Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Marie Julie: Our Lord, Our Lady and an Unidentified Saint – an INTERIOR WARNING Will be Given

Marie Julie: Our Lord, Our Lady and an Unidentified Saint – an INTERIOR WARNING Will be Given 
Notable mystic who forewarned about this apostasy in the Church as well as Planet X gives us more details on the punishments coming from heaven itself

Our Lord, Our Lady, and an Unidentified Saint – an INTERIOR WARNING Will be Given Before the Chastisements

Ecstasy date August 27, 1878

Marie-Julie: “Here is what the good Jesus said: "It is at the foot of the altar that I teach you every day to love Me. The more you love Me on earth, the more you get closer to the loving and eternal Union.” There, good saint, how Our good Lord commences.” (Note, this is not only a message for Marie-Julie, the more we love God at Mass and in the Blessed Sacrament, the closer we come to Eternal Union with Him in Heaven. This is how the Lord draws us to Him.)

(Unidentified saint speaks:) “Does He give you imminent hope?”
 (This text seems to have missing segments, or, the scribe for the day did not catch the name of the saint speaking to Marie-Julie along with Our Lord and Our Lady.)

Marie-Julie: “Yes. When He speaks to me of the imminent hope, He is beaming and His adorable face is radiant with joy and happiness.”

The Blessed Virgin: “Wait for that which must arrive, an alarm (inquietude) will be felt by all, a harbinger of the Justice of God.”

Our Lord: “My children, some time before these sinister signs are sent onto the Earth, they will already feel in the heart the effect of My justice, it will be that the heart will say the time is not far away. But a grace of peace is reserved for faithful Christians, those who have not disregarded the warnings of Heaven and who will conform their their lives (to them).
See all the various Catholic prophecies here!!