Wednesday, August 30, 2017

PREPPER: 13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses

PREPPER: 13 Things to Do Before the Economy Collapses
Here is some of the latest from the prepper world

I believe it’s more important than ever to prepare for a financial collapse, so in this article I’m going to cover 13 things you should do before that happens, starting with the most obvious ones:

1. Stockpile the Necessities

Having some extra food and water is a good idea in general, particularly if you live in an area where inclement weather can affect your daily life. To prepare for an economic collapse, however, you’ll need to have months of rations on hand. Stockpile enough food, at a minimum, to survive a season without any incoming produce grown yourself. Store enough water for several months’ use and make sure you have multiple ways to purify future water supplies.
Also, stockpile plenty of medical supplies as doctors may be in short supply after a major collapse. Another thing that may be in short supply is electricity. Get all the things you’d need for a power outage, including ways to cook food and keep warm (or cool if it’s summertime). And don’t forget home security measures. Desperate times means desperate people.

2. Build Some Bug Out Bags

Depending on the severity of the collapse, your town or city might become so dangerous that you have no choice but to leave it and head for a bug out location. But first, you’ll want to put together bug out bags for yourself and your family. You could even make bug out bags for your pets.
You should also consider getting a good bug out vehicle. If all you have is a small car, then you’ll have a hard time getting where you need to go.

3. Grow Your Own Food

Unless you have an underground vault the size of the Sistine Chapel in your backyard, you probably won’t be able to stockpile a lifetime of food for you and your loved ones. A more sustainable option is to grow your own food. Growing your own food takes quite a bit of trial and error to reach a point where you can live off your own produce, which is all the more reason to start sooner rather than later.

4. Create Your Own Electricity or Learn to Live Without

In the event of an economic collapse, being dependent on the power grid is not the best situation to be in. The more you rely on electricity to accomplish your daily tasks, the more you’ll be behind when the power goes out. Solve this problem by learning to do as many daily activities without electricity as possible. For example, start using kitchen gadgets and off grid lights that work without power. Combine this with a portable generator for the essentials and you’ll be self-reliant and comfortable.

5. Keep Cash on Hand

If the market tanks, you may still have some time to buy your way out of a sticky situation before inflation hits or the economy collapses altogether. Keep a hefty sum of cash on hand at all times so that you can make an emergency purchase without having to take a trip to the bank. You never know when you might have to use it, especially if the electricity is out and no credit card transactions are possible.

6. Invest in Precious Metals

When other currencies lose their value, you can trust that gold and silver will still be viable for making purchases in a disaster scenario. In fact, when inflation hits, the price of gold and silver goes up tremendously because these precious metals keep their value despite economic changes. Be sure to have them in a form that is easily tradable, like coins, rather than in a larger form such as bars.

7. Stock Up on Barter Items

I know, I know, I’ve mentioned cash, precious metals, and barter items now. So you’re probably wondering, which one should I get? Well, all three, if possible. In a deflationary collapse, you’ll want cash. In an inflationary collapse, you’ll want precious metals. And in a total collapse, you’ll want barter items. Try to have a little bit of each so you’re prepared for every possibility.

8. Get Out of Debt

Once you’ve acquired at least a little bit of cash, precious metals, and barter items, it’s time to start getting out of debt. If the economic crisis isn’t catastrophic (i.e. society’s infrastructure is left intact), you’ll want to make your money go as far as possible. To that end, get out of debt as fast as you can! You want to be able to respond to a rapid change in the economy as quickly as possible. If inflation hits, you lose your home, or scarcity becomes a real problem, you don’t want to owe your creditors the money you need to survive. To do that…

9. Lower Monthly Bills / Spend Less

In the same vein as paying off debts, lower your bills and try to spend less at the store, so you can spend your money on more important things. Having a monetary obligation to too many places can be a serious drawback in the event of a crisis. Great ways to lower monthly bills are mentioned earlier: grow your own food, provide your own electricity, and pay off your debts.

10. Create an Emergency Fund

After you’ve gotten out of debt, create an emergency fund that will allow you to handle anything that comes up during a disaster. If the economy is in crisis but stable enough that your money still has value, having 3-6 months’ expenses saved can go a long way toward keeping you out of crisis mode yourself. To do this, start learning new ways to save money.

11. Learn to Eat Healthy and Exercise Right

Getting in the habit of eating right and exercising is very important for preparing yourself for a survival situation. When the economy collapses, chances are you’ll be burning a lot more calories simply trying to survive than you normally do. Similarly, knowing the proper fuel to put in your body will pay off later when you’re having to work to stay full.

12. Learn Self Defense

The best time to learn how to defend yourself is now. Start with firearms training and become proficient with rifles, shotguns, and pistols. You may need them to protect yourself, others, and to hunt with. Stockpile ammunition as well, preparing for a shortage or a time when you won’t be able to purchase or find any.

13. Beef Up Your Home Security

After an economic collapse, there are going to be a lot of desperate people out there who won’t think twice about breaking into your home and taking your supplies so they can feed their families. Don’t make it easy for them. Reinforce your doors and windows, set up hobo alarms so they don’t catch you off guard, put up solar-powered motion lights to try and deter them, and get some guns and ammo in case they manage to break into your house.

