Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Franciscan Theology Student Calls Me Another Luther

Franciscan Theology Student Calls Me Another Luther
By:  Eric Gajewski
 Guess that is a good thing considering how Francis loves Luther and they are trying to normalize heretics.  What will they say if/when the "canonize" Luther...
 Franciscan’s finest: This is the typical prototype modernist being pumped out by Novus ordo colleges

I was recently contacted by a theology student up at Franciscan who wanted to get more information on my position.  Then the fun started as you would imagine.  Let me start off by saying I graduated from the University with an undergraduate degree and Master’s degree from the University.  I still have some friends from the University but over times, as you would guess, I lost quite a few.  Sadly, I didn’t understand the crisis at the time of going to school as most do not now.  Let me ask this.  What happens when you have the supposed “experts” (theologians) not know the difference between Masonry and Catholicism?  Well, it leads us into a blind leading the blind situation.  Now you get to listen to the supposed experts brainwash you with all the supposed “Catholic” principles which turn out to be, in reality, the principles of the Novus Ordo religion (admittingly so by Paul 6th in 1965; he equated Vatican II with the cult of Man/FreeMasonry).  Do not think this problem (distinguishing between Masonism & Catholicism) is limited to just Franciscan because Ave Maria, the Catholic University of America and all the rest are no different.  We are in a mass apostasy.  The masses jumping off the "cliffs of false obedience" straight into the waters of a one world religion below.  Let me now get back to the point.

Franciscan Catholic or Protestant?  Walking up on campus or walking into the bookstore would leave you to believe the latter.  The campus is littered with immodesty to boot.  Honestly, it is quite shocking I wonder sometimes if these priests even make mention of this issue to the students on campus especially going to visit the Blessed Sacrament.  I cannot answer without truly knowing.  Franciscan is touted as a highly conservative University yet it truly is not.  The New Evangelization and Charismatic movement is still quite prevalent.  Both are protestant.  When we start talking doctrine it is like we are speaking two different languages.  This is because I speak Catholic and they speak the Vatican II language.  It is as if these people have never studied anything before Vatican II and this is exactly what the New World Order wants.  If anyone departs from Tradition then they no longer hold the Faith and this poor young lady who contacted me on facebook equated Vatican II to Tradition.  Let me finish by saying it is quite a beautiful campus but the Conciliarists seem to think Jesus would NEVER allow such an apostasy to happen in their ignorance yet Scripture, Tradition and approved Catholic Prophecy/Revelations tell us another story.

You have started your own church!  So, as I mentioned I received a facebook message from one of the latest modernist students up at the University trying to get further clarification on the position of TradCatKnight.  I honestly wasn’t expecting this young lady to grasp everything said but in general I alluded to the Masonic infiltration of the Church.  She responded how she “studied” Masonry and that there is no Masonry in Vatican II or therein after. SIDENOTE:  I had another young modernist of Vatican II tell me he was at one point a Mason and that Vatican II was just fine.  I kid you not.   I asked her (since she was the expert) what are some of the basic principles of Masonry then?  Dead air…then dead air again!  She was clueless.  The problem with these poor people being led astray is that they make general statements that can’t back up.  Oh just wait for the “ad hominems” as well.  Say something against the Pope and that equates to heresy from their perspective.  Anyways, I went on to tell her some of them such as religious liberty, liberty of conscience, ecumenism (false), separation of church and state, freedom of press/speech, dialogue/tolerance etc.  So her next point was "that I have started my own church" and have become another Luther!  Poor soul.  I went on to tell her about the Arian crisis wherein nine out of ten bishops became a heretic.  Did St. Athanasius “leave” the Church by resisting heresy?  Than how have those who refuse to follow the Masonic principles of Vatican II left the Church?  Objectively speaking those following Vatican II follow another Faith; they have “left” the Church as Archbishop Lefebvre rightly pointed out.  Because authority says otherwise does not change this reality as the same train of thought just spoken of applied to the Arian crisis in his times. 

The intent of TradCatKnight.  It is quite simple to inform, educate and convert.  People are searching for answers even young students.  They are not completely hopeless as I have talked to my fair share, one of whom, I drove home one night and knew all about TradCatKnight.  I also try to demonstrate “the season” we live in which is clearly the times shortly before the end.  The problem is what do you do when adults and students alike both think you can never correct or point out the errors of a Pope/clergy?  Pope worship certainly applies to Franciscan.  To think a Pope can say anything he wants because he is another Jesus is a heresy.  They think you are subjectively attacking the Popes when in fact we are trying to keep people catholic (objectively speaking). 

