Wednesday, October 11, 2017

PLANET X INCOMING: Koforidua river (Ghana) turns ‘blood’

PLANET X INCOMING: Koforidua river (Ghana) turns ‘blood’
Yet another river turns blood red.  We are seeing the "10 plaques" happen all over again.  Planet x researchers agree that the ten plaques were linked to a previous passing of Planet X and we are about to have another one.
 Residents of Koforidua on Saturday morning woke up to discover a complete change in the colour of the river that runs through parts of the town, causing fear and panic among them.

The Nsukwa River changed from its original colourless nature to a ‘blood-like’ colour, making the residents think that the Biblical days of water changing into blood in Egypt had visited the town.

Residents, who were shocked by the news, trooped to the river in their numbers to catch a glimpse of what had happened, reading different superstitious meanings into it.

Rev. Tetteh’s intervention

The panicky incident, which caused a lot of tension, pushed Dr. Lawrence Tetteh, who was having a crusade in the town with Bishop Yaw Adu – founder of House of Prayer Ministries – and some church members, to quickly rush to the scene to offer prayers. They attributed the change in colour to the wrath of God that had visited the people of Koforidua because of their sins.

Earlier, the turnout for the crusade was reportedly low due to the challenges the church faced in holding the event.

Dr. Lawrence Tetteh said, “…We cast every demon; we say Koforidua shall be peaceful. There will not be bloodshed; there will not be anything evil; the people of Koforidua will be blessed.”

He added, “As we see this thing in the river, the river is looking like blood. Whatever it is and wherever it comes from, we bless it in Jesus’ name, Amen!”

Bishop Yaw Adu, who was interpreting the words of Dr Tetteh, also said God had “turned the water into blood” because the traditional authorities placed a ban on crusades in the town as a result of the Akwantukese festival, which would be celebrated by the people of Koforidua.