Monday, October 9, 2017

Francis: The Ten Commandments Are Apparently Optional

Francis: The Ten Commandments Are Apparently Optional
Francis thinks that the Catholic Church can no longer issue general rules that apply to all people, according to Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro.

During an October 6 address at Boston College, Spadaro claimed therefore that, according to Amoris Laetitia, people living in “irregular” family situations, such as divorce and remarriage [adultry], "can be living in God's grace”.

Spadaro denied the existence of “a rule that is absolutely to be followed in every instance”. And, “It is no longer possible to judge people on the basis of a norm that stands above all.”

With such claims Spadaro implies that there are cases when murder, child abuse or genocide are morally acceptable and even praiseworthy.

TradCatKnight Radio, "Antipope Francis the Great Fallen Star"