Until these souls actually educate themselves on Masonry (and then go back and revisit Vatican II) I’m afraid you can’t much speak sense to them.  We will always be speaking apples (Catholicism) and they will be speaking oranges (Masonism) claiming that because the authorities say it is right then way we are right.  We go back to the Arian crisis which proves them wrong.  Those in positions of authority lapsed into heresy and only FEW kept the Faith in St. Athanasius times.  The parents of these students are equally ignorant and only add fuel to the fire.  They watch too much EWTN and follow Catholic Answers. BIG PROBLEM!  Have people forgotten Padre Pio warned of Masonry coming from the top of the Church in his times?  He even commissioned Fr. Villa (Doctor of Theology)  to expose Masonry coming from the Vatican (who was more loosely alliance with the priests I currently am aligned with).  Pope Pius XII granted him permission to do so.  Padre Pio  wanted nothing to do with Vatican II nor the New Mass and even wrote Paul the 6th telling him to end the Council.  I recall getting into several debates with priests and even bishops over the years.  I would give just one example of a website from FreeMasonry which shows all their principles then I would show a list all of all of Vatican II’s principles….and then they block me.  Why?  Because they saw firsthand what they are following and their pride kept them from the Truth.  These are the clergy/pastors trying to lead the youth. FRIGHTENING! They are blind cowards who need grace calling us heretics.  It is why we are currently in such a deplorable state.  In fact, the clergy are more clueless doctrinally then most laity that is just the reality (just like the Arian crisis). PRAY, PRAY, PRAY

Do not get me wrong there are a lot of people at Franciscan trying to figure it out and there are nice people willing to at least listen.  However, the concilairist’s are blinded by their own pride with raging emotions when trying to point out all the heresies of John Paul II as an example.  THEY worship JP2 at Franciscan staying blind to all the destruction he truly did.  I have posted at times these issues and even shown how JP2 kissed the Koran and was Blessed by a Shiva witchdoctor and the responses I get?  You are going to hell!  How dare you!  You are a fraud! All because I showed the public what JP2 did NOT ME.  The poor students are not getting truth because those teaching them don’t have the truth.  It doesn’t get any more prideful than this.  The brainwash coming from the priests and “theologians” up on campus further adds fuel to the crisis.  It truly is a sad scene up at my alma matter and only the intervention of Our Lady will help.  This is why I try to say one rosary up there on campus daily.  These folks are long off the deep end calling others heretics and schismatics and they have nothing theologically sound to prove it yet we can.  This young theologian accused me of heresy yet couldn’t muster up anything other than “you have separated yourself from the Church”. A statement which I have already proven to be false and demonstrated to her without any comeback.  This is why the Hammer of God is coming to down to punish the world folks.  God has to chastise to get people to listen and get doctrine right.

This crisis is much like a bad tooth.  You can only put off the issue for so long trying to deny there is a problem but what will happen when the False Prophet shows up demanding everyone take “the mark”.  Will these blind Vatican II souls still swim along with the masses thinking their Catholic?  Didn’t St. Francis say that the real catholics of the endtimes would be viewed and called as heretics/schismatics.  Didn’t Jesus say, in the end, FEW would hold the Faith?  If we follow prophecy we see that the majority of supposed “Catholics” fall away (GREAT APOSTASY) and follow the antichrist and this one example proves this point.   

I pray for my friends I went to school with and all the priests and faculty up there but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.  Wake up and Get Catholic you are following FreeMasonry persecuting faithful Catholics and Jesus is not going to be happy with you in the end if you do not repent.  In fact, it may just cost you your soul.  Pray for all the wayward colleges who have faculty and students who have drunk the wine of Vatican II and appear happy and gay on the surface but their doctrine is vomit.  The bottom line is Tradition and those teachings before Vatican II are seen “that was then” and this is now.  The Church has developed doctrine over time they say.  How do you talk to someone who will not admit rupture or can you?  Pray, have patience and make reparation for souls are going to hell directly because of Vatican II (spiritual chastisement forewarned at Fatima) and these wayward prelates, priests and supposed theologians.

Questions, comments and suggestions? Email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com

Donations: Please get behind TradCatKnight financially if you feel you have benefited from the material I present.  I appreciate all your prayers and support!  I also appreciate the letters coming in as well!  For CASH contributions please email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com for the mailing address.