What Is “The Grid” And Why It Matters, And Why You Need To Get Off Grid To Self Sufficiency & Self Sustainability Now

Why is everyone trying to get off grid? We’ll explain Sub-Grids and “The Grid”, how they’re all interconnected, and if you really need to get off the grid.

what is the grid and why it matters, and why you need to get off grid to self sufficiency & self sustainability now
We’re all interconnected. Everything we do is interconnected.
No, I don’t mean on some spiritual sense, but in our day to day lives everything we touch and interact with is connected to one another.
The hamburger you ate for lunch relied on a vast and unseen infrastructure and logistics system to get it from farm to table.
The gas you put in your car relied on a just as complex system to get it from oil in the ground to your gas tank.
We call these systems “grids”. There are many grids, (power grid, water, etc) and they all interlock into “The Grid”.
All of these systems are always running, always connected, and always fragile…

The Grid

As we have discussed previously, self sufficient living is about taking care of yourself in as many aspects as you can manage, and not relying on anyone or anything for your day to day needs. In essence, cutting yourself from The Grid.
In this same way homesteading is also about creating a place, your home, that allows you to get off The Grid as much as possible.
What Is The Grid?
So, what exactly is “The Grid”? It’s a term used to describe the almost invisible systems surrounding us that allow us to more easily live our daily lives. It can be considered the country’s vast and various infrastructures and how they interlock with one another.
The power grid is the most well known example. We no longer have to worry about making candles every week to see at night because we have an electric grid and can simply flip a switch.
what is the grid and why it matters, and why you need to get off grid to self sufficiency & self sustainability now full shelves
Nor do we have to worry about taking care of a cow and milking it if we want cereal every morning, because if we want milk we simply go to the store and pick up a gallon.
We can do this because a farmer tended their cows, milked them for us and sent that milk for processing, where a truck picked it up and delivered it to your grocery store.
That whole system is a grid.
Sub-Grids And “The Grid”
There are many grids around us, sub-grids if you will.
Food, gas, water, lights, communication, and hundreds more – just about everything we touch in our day to day lives relies on an always-on infinitely working perfect grid network to continue pulsing away 24/7 without a moments rest.
All of these sub-grids are connected together in a thousand different ways, woven into each other by necessity and convenience. Almost all depend heavily on trucks.
what is the grid and why it matters, and why you need to get off grid to self sufficiency & self sustainability now trucks
Trucks require the gas grid to provide the fuel needed to deliver bread into the food grid, and water treatment chemicals into the water grid, etc.
The power grid requires trains to deliver coal. Trains need the gas grid to deliver diesel so they can bring the coal.
Diesel manufacturing plants need power to run, crude oil delivered on trains, gas for company trucks and their employee’s personal vehicles so they can get to work, chemicals delivered on trucks to process the oil, food for their employees to eat at home and at lunch, etc.
All of this has to hum along at top efficiency 24/7 on every level. Everything, and I mean everything in this vast world of ours, relies on similar interlocked grids.

Why The Grid Matters To Preppers

These grids are all VERY fragile and we are VERY reliant on them.
For example, if the price of gas suddenly goes up because of a terrorist attack on some oil pipeline on the other side of the world (or your back yard), food will cost more to deliver so food prices go up. This is a tiny whack to the system, one which it has and can withstand but nonetheless it hurts us all.
What if just one calamity falls on us from a very long list of SHTF scenarios that have a high chance of happening in your lifetime? Maybe the dollar collapses, maybe China hacks our power grid, maybe terrorists pull another large scale attack, maybe there is another large solar flare as big or bigger than the one from the 1980’s, maybe there’s another war, maybe peak oil is true, maybe North Korea finally launches that nuclear missile, maybe that big earthquake finally hits California, maybe Yellowstone finally blows its top… the list is incredibly huge.
What happens when just one of these happens and, say for example, the price of gas goes through the roof? Trucks will stop running without gas, trains will stop too. Food will not be delivered, chemicals to treat the water won’t be available, coal to run power plants will dry up. The food grid collapses and grocery stores are empty in 2-3 days, the water grid is dangerous and undrinkable, and the power grid is crippled with blackouts covering most of the nation.
This is only a single example.
what is the grid and why it matters, and why you need to get off grid to self sufficiency & self sustainability now empty shelves
They don’t have to all happen either, it only takes one. If a single sub-grid fails the entire Grid will fail in due time, collapsing like a stack of dominoes. And even if it’s local and only your local grid is shut down, does it matter to you and your family if people 500 miles away are ok if you can’t get there because there’s no gas and the streets are full of violent rioters and dead cars? At best you’ll end up in a FEMA camp.
As the Butterfly Effect explains, a tiny problem in one part compounds on itself a hundred fold as it works its way through such a complex grid until the end result is catastrophic.
We have always managed small whacks to the grid. But if a big enough whack hits us, the grid will collapse and then everyone dependent on it (about 330 million here in the USA alone) will fall into chaos, a true SHTF moment.

The Solution

So what’s the solutions? By becoming more self sufficient you cut yourself from the grid more and more until, hopefully, eventually, you are free from the grid entirely.
Your goal should be to be so independent that if the world ended and The Grid fully collapsed you wouldn’t even notice.
what is the grid and why it matters, and why you need to get off grid to self sufficiency & self sustainability now homestead
It’s important to understand that it’s all something you have to gradually learn. Just as The Grid took hundreds of years to grow and interlock, it will take you weeks and months and sometimes years to learn the skills and build the systems necessary to get off the grid.

Final Thoughts

Talk to the older generation, they remember a simpler time, a time when The Grid was smaller and not such a threat because we didn’t rely on it as much. Ask them how they lived, where they got their food and water, and ask them how much gas was a gallon too.
Self sufficient living is not as easy as our fully grid dependent life, that you have to admit and accept. It takes time, sweat, and work to grow tomatoes, can beans, feed chickens, work on your own car, put up solar panels, etc etc.
Most people would rather stay a slave to the grid than put the effort in. They will live and die by it.
Choose to live by your own two hands. Get off the grid.

Personal Hygiene-How To Survive Without Power

Personal hygiene, how to survive without power is the topic of the day. In case you may have missed some of my posts, I am asked to speak to different church groups, businesses, and neighborhoods about emergency preparedness and food storage. I hired a friend to take professional pictures of my emergency preps, cooking devices, wash tubs, emergency toilets, emergency cooking stoves, and fuel, to name a few. I am no longer able to physically carry everything with me to all the classes or presentations.

