Monday, October 16, 2017

FATIMA EPIDEMICS WATCH: Experts Warn Black Death Plague Could Come To America Next

FATIMA EPIDEMICS WATCH: Experts Warn Black Death Plague Could Come To America Next
"...because Fatima is a very apocalyptic message. It says that no matter what happens there are going to be terrible wars, there are going to be diseases, whole nations are going to be wiped out, there are going to be 3 days darkness, there are going to be epidemics that will wipe out whole nations overnight (great culling), parts of the earth will be washed away at sea and violent tornadoes and storms. It's not a nice message at all." ~Fr Martin
An outbreak of pneumonic plague – commonly known as the Black Death – has killed at least 45 people and could become an epidemic in the United States, experts have warned. More than 231 cases of the contagious disease have been recorded in Madagascar this year, and the number of deaths is higher than in previous years due to the country’s “deteriorating” medical services.

And experts in the United States have warned “continued underinvestment” in health services there could see the disease spread rapidly into an epidemic. In August, a public health warning was issued in northern Arizona after fleas had tested positive for pneumonic plague. The bubonic strain of the disease is passed on by flea bites, whereas the more infectious pneumonic type is spread through coughing. READ MORE

DEVELOPING: Madagascar Plague cases spike to almost 400

DEVELOPING: Madagascar Plague cases spike to almost 400
Over the past 5 days, 230 new suspected plague cases were reported in Madagascar, with the disease spreading to seven more of the country’s districts, the World Health Organization (WHO) said today in an update. In a related development, the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) issued its first risk assessment on the outbreak, which said the outbreak’s high number of pneumonic
cases are concerning, especially since that form of the disease is known to spread in densely populated urban areas, such as its capital Antananarivo and port city of Toamasina, which are some of the main affected areas. Plague is caused by Yersinia pestis, a bacterium spread by infected rats via flea bites. Human-to-human transmission fuels the spread of pneumonic plague. Of the 230 new suspected cases reported since the WHO’s Oct 4 update, 17 have proved fatal, the WHO said. READ MORE

Yemen’s cholera outbreak becomes worst in history

Yemen’s cholera outbreak becomes worst in history
The cholera epidemic in Yemen has become the largest and fastest-spreading outbreak of the disease in modern history, with a million cases expected by the end of the year and at least 600,000 children likely to be affected. The World Health Organization has reported more than 815,000 suspected cases of the disease in Yemen and 2,156 deaths. About 4,000 suspected cases are being reported daily, more than
half of which are among children under 18. Children under five account for a quarter of all cases. The spread of the outbreak, which has quickly surpassed Haiti as the biggest since modern records began in 1949, has been exacerbated by hunger and malnutrition. While there were 815,000 cases of cholera in Haiti between 2010 and 2017, Yemen has exceeded that number in just six months. READ MORE