Saturday, September 30, 2017

Beware: Another Supposed Weeping Statue

Another Supposed Weeping Madonna Statue
Antichrist Maitreya claims alot of these Madonna weeping statues.  

Statue of the Virgin Mary has been crying and moving her hands ever since Mexico was hit by a deadly earthquake, villagers claim

Hundreds of believers have flocked to the village of Cupilco in the southern state of Tabasco after word of the 'miracle' spread

Catholics from around the country – including some politicians – have come to visit after reports of tears and the statue’s hand position having moved.
Local politician Candelaria Perez Jimenez said: “I do believe that the Virgin has done many miracles.
“I came not for curiosity, but for faith, because I do believe that God and our most holy Mother has done many miracles.
“Undoubtedly the Virgin hurts a lot with what has happened in Mexico – earthquakes, hurricanes, child deaths – God is calling us to make us aware."
Local woman Lucia Torres Jimenez, 68, expressed her belief in the Virgin, who she said was responsible for her returning to health after 19 years with a kidney transplant.
She said: “She is feeling what is happening in Mexico, she is feeling what is going to happen.”
 The statue is said to keep moving its hands since a deadly earthquake struck
Central European News
The statue is said to keep moving its hands since a deadly earthquake struck
 Believers have travelled from far and wide to see the 'miracle' statue
Central European News
Believers have travelled from far and wide to see the 'miracle' statue
Some claim the miracle is just a trick of the mind as the Mexican people struggle to find sense in the awful earthquake that ravished the country’s capital last week.
Others say the phenomenon has been going on for three years.
But parish priest Enrico Lazzaroni, an Italian who has served the community for 11 years, asked parishioners to keep it quiet, according to local reports.