I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to continue to do these presentations. I’m honored to be able to teach when I can to get the word out about being prepared for the unexpected. Today, let’s talk about personal hygiene. I’m so thankful to my reader who I call a friend, Joanne for asking me to put a “print” button on my website. I want people to be able to print my articles and teach others in whatever manner they feel comfortable. You are welcome to share my pictures and teach your family, friends, and neighbors.
I realize some people “get it”, but many are not interested in any preparedness items or having food storage, which I think is too bad. Somehow we need to help others to be prepared for the unexpected. After a disaster, the government may not be able to bring supplies for 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 months. I just talked to my sister in Texas who lives near where Hurricane Harvey is now a Category 4. She said the gas pumps are empty, the store shelves are empty and you can’t buy any water. I called my sister to check on their family before the authorities started evacuations. She called friends in other cities in Texas and they were in the same predicament.
Here’s the deal, in some areas near Hurricane Harvey they were asked to evacuate or get supplies. I heard the City Manager in one city ask those people who declined to evacuate to please write their social security numbers on their arms so they could be identified after the storm. I took a double take on that one. I had to rewind the DVR to make sure I heard that right.

How to Survive Without Power

There are certain things we want after a disaster, like we at least want clean underwear, right? I think we can all agree on that one. I have seen fancy wringer washers from different stores, I have not purchased one of those yet. It’s on my wish list. But here are a few ways to wash our clothes without any power. In most cases we may lose power after a major, or even a minor disaster. I hope you can use some of these ideas for those unexpected disasters. The water lines may even become contaminated, but I’ll talk about that another day.
Just so you know, the American Red Cross recommends storing one gallon of water per person per day. I disagree. That amount is fine if you only want to hydrate yourself, but what about washing dishes, washing our underwear and cooking with dehydrated or freeze-dried foods? I highly encourage you to store 4 gallons of water per person per day.

Wash Tubs and Wash Boards:

Those shown below are Behrens wash tubs I purchased on Amazon and the wash board I found at a thrift store. The clothespins are made by Kevins Clothespins. I have purchased many brands of clothes pins that fell apart after using them once, this brand is the only one I can endorse.
survive without power
You may have seen the post I did on making these emergency washing machines shown below. This set basically takes two 6-gallon buckets, one we drilled holes in so there would be a bit more friction when washing or rinsing clothes. You need one Gamma lid (we drilled a 2-inch hole in the top) with one mobile washing tool with a handle. I place paper towels between the buckets when stored. They are impossible for me to separate them without that buffer.
survive without power
I did a YouTube for a company called Earth Easy that they use on their website. They sent me the clothesline to try and I highly recommend one. I can close it and store it when not in use. It’s perfect for the HOA I live in. If you already own a clothesline, I tip my hat to you! Thank you for being prepared. You’re going to need it, I promise.

Emergency Toilet Ideas

The picture below shows the difference between a 5-gallon and 6-gallon emergency toilet. The older you get the harder it is to squat down on the lower toilet. Here are some things you will want to store inside your emergency toilet: hand sanitizer, toilet paper, 10-gallon bags, kitty litter or sawdust. The #10 can potty is a post I wrote for emergency toilets in cars. And don’t forget the toilet seat.

survive without power

Sturdy Toilet Set

This emergency toilet was made by a nephew, Dayne. I’m having a friend make one for me and hope to share the instructions on how to make one. This one uses a regular toilet seat that is attached and a 6-gallon bucket. If you are handy you can probably build your own around the bucket. Dayne even attached a toilet paper holder on the side. When I saw this, I almost did a cartwheel, or at least I wished I could do one.  I was so excited to see this design.
survive without power
This picture below shows an approach anyone can make in their own home. Please duct tape the handle so the little ones do not try and flush the large black 30-gallon garbage bag down the sewer lines. All you do is lift the toilet lid and seat, place the bag in the toilet base and fill with kitty litter.
survive without power
If you have a flushable toilet from a trailer, those work great and are fairly inexpensive. Flushable camping toilet
I have wheat buckets so I decided to save money and make my own toilets. Thanks again for being prepared for the unexpected. May God bless this world at this time. We need it more now than ever before. Yes, you can survive without power because you are ready and realize you can’t depend on the government. They can’t begin to take care of everyone, as we have seen after several disasters. We must take care of ourselves and be self-reliant. Do you think we can survive without power? Yes, we can.

10 Most Important Survival Items

Top 10 Most Important Survival Items in a Traveler’s Kit

We all know that it is important to stay prepared and safe when you are traveling, especially while hiking, backpacking, or camping. Having certain items can help you survive, especially if you are in the middle of nowhere and need some assistance.
Bringing along a kit that is stocked with items you can use if you find yourself in a bad situation can help you not only stay alive longer, but tend to any minor cuts or to help you start a fire so you can eat.
In this article, we are going to go over the top 10 things items you should have in your traveler’s kit so you can stay safe while you are outdoors!

Lighter or Fire Starter and Tinder

In case you need to be outdoors overnight, you may consider bringing a lighter or some type of fire starter, and locating some tinder to get the fire going. This can keep you from being too cold at night or getting hypothermia. There are many ways to get a fire going, and if you don’t have any tinder, you can use paper or other materials that will get your fire flaming so you can stay warm and alive.


A compass can tell you where you are going in case you get lost. Keep a map with you as well or some type of GPS device, like on your cell phone. If you do not have any cellular reception, then a compass can come in handy so you can hopefully find your way back to where you need to be. There are many types of compasses, but at the base, there are only two: magnetic and gyro. The first one has the needle we all know and uses the Earth’s magnetic field to point North, while the gyro compass has a rapidly spinning wheel that aligns with the Earth’s rotational poles (which are considered the true poles of our planet). Any other compasses are a subtype of these two.

Knife or Survival Tool

You will need some type of survival tool such as a knife or a multi tool that can help you in case of an emergency. This can be anything from a tool with a screwdriver and scissors attached to just a plain old sharp knife. Consider taking a camping hatchet so you can chop some wood or cut up some meats if you need to eat an animal.

Water or Water Reservoir

We know having a ton of water with you can weigh you down, but keeping an extra bottle or two will keep you hydrated in case you find yourself in a desperate position. You can also have a water reservoir that is built into your gear pack so you can have many liters to drink. One other thing you can do is have a water filter or some water tablets that will ensure you get clean water if you have a water source like a lake or stream.

