Monday, October 16, 2017


BY: Eric Gajewski
I cover the latest message/magazine from the new age.   
Video included...

AS YOU KNOW I AM CONSTANTLY KEEPING YOU UPDATED ON THE LATEST COMING OUT OF THE NEW AGE CAMP. The new False Prophet/Antichrist message is out from share-international and thus a brief summary of what they are talking about.  Every Christian should know their enemy which has obviously cloaked itself as an angel of light in our times.  In this message the False Prophet speaks about the world waiting for the “new”, that is the new world order.  They say the old order (implication of Catholicism) must fade away and that men are yearning for the day when a new system can be put in place of it.  It is these same devilish freaks who are trying to avoid death altogether because they know they don’t want to face the true God.

The crisis?  The crisis in which they are talking about is the economic collapse which they say shall cause worldwide despair and if you are a worldly soul it will.  They speak about how the nations after the collapse under the guidance of the U.N. must come together and share (aka socialism).  We have heard this rhetoric coming from even the Vatican which I forewarned you about last year.  This “legitimate redistribution of wealth and resources” is sure being passed off as an angel of light and the poor souls following Vatican II are gobbling it up as Orthodoxy. 

Nothing can halt the chaos coming.  On my last radio show I talked about this briefly how the chaos is inevitable.  God will allow as a punishment to humanity for abandoning the true Catholic Faith.  Keep in mind it is the New World Order agents who are behind the chaos coming and they plan to implement their solutions whether you like it or not (even though they say they wont impede free will).

Man is not alone the Space/Elder Brothers are here.  Remember I warned you about the coming phony alien disclosure which (according to alternative news sources) is pretty close.  It seems TrumpPuppet will be the chosen one to brainwash the masses in this area.  When the mainstream media is talking about stars in the skies they will be saying it is spaceships.  I kid you not.  Folks, we are dealing with the endtimes deception of greatest magnitude.  We are dealing with the demonic who are in cohoots with the various world leaders who want their new world order.  It is just as our Lady of LaSalette warned.  There are no good aliens coming to save humanity and Antichrist Maitreya on the Day of Deceleration will reveal to the world his “Ascended Masters” who are literally fallen angles in the flesh.

Better relationship with the Planet?  A return to Mother Earth/Gaia worship anyone?

Signs of the times section has picture’s of the latest project bluebeam projections being displayed in the skies.  Maitreya also claims crop circles as a sign of his revealing to the world.

Blueprint for a simpler new world.  The Antichrist talks about how humanity is ripe for the new vision for the world.  How a united humanity is our destiny.  The true follower’s of Christ know otherwise.  Many have their jaws dropping in disbelief as I am saying this but the endgame is here and the Antichrists arrival is not far off.  The Antichrist talks about how his Masters” will reorientate the earth so that we can survive and thrive.  Our Lady of Fatima revealed what will truly happen when the dust settles.  Maitreya tells you have no fear and I say the same.  Maitreya and his demonic forces will be swallowed up in the 3 days of darkness and the Church will start the most glorious period it shall ever have.  Even the Jews will join the Catholic Church.  He says man must die to old so obviously we wont be accepted hence the FEMA CAMPS.

False peace/threat of war section.  Same propaganda coming out of the Vatican

Article on financial crash coming. Progress= Socialism/Communism

Charles Einstein recently sits down with Nwo puppet Oprah.  He discusses the changing consciousness of humanity and speaks about Maitreya.  The Age of we need each other is Luciferian propaganda.

TCK Briefing:  Wanting of the New 
(September 2017, False Prophet Message)

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TradCatKnight Exclusive: The False Prophet