Tuesday, September 19, 2017

No the World Is Not Ending September 23rd! However…..

No the World Is Not Ending September 23rd! However…..
By: Eric Gajewski

There is a lot of talk out on social media the last few days over what we will see happen on September 23rd.  There is a lot of prognostication out there and so I decided to address the topic. What has been suggested?   Anywhere from Planet X or a comet hitting the earth or even the “rapture” occurring.  All of these suggestions are false but the most silly suggestion of them all is that the world will be ending that day.  Really?  I didnt know the Antichrist arrived yet who must reign 3 and half years before Jesus Second Coming?  Yes we know the Revelation 12 astronomical sign will be happening that day.  Yes we know that this holds spiritual significance given Our Lady’s past warnings to the world.  However, this does not mean the world is ending September 23rd.  Now what might happen?

Economic collapse.  Most economists seem to think it will occur October or at least by years end 2018.  This scenario would not be out of the possibility because it is a precursor to the arrival of Antichrist Maitreya onto the scene.  I would say that this event would truly shake up the West and then the world eventually so perhaps this “economic tsunami” will be in the cards.  Not likely though

Hurricanes hitting the east coast.  We now see the two new hurricanes picking up momentum in the Atlantic.  Please pray for all those on islands and those on the east coast.  I do not gt a good feeling about this as I have recycling videos the last week demonstrating the potential path of Jose.  These hurricanes Im now being told may run into each other and form a mega “cane”.  That is my terminology for that potential scenario by the way.  I have been warning for years get off the coastlines and now things are speeding up.  Look for more hurricanes after September 23rd.

Preparation for an “event” in D.C.  There are reports on alternative media that D.C. maybe preparing for some big event on October 1st.  This would include a lot of military, FEMA and U.N. personnel moving into the area beforehand (September 23rd?).  What is this event?  I have no idea.  But if they are supposedly going to be testing the Emergency Broadcast System from the 25th of September till October 1st Im sure it is BIG.  Hey, maybe we will finally get that “alien invasion” that I have been warning about.

Megaquake for the west coast?  There was a recent drill in Washington which was the largest ever drill for a quake for that area.  Mainstream media has been reporting this past year that the west coast is not safe to stay.  Considering how the mainstream media is used by the New World Order that should throw up a red flag for everyone.  Is it just fear porn?   Possibly but we do know that eventually megaquakes will be more of an occurrence…..so you never know.  Mexico and the ring of fire area has been awfully active and those earthquake predictor youtube channels like “dutchsinse” say the “west coast” is on watch.  Los Angeles just had some strange lights being recorded that has frightened some of the locals.  Is this a last ditch sign to get out of dodge before the “big one”?  We all know these strange lights occur shortly before some of these massive quakes.

Nuclear attack on North Korea or USA?  Given the latest headlines I would say possible but not likely.  The New World Order must continually use the fear porn into getting humanity united into a new global self realization religion.  So I think that trend will just continue.  However, it wouldn't surprise me to see 33 degree Scottish FreeMason Trump drop a nuke on North Korea or FreeMasonic puppet Kim Jong -un doing the same unto us.  Major cities have been on watch for awhile now here in the USA.  The New World Order wants to drag us into another major war and they will use false flags like Pearl Harbor was to achieve this end.

One thing is for certain.  You had better be turning to God, repenting and preparing your soul. Without prayer you can have no hope to saving your mind or soul in the days ahead.  So why wait?  Pray the rosary as Our Lady said and fall under her mantle of protection.  For Our Lady will be with us on September 23rd or any other day for that matter.  There is no such thing as a pre or mid tribulation rapture nor is there a 15 days of darkness coming as NASA has been saying.  Salvation is ours if we do our part and stay in a  state of grace.  September 23rd will come and go without any ending of the world but we must continue on ending all our actions in Jesus Christ.  Press onward eagles of our times and lets fly!  What will probably happen on September 23rd is nothing but that doesnt mean that we don't live in the endtimes because we do.

Questions, comments and suggestions? Email me at apostleofmary@hotmail.com

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