First Aid Kit

Your first aid kit should have the essentials should you get injured or find yourself in a survival situation. You will need bandages, gauze, pain reliever and ointments should you get cut or scraped. Keep some scissors, headache medicine, your own personal medications, and gloves (in case you need to work on a more severe wound or you have to protect your hands from various factors) in there as well. You can keep any other items that you may think you will need as well.


The food you bring with you will have to sustain you so it should be healthy and include nutrients you need to keep your body going. Having trail mix, jerky, and items like that will give your body proteins and vitamins that are needed to sustain life.
Many of these items are in smaller packages and can be easily stored in your backpack. Keep your items stored in a good spot so they do not spoil or get smashed to pieces, like in a cooler. If you have a camping stove, this is even better as you can cook food and get a hot meal as you wait for help to arrive. You can also cook food over a fire as well.

Proper Clothing

We cannot stress the importance of having proper clothing. If it is colder outdoors, you will want not only a base layer, but a middle layer and an outer layer to stay warm. The base layer will keep your body warm, as well as the middle layer that adds some bulk. The outer layer will resist the wind and cold temperatures too. You should also have gloves, a hat, and sunglasses to keep the rest of your body protected.
While clothing is important, having proper foot wear is, as well. Your hiking or camping boots should be durable, comfortable, warm and have great tread. Tread will help you avoid slipping on rocks or slipping on mud.

Cell Phone or Communication Device

Having a cell phone or walkie talkie system can be helpful if you find that you are lost or in a survival situation. This means you can get help or emergency services can get to you quickly, thus being saved. A communication device will be needed in case you are injured and cannot move or are simply unsure of where you are. It is also a comfort should you become scared.
Never be afraid to use it! You are better safe than sorry, and you could have your life saved, whereas without a device you are left to fend for yourself.


A tent will come in handy so that you have a space to sleep at night and away from any wildlife. Your tent can be a one person tent that is easy to pitch and can resist colder temperatures and the wind that may happen at night time. This can help you from freezing and getting frost bite, and can be easy to use and put together quickly.

Sleeping Bag

Your sleeping bag can be rolled up and attached to your gear pack so you can have a warm place to sleep at night. The type of sleeping bag you have should depend on the weather, but if you find yourself in a freezing cold situation, you will want one that is durable, temperature rating, and one that can withstand outdoor conditions.

In the end

Hoping we managed to give you a clear and well-designed list of items you should have on you in case of an emergency while traveling, we end up by highlighting their importance. These items are most important not just because they could save your life, but they can increase your chances of survivability. This is due to the fact that they are versatile (you can use a knife or a hatchet to fashion various things out of the materials available), they provide shelter, nourishment, and protection in case of an attack.

Self Sufficient Living – 22 Skills For Homesteading

When the crap hits the fan, we need to be ready to live a life of self sufficiency, be self reliant and self sustainable.
First of all, what does self sufficient mean?
According to the dictionary, it means “needing no outside help in satisfying one’s basic needs, especially with regard to the production of food.”
For us preppers and homesteaders, it also means getting off the grid and relying on ourselves as much as possible.
So that means that you must know how to be self sustainable and self reliant, like our grandparents did during the Depression.

Signs Of The Times

We live in a time where everything is digital, everything is quick and everything is bustling. We no longer can live without our iPhones (or cellphones in general), laptops, or our fancy iPads.
We can’t stand to be without central heating and air, and we definitely don’t have the time to cook a dinner from scratch every night on our busy schedules, with sports practices and dance recitals.
We have long forgotten the taste of biting into your own home grow, fresh-from-the-garden tomato. We have long forgotten the enjoyment as we sit down together to a made-from-scratch dinner.
We have long forgotten the feeling of accomplishment when we built something from random sticks or wood laying around.
Or the smell of fresh, line dried clothes.

The Next Generation

Since we have long forgotten them, chances are your child won’t get the chance to even experience and appreciate these small things we did as a child. They would go absolutely bonkers if they had to go a day (much less a week or longer) without their wifi or smartphone or favorite video games.
Not all kids are like this of course, but most are. So it’s up to us to teach them the basic skills of being self sufficient adults before they grow up and it’s too late.
We need to start making sure everyone in our family knows how to do most of these things. These skills will last a lifetime and could one day help save their life.

