Where does it end?  For there is more “rewriting of history” coming with the ultimate aims of destroying Scripture and Tradition as we know it.  Wait till the “aliens” show up and mainstream says the Bible cannot be understood as we have once known it.  The fundamentalists were wrong!  Do you not see them laying down this carpet of propaganda already in the Vatican.  The enemy got a great start with Vatican II and St. Anthony also summed up our times by saying “A time is coming when men will go mad and when they see someone who is not mad they will attack him saying you are mad you are not like us”.  This kind of sums of the Church crisis too!  How dare you “attack’ Cardinal Burke…you are mad!  How dare you attack “Pope Francis” you are mad and on and on.  We are in BIG trouble and GOD has a BIG answer coming to the world in the form a of mini solar system coming are way which will reduce this earth to near rubble.  Again, people seem to think that by going to websites where there are hundreds of comments that this is the measure of Catholicity!  Far from it.  Jesus said in the end FEW would hold the Faith that means a vast minority. 

We have gone mad.  We have gone mad as a society pursuing pleasures and everything on the sensatory level.  Grace is being withdrawn largely from this world by God and for good reason.  Men even churchmen are blind as bats in the darkness.  Churchmen have gone mad by labeling Vatican II which is carefully packaged Masonry as Catholic.  Now Francis says we are hurting Mother Earth.  Francis wants to give Communion to adulterer’s.  Who knows maybe even women priests soon (don’t laugh it may come back to haunt you).  He wants other heretics to join with him and the other concilairist’s in this new vision for the Church which has all religions and sects being seen as at least somewhat good.  HUMAN DIGNITY is what they base this new religion of Vatican II off of just like Pope St. Pius X said.  Im seriously waiting for “Francis Flakes” the cereal to come out to the public which will be said to be HIGH in “human dignity”.  This is pure evil and it is being called good.  Jesus warned, if it were possible, even the elect would be duped and odds are the majority of people you know have gone mad having bought the darkness saying it is Light.  One person recently asked me on Twitter the other day concerning if we can prevent what is coming and the answer is no.  It is far too late.  We can only mitigate what is about to happen through our prayers, sacrifices and reparations made.

TradCatKnight Radio: "A Time Is Coming When Men Go Mad"  

Nature will revolt when Truth is ignored or willfully denied.  Jesus said when my own no longer proclaim me as King then the very rocks would cry out.  Take a look at the world in which we live today.  Do you not see all the crazy weather, earth changes and signs in the skies?  We are being given too many signs that it is truly not even funny and yet most still scoff, laugh and be on their way.  I’m talking about people who say they are Catholic (when they really aren’t in reality objectively speaking)”  These are the same people who will put the truly faithful Catholics into the “crazy” category and just be on their way listening to Burke, Francis or whatever other prelate teaching Vatican II.  Don’t give the sedevacantists so much trouble for although I don’t agree with that position it is not a “crazy “one.  Don’t call those exposing Vatican II and the New World Order agendas “mad” because we refuse to follow the Masonry that you call Catholicism.  It is safe to say that the Communist agenda of “dumbing down” the world is nearly complete.  People can simply not think anymore.  Thank you common core.   Whether it is due to the GMO’s they are eating or the fluoride in the water they are sucking down is open further for debate.  However, it is not hopeless.  Through the Rosary and the protection of the Immaculate and Sacred Heart there will be a new day.   A day in which MOST wont see but in Faith still can believe in…VERDICT:  Mother Earth is not mad but MEN HAVE COMPLETELY LOST THEIR MINDS AND THE MAJORITY THEIR SOULS.

By the way have you seen how frail the true Pope Benedict XVI looks?  The season is getting really ripe for his fleeing of Rome and the official setup of the Religion of Self therein under the False Prophet “Master Jesus”.

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