Tuesday, October 17, 2017



 We can understand the movement called Resistance as an attitude of public opposition to the detriment (or danger of detriment) of Faith.

I would like to explain the meaning of the various parts of this kind of definition given above:
"Attitude" means a position, a position and the acts derived from it.

"Public": characteristic that distinguishes those who belong to the Resistance of which (despite resisting the attempts that are made here and there for an improper canonical regularization for the current time) do not do so publicly.
"To the detriment of the Faith": that which resists mainly, implying the people who act in the sense of this detriment, because the opposition to these people is a consequence of the opposition to the detriment of the Faith.
"Or there are actions that are not directly against the Faith, but which lead to the detriment of the Faith, as when Pope Paul VI ordered Monsignor Lefebvre not to make the priestly ordinations in 1976; order to which Monsignor Lefebvre did not submit, to see that this submission would bring a detriment of the Faith.
With that, we hope to have helped dissipate the clouds of misunderstanding over our position in the calamitous days through which the Holy Church of God passes.
May Mary Most Holy, the Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, whose centenary of the apparitions we commemorate, bless all our sufferings and endeavors in favor of the doctrine revealed by His Divine Son.
What is the origin of the word Resistance?
The word Resistance comes from the Latin "resistere", which means to stand, resist, oppose.
Is this word found in Sacred Scripture?
Could you name a passage?
St. Peter in his First Epistle writes: "Be sober and watch: for your adversary the devil walks, like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. Stand firm in the faith " . (I Peter V, 8, 9).
St. Paul, on the other hand, also resisted St. Peter himself because of the danger that St. Peter made to the faith by his conduct at Antioch: "But when Cephas came to Antioch, I resisted him face to face, because he was worthy, ". (Gal II, 11)
Does St. Thomas say something about this?
Yes: "When there is imminent danger to the faith, he writes, superiors must be corrected by their inferiors even publicly" (II, II, 33, a, 4 ad 2). In other words, the inferiors must resist the superiors as St. Paul resisted St. Peter because of the danger that the Faith ran. St. Thomas, in the article quoted, explains the attitude of St. Paul as well as that of St. Peter, who accepted the rebuke, thus giving an example of humility for superiors.
Mons. Did Lefebvre use the term resistance or resistance?
Yes. We find them in his books and in his letters.
Could you name a passage?
"Dom Gérard uses all the arguments to numb the resisters." This he wrote in a letter dated August 18, 1988.
And in the same letter he also says:
"He (Dom Gérard) accuses us of 'resistencialistas'."
What is being rebuked in Mons. Fellay?
The fact that he does not consider these words of his founder: "It is a strict duty, for every priest who wants to remain Catholic, to separate from this conciliar church as long as it does not return to the Tradition of the Magisterium of the Church and of faith Catholic " (Spiritual Itinerary, page 31)
What are the consequences of Bishop Fellay not being separated from the Conciliar Church?
Bishop Fellay is gradually contaminating and contaminating the entire Fraternity and friendly communities.
What pollution is it?
From the neomodernist and neoprotestant liberalism of the conciliar church. Contact with the Roman authorities today and with the progressive parents leads to this contamination, which will become even greater now that progressive parents can celebrate marriages of worshipers of the Tradition.
What attitude should be taken before Rome and Mons Fellay?
Resistance, that is, an attitude of public opposition to that which causes the detriment of the faith (see article by Arsenius, Voice of Fatima No. 32).
Is there no danger of schism in this attitude?
Those at risk of schism are the same modernist liberals who are separated from the Tradition of the Church.
But is there no danger of schism in the Resistance?
The position of the Resistance does not contain any danger of schism if she remains faithful to the line of conduct of Monsignor Lefebvre and Bishop de Castro Mayer.
And the sedevacantistas?
The Resistance is not sedevacantist and not every sedevacantist or sympathizer of sedevacantism is schismatic; nevertheless, sedevacantismo is a dangerous tendency against which Monsignor Lefebvre alerted the priests and faithful.
+ Tomás de Aquino OSB