22 Skills For More Self Sufficient Living And Homesteading

If you put the following 22 skills, tips, and possibly unthought of ideas to good use, you can start a journey from being fully on the grid to being partially off grid in months, and well on your way to going completely off grid and becoming self reliant for a lifetime.
This is important: Start at your own pace and take your time to ease into each new challenge. Don’t get overwhelmed and realize many of these skills only require your attention for a few minutes every now and then. Realize too that some, like gardening, take months to see real results from.
But that’s ok. No one is saying you have to start a self reliant farm from scratch tomorrow, and these items aren’t in any sort of order, so go at your own pace and let your own needs be your guidestone.
So, with that in mind, here they are…
Gardening – Everyone should know how to plant and tend a basic garden. This will give you and your children food and nutrients when they have nothing else to eat. Start with easy to grow plants such as tomatoes, leafy greens and beans. Then you can add some tougher-to-grow veggies as your experience grows.
Start a Herb Garden – This will spice up your food and some herbs have medicinal uses as well.
Canning – With all those veggies growing, you’ll need a way to save them. The best way is to learn to can. This will save them through the cold winter. You can also learn to make pickles, peppers, preserves, and more.
Fishing – Everyone should know how to fish. Believe it or not, some people have no idea how to fish. This is very important. You may need to catch a fish or two for dinner one day.
Hunting – If you want meat on your table and don’t have access to a farm, you need to learn how to hunt.
Cleaning your fish & meat – This goes with hunting & fishing. You need to know how to skin and dress or descale and clean your meat for dinnertime.
Starting a Fire – Everyone needs to know how to start a fire. It can be tricky to do in windy, wet, and humid conditions, so it’s good to know what to do. Learn with a lighter first, then move to a flint and striker. And then try your hand at more difficult primitive ways to start a fire, like a bow drill or rubbing sticks together.
Rationing – I know it’s hard to ration food, especially when you have a family. But this is a must that often gets overlooked, but it’s VERY important. Dividing up food and saving food is important when you need a little food to last a while.
Cooking – It’s a good idea to have multiple members of a household who know how to cook using basic ingredients. I’m not talking about making a box of mac-n-cheese or heating a pizza in the oven. I’m talking homemade breads, pancakes, etc.
Make a clothesline – How else are you going to dry your clothes without a dryer (or electricity at all)? And it’s the only authentic way to get that fresh from the line smell.
Make Homemade Cleaners & Soaps – Using basic items from your pantry like baking soda or vinegar you can make your own cleaners, soaps, shampoos, and more! You can use baking soda as a dry shampoo as well as toothpaste if mixed with a little water to make a paste.Vinegar can be used as a deodorizer but is also good for things like cleaning dirty toilets and disinfecting.
Use a washboard – You need a way to properly clean clothes. Learning to use a washboard will prove to be beneficial.
Build a Smoker – This is a great efficient way to cook meats, veggies and more. It adds a delicious flavor to everything as well.
Raise a few animals – Chickens will give you eggs and of course, a cow will give you milk. A horse can get you around. Goats, rabbits, sheep, and ducks are other options.
Sewing – Everyone should know a basic stitch or two. This will save a lot of clothes from not being able to be worn.
Crocheting – You can make hats, gloves, socks, blankets and more if you learn to crochet!
Learn to stock up – Toilet paper, water, food and LOTS & LOTS more can be stocked up. This is VERY important in a SHTF scenario.
Learn to barter – Trading items will be very beneficial when the SHTF. You’ll need to know this skill when the SHTF to trade items.
Cut firewood – Know how to use an axe? Know how to sharpen one? You will need wood for fire to keep everyone warm, and for your smoker, and more.
Make herbal medicines – This will help colds and make daily aches and pains feel better.
Plant some fruit trees – This will give you fruit and berries to eat and to can.
Start a compose pile – With compost, you are creating rich humus for your garden and adds nutrients to your plants and helps retain moisture in the soil.
Learn to live on the basics – Learn to live with just what you need and nothing more.

Final Thoughts

It’s important to understand that a lot of these you have to gradually learn . At community centers across the nation, they offer classes on learning to sew and bake. Ours also has a canning class. You can also look for books pertaining to certain skills to learn.
One of the best self sufficiency advice I can give is to talk to the older generation. They grew up in a time where they knew how to do some of this stuff, plus they have wisdom on everything! They have more years on you and have learned many more useful ideas and advice than we know.
Self Sufficient is not easy if you are used to living a very busy, digitized life. It takes some adjustment but it will be worth it in the end. When the SHTF you will be prepared and ready for your family.

11 Bartering Tips for Preppers

1. The most important tip when bartering is have something valuable to barter. And that means storing up bartering items before the SHTF. The best bartering items don’t cost much before the SHTF, are easy to store, and will be worth a lot after the SHTF. See my Stuff to Store for Bartering post. You don’t want to be in a disadvantaged position, before the bartering even begins, by having little of value to offer.
2. Know the value of your bartering items. Forget about what an item is worth before disaster strikes. What’s it worth now? Do not underestimate the value of your items. The marketplace has changed, and your bartering items are not easily obtainable, and would be expensive, if available.
3. Talk up the value of your offer. Mention the difficulty of obtaining the item, in the current situation. Talk up its usefulness over anything else your fellow barterer may have. And don’t let them talk down its value.
4. Know the value of the item that you want. Do you really need that item? What’s it worth to you, compared to what you already own? Do not overpay for an item, just because you want it.
5. Talk down the value of the item you are seeking. Do not let on that it is valuable. Express that you can do without it. Do not seem overly interested.
6. Once you start negotiations, walking away can seem like losing. And no one likes to lose. Don’t fall into the trap of paying too much because you didn’t want to walk away. Car salesmen know this fact: the more time you spend negotiating, the harder it is for you to walk away.
7. Trust is not part of the negotiation. Do not trust that they will provide anything, goods or services, after you have handed over your item. Verify every substantial assertion made about the deal and the item you seek. Even if the other person is a relative, friend, long-time acquaintance or neighbor, trust is not part of the deal.
8. Bring someone with you to the negotiation, in case things go south. Never go alone to barter, or to make an exchange of items.
9. Have a contingency plan, in case they turn down your offer. You could sweeten the deal by adding another item of modest value. Or you could offer a different item entirely.
10. Have an exit strategy. Regardless of whether the deal happens or not, you need a way to exit the situation without being robbed by the other person, or by a third party. You need a way to safely return home with your items.
11. Develop multiple sources for all of the goods that you need to purchase or barter for. That way, you won’t be dependent on any one source, and so you won’t have to pay too much for any item.

160 Uses for Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil
Coconut Oil – An Overview
Offering a myriad of health benefits, Coconut Oil is affordable, readily available and completely natural. I use it for EVERYTHING. Literally. I buy it in 5 gallon increments and keep it all over my house. I even have some in the car. So here is a little information to inspire you to check out this amazing oil!
Coconut Oil Is:
  • Anti-bacterial (kills bacteria that cause ulcers, throat infections, urinary tract infections, gum diseases, and other bacterial infections)
  • Anti-carcinogenic (coconut oil has antimicrobial properties so it effectively prevents the spread of cancer cells and enhances the immune system)
  • Anti-fungal (kills fungi and yeast that lead to infection)
  • Anti-inflammatory (appears to have a direct effect in suppressing inflammation and repairing tissue, and it may also contribute by inhibiting harmful intestinal microorganisms that cause chronic inflammation.)Anti-microbial/Infection Fighting (the medium-chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found in Coconut Oil are the same as those in human mother’s milk, and they have extraordinary antimicrobial properties. By disrupting the lipid structures of microbes, they inactivate them. About half of coconut oil consists of lauric acid. Lauric acid, its metabolite monolaurin and other fatty acids in coconut oil are known to protect against infection from bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi and parasites. While not having any negative effect on beneficial gut bacteria, coconut oil inactivates undesirable microbes.)
    • An Antioxidant (protects against free-radical formation and damage)
    • Anti-parasitic (fights to rid the body of tapeworms, lice and other parasites)
    • Anti-protozoa (kills giardia, a common protozoan infection of the gut)
    • Anti-retroviral (kills HIV and HLTV-1)
    • Anti-viral (kills viruses that cause influenza, herpes, measles, hepatitis C, SARS, AIDS, and other viruses)
    • Infection fighting
    • Has no harmful for discomforting side effects
    • Known to improve nutrient absorption (easily digestible; makes vitamins and minerals more available to the body)
    • Nontoxic to humans and animals
    Daily Dosage:
    Here is a chart outlining the recommended daily dosage of virgin Virgin Coconut Oil for persons over the age of 12. Coconut oil may be consumed by children under 12 but it is advisable to check with a healthcare practitioner on the proper dosage. Any good naturopath will have the information at the ready. (Starting at 12 months of age, I gave my daughter one teaspoon per day and she weighed about 16 pounds at that time.)
    Weight in pounds/kilograms Number of tablespoons of coconut oil daily
    175+/79+ 4
    150+ /68+ 3 1/2
    125+ / 57+ 3
    100+/ 45+ 2 1/2
    75+ / 34+ 2
    50+ / 23+ 1 1/2
    25+ / 11+ 1
    Type of Coconut Oil to Use:
    • Virgin (unrefined) coconut oil tastes and smells coconutty and is great for cooking and baking where you want that flavor. You can use it for anything but it will impart a coconut taste (mild) and odor (pleasant in my book)! Unrefined coconut oil retains the most nutritional value and is superior to refined oil.
    • Expeller pressed (refined) coconut oil can be used for anything. It does not have a coconutty smell or taste. It is still outstanding to use but does lose some of it’s health properties during the refining process.
    • Food grade should always be used.

    160 Uses for Coconut Oil

    Coconut Oil for Personal Hygiene/Body
    1. Age Spots (also known as liver spots) – applying coconut oil directly to the age spot will help it fade.
    2. After Shave – coconut oil will help heal your skin after shaving without clogging pores. Great for razor burn!
    3. Baldness – apply three times a day to affected area of hair loss. Coconut oil supports cell regeneration.
    4. Birth Marks – can be used after a laser removal treatment to aid in healing. Can also be applied after an apple cider vinegar treatment to help support and aid the fading process.
    5. Body Scrub – mix coconut oil and sugar together and rub all over! Rinse off and your skin will be super soft! You can add in essential oils if you would like a specific smell.
    6. Bruises – applied directly to the bruise, Coconut Oil enhances the healing process by reducing swelling and redness.
    7. Bug Bites – when applied directly to a bug bite, coconut oil can stop the itching and burning sensation as well as hasten the healing process.
    8. Burns – apply to burn site immediately and continue applying until healed. Will reduce the chances of permanent scarring and promotes healing.
    9. Chapstick – just rub a little into lips and it not only acts as a softening agent but it also has an SPF of about 4 so you get a little protection!
    10. Cradle Cap – having issues with dry skin on your baby’s scalp? Coconut oil will not only nourish your baby’s skin, it also helps eliminate cradle cap. Just rub a teaspoon onto scalp daily.
    11. Dandruff – coconut oil soaks into the scalp moisturizing dry skin and relieves symptoms of dandruff. It also helps to control oil secretion from the scalp, another leading cause of dandruff.
    12. Deodorant – coconut oil alone can be used as a deodorant, but even more effective in combination with cornstarch/arrowroot powder and baking soda!
    13. Diaper Salve – very comforting on a rashy bum with no harsh chemicals. Also safe for cloth diapers.
    14. Exfoliator – coconut oil mixed with sugar or sea salt is a very nourishing and effective exfoliator and safe to use all over the body.
    15. Eye cream – apply under the eyes to reduce puffiness, bags and wrinkles. Use on the lids in the evening.
    16. Face Wash/ Soap – mix equal parts coconut oil with olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil and castor oil and use in place of soap when washing your face. Wet face, rub oil in and leave on for two minutes, rinse and pat dry. One teaspoon should be adequate.
    17. Hair conditioner/ Deep Treatment – use as a leave-in hair conditioner by applying a teaspoon ofCoconut Oil to your ends and then running your fingers through your hair to distribute the rest! For a deeper treatment, rub in a tablespoon of coconut oil onto your dry scalp and gently work through to the ends. Put a shower cap on to prevent transfer onto bed linens and leave on overnight.
    18. Hair Gel/ Defrizzer – rub a little between your palms and either scrunch into hair (for curly hair) or finger comb in through from scalp to ends (for wavy/straight hair).
    19. Healing – when applied on scrapes and cuts, coconut oil forms a thin, chemical layer which protects the wound from outside dust, bacteria and virus. Coconut oil speeds up the healing process of bruises by repairing damaged tissues. Plus, it smells a heck-of-a-lot better than anything from the pharmacy.
    20. Lubricant – it is an all-natural, perfectly safe personal lubricant. Not compatible with latex!
    21. Makeup Remover – use a cotton swab and a dab of coconut oil and you would be amazed at how well it works!
    22. Massage Oil – pretty simple; grab some and rub!
    23. Moisturizer – simply scoop some out of the jar and apply all over your body, including neck and face.
    24. Mole Remover – when applied after an apple cider vinegar compress for several weeks, moles have been known to “slide off” or just disappear.
    25. Nipple Cream – works great to nourish cracked, sore or dry nipples. Apply to a cotton ball and leave on your nipples between feedings.
    26. Oily Skin Fix – prone to oily skin or an oily T-zone? Use a pea sized amount underneath makeup or alone to reduce the appearance of oil.
    27. Pre Shampoo Treatment for Hair – rub a little into scalp and hair before shampooing. This is especially useful for those with course or frizzy hair.
    28. Pre-Shave – coconut oil will prep skin for the pending damage caused by shaving.
    29. Skin Problems – coconut oil relieves skin problems such as psoriasis, dermatitis, and eczema.
    30. Stretch Mark Cream – coconut oil is great at nourishing damaged skin. It may not be the magic stretch mark cure but it will help.
    31. Sun Burn Relief – rub liberal amounts of coconut oil into the affected area.
    32. Sunscreen – see my post on natural sunscreen for more detailed information.
    33. Swimmers Ear – mix garlic oil and coconut oil and put a few drops in affected ear for about 10 minutes. Do this 2-3 times a day and it usually works within one or two days.
    34. Tattoo Healing and Moisturizer – continued use of coconut oil on tattoos will help keep the pigment from fading. Used on new tattoos, coconut will hasten the healing process and decrease the chance of infection.
    35. Toothpaste – there are numerous recipes out there but I just mix coconut oil and baking soda and dab a little of the mix on my toothbrush.
    36. Wrinkle Prevention and Wrinkle Reducer – rubbing coconut oil on winkles and sagging skin helps strengthen the connective tissues to bring back that youthful look!
    Coconut Oil for General Health and Wellness
    37. Breastfeeding – for breastfeeding moms, consuming 3 ½ tablespoons of coconut oil daily will enrich the milk supply.
    38. Bones and Teeth – coconut oil aids in the absorption of calcium and magnesium leading to better development of bones and teeth.
    39. Digestion – the saturated fats in coconut oil help control parasites and fungi that cause indigestion and other digestion related problems such as irritable bowel syndrome. The fat in coconut oil also aids in the absorption of vitamins, minerals and amino acids, making you healthier all around.
    40. Energy Boost – coconut oil boosts energy and endurance making it a great supplement for athletes as well as those needed a quick pick me up.
    41. Fitness – coconut oil has been proven to stimulate your metabolism, improve thyroid function, and escalate energy levels, all of which help decrease your unwanted fat while increasing muscle.
    42. Improves insulin secretion and utilization of blood glucose making it great for both diabetics and non-diabetic.
    43. Lung Function – increases the fluidity of cell surfaces.
    44. Nausea – rub some coconut oil on the inside for the wrist and forearm to calm an upset stomach.
    45. Nose bleeds – coconut oil can prevent nose bleeding that is caused by sensitivity to weather such as extreme heat and extreme cold. This condition happens when the nasal passages become dry because of cold or dry air resulting to burns and cracks in the mucus membranes so bleeding happens. To prevent this just put coconut oil in you nostrils. Coat your finger with Coconut Oil and then lie down and coat your finger inside your nose. Doing this will strengthen and protect the capillaries in the nasal passages. A Vitamin C supplement will also help prevent nose bleeding.
    46. Oil pulling with coconut oil offers a two for one health benefit!
    47. Stress Relief – relieve mental fatigue by applying coconut oil to the head in a circular, massaging motion. The natural aroma of coconuts is extremely soothing thus helping to lower your stress level.
    48. Vitamin and nutrient absorption
    49. Weight loss – the saturated fats contribute to weight loss and controlling cravings. Also increases metabolic rate.
    Coconut Oil for Health Problems (when taken internally it is known for aiding, preventing, relieving or even curing these health issues)
    50. Acid reflux/indigestion aid if taken after a meal
    51. Adrenal fatigue
    52. Allergies (seasonal hay fever)
    53. Alzheimer’s/Dementia
    54. Asthma, even in children
    55. Autism
    56. Bowel function
    57. Bronchial Infections
    58. Cancer (has been shown to prevent colon and breast cancer in laboratory tests)
    59. Candida Albicans
    60. Cholesterol – improves HDL (‘good’ cholesterol) to LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) ratio in people with high cholesterol
    61. Chronic Fatigue
    62. Crohns Disease and resulting inflammation
    63. Circulation/feeling cold all the time
    64. Colds and Flus
    65. Constipation
    66. Cystic Fibrosis
    67. Depression
    68. Diabetes – helps keep blood sugar levels stable and/or helps with cravings
    69. Dysentery
    70. Eczema – in addition to taking it internally, many have success applying it externally, but some don’t
    71. Edema
    72. Energy boost
    73. Epilepsy (known to reduce epileptic seizures)
    74. Fever Support
    75. Flaky, Dry Skin
    76. Gallbladder disease and pain
    77. Gas
    78. H. pylori
    79. Head Lice
    80. Heart Disease (protects arteries from injury that causes atherosclerosis)
    81. Hemorrhoids (can applied externally or internally twice a day)
    82. HIV
    83. Hot Flashes
    84. Hyperthyroidism
    85. Immune System Builder
    86. Irritable Bowel Syndrome
    87. Jaundice
    88. Kidney Disease
    89. Kidney Stones (aids in dissolving them)
    90. Liver Disease
    91. Lung Disease
    92. Malnutrition
    93. Mental Clarity
    94. Menstruation Relief regarding pain/cramps and heavy blood flow
    95. Migraines (with regular use)
    96. Mononucleosis
    97. Osteoporosis
    98. Pancreatitis
    99. Parasites
    100. Periodontal Disease and tooth decay
    101. Prostate Enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
    102. Rickets
    103. Skin problems
    104. Scurvy
    105. Stomach Ulcers
    106. Toenail fungus
    107. Thrush
    108. Thyroid Function (regulates an overactive or underactive thyroid)
    109. Ulcerative Colitis
    110. Underactive thyroid gland – results have shown subsequent thyroid blood tests becoming normal after ingesting Coconut Oil daily
    111. Urinary Tract Infections (Bladder Infections)

    Coconut Oil and Health Problems (when applied topically it is known for aiding, relieving, or even curing these health issues)
    112. Acne
    113. Allergies/Hay Fever – rub a little inside the nostrils for quick relief. The pollen will cling to the oil.
    114. Athletes foot
    115. Back pain/sore muscles
    116. Boils and cysts
    117. Canker sores
    118. Cellulite
    119. Circumcision healing – although I am personally against circumcision, I have read that coconut oil is a really great healer for this.
    120. Decongestant – rub Coconut Oil on the chest and under the nose when congested from a cold or allergies
    121. Ear infection – place a few drops inside the ear twice daily for relief from pain. Also fights the infection itself.
    122. Genital Warts (through topical application over 6 weeks, and coconut oil enemas twice a day depending on the location of the warts)
    123. Gum Disease and Gingivitis (use as a toothpaste or rub directly on gums)
    124.Herpes (applied topically and taken internally)
    125.Hives (reduces the itch and swelling
    126. Pink eye (applied around and in the eye)
    127. Ringworm
    128. Toothache
    129. Warts
  •  Coconut Oil and Cooking 130. Butter Substitute – use 1 cup to 1 cup ratio when replacing butter in recipes with coconut oil.
    131. Nutritional Supplement – melt and add to smoothies.
    132. Replacement for butter/lard/Crisco/PAM in its solid form for greasing pans, pie crusts, etc.
    133. Replacement for various oils in liquid form – baking, cooking, sautéing, etc.
    Coconut Oil and Pets/Animals
    Check with your veterinarian but the recommended dosage for animals is 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 pounds of body weight twice daily.
    134. Aids healing of digestive disorders like inflammatory bowel syndrome and colitis
    135. Aids in arthritis or ligament problems
    136. Aids in elimination of hairballs and coughing
    137. Applied topically, promotes the healing of cuts, wounds, hot spots, dry skin and hair, bites and stings
    138. Clears up skin conditions such as eczema, flea allergies, contact dermatitis, and itchy skin
    139. Disinfects cuts and promotes wound healing
    140. Great for dogs and cats for general wellness. Just add a teaspoon to their water bowl daily.
    141. Helps prevent or control diabetes
    142. Helps sedentary dogs feel energetic
    143. Helps reduce weight, increases energy
    144. Improves digestion and nutrient absorption
    145. Makes coats become sleek and glossy, and deodorizes doggy odor
    146. Medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) have been shown to improve brain energy metabolism and decrease the amyloid protein buildup that results in brain lesions in older dogs.
    147. Prevents and treats yeast and fungal infections, including candida
    148. Reduces allergic reactions and improves skin health
    149. Reduces or eliminates bad breath in dogs
    150. Regulates and balance insulin and promotes normal thyroid function
    Other Uses for Coconut Oil
    151. Chewing Gum in Hair Remover – just rub some coconut oil over the stuck chewing gum, leave in for about 30 minutes, then roll the gum between your fingertip. Voila! It’s out!
    152. Goo Gone – just mix equal parts coconut oil and baking soda into a paste. Apply to the “sticky” area and let it set for a minute. Then scrub off with an old toothbrush or the scrubby side of a sponge.
    153. Insect repellent – mix Coconut Oil with peppermint oil extract and rub it all over exposed skin. Keeps insects off better than anything with DEET! Tons safer too.
    154. Moisturizing and cleaning leather products
    155. Oiling wood cutting boards and wood bowls
    156. Polishing Bronze – all you have to do is rub a little oil into a cotton towel and then wipe down the statue. It cleans and helps deepen the color of your bronze.
    157. Polish Furniture – coconut oil with a little bit of lemon juice to polish wood furniture. However, I recommend you test it first on a very small, unobtrusive part of your furniture to make sure it works the way you’d like.
    158. Seasoning animal hide drums
    159. Seasoning cookware
    160. Soap making – coconut oil can be used as one of the fats in soap.

    Doctors Have No Explanation: Mix Cinnamon And Honey And Cure Arthritis, Cancer, Gallbladder, Cholesterol And 10 Other Diseases

    Were you aware of the fact that honey is one of the healthiest foods on the planet?
    It contains very high amounts of vitamins and minerals. According to experts, the type of vitamins and minerals and their quantity depends on the type of flowers used for apiculture.
    It also contains nutraceuticals, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body, cleanses it from toxins, so it might as well help you in the process of weight loss!
    Honey is an amazing ingredient that can be used against numerous different health problems, but when it is combined with cinnamon its effects are multiplied. Cinnamon is a sweet spice, which goes well in savory dishes like soups and tagines.
    Some people use it to lose weight. Other people use it to improve their sleep.
    All in all, it is a super healthy spice that possesses many health benefits, and you should use it every day to improve your health in general.
    When you create this mixture made of honey and cinnamon, it becomes extremely effective, especially for conditions like high cholesterol and blood sugar, as well as a wide range of viruses.
    RELATED : Wild Lettuce The Best Natural Painkiller Similar To Morphine That Grows In Your Backyard
    These two ingredients are very cheap and can be found everywhere. Here are some health conditions where they can help:

    • Gall bladder infection

    –Mix two tablespoons of cinnamon and one tablespoon of honey in a glass of lukewarm water and drink it every day. This will help you eliminate bacteria in your gall bladder successfully.

    • Cholesterol

    – This combination can help you lower your levels of cholesterol by only 10% in only 2 hours. Just mix two tablespoons of honey and three tablespoons of cinnamon in a big cup of tea, and drink it regularly.

    • Heart diseases

    –Prepare honey and cinnamon pasta. Consume this pasta on bread (instead of marmalade) for breakfast every morning. It decreases cholesterol level in the arteries, and leads to a prevention of a possible heart attack.

    • Arthritis

    – Prepare a mixture by mixing two tablespoons of honey and a tablespoon of cinnamon in a glass of water. If you consume it in the morning and at night, this drink will help you against chronic arthritis, and if consumed regularly, it can even help against cancer.

    • Immune system

    – The regular consumption of honey and cinnamon powder also improves your immunity and protects you against bacteria and viruses.

    • Cold and flu 

    –If you are commonly ill from colds, chronic coughs and sinus obstructions, take 1 tablespoon of honey with ¼ tablespoon of cinnamon three days in a row.