Friday, August 11, 2017

PLANET X INCOMING: 8 Threatening Volcanoes in California Has USGS On Close Alert

8 Threatening Volcanoes in California Has USGS On Close Alert 

With the world’s top volcanologists heading to Portland, Ore., on Aug. 14 for the first international volcanology assembly held in the U.S. since 1989, the many famous, prominent and dangerous volcanoes of the West Coast will be the subject of field trips and much discussion. Throughout the Cascade Range to southern California, the West Coast is home to most of the country’s highest-threat volcanoes, as ranked by the United State Geological Survey. And California has its share.

While Mount Shasta unsurprisingly tops USGS’s list of very-high threat volcanoes in California, there are seven other volcanic areas in the state that are also young, nervy, jacked up on magma and “likely to erupt.” Scientists know from geophysical and geochemical research that these volcanoes have molten rock, magma, “in their roots,” said Margaret Mangan, Scientist-in-Charge at the California Volcano Observatory. “I call them the watch-list volcanoes.”  READ MORE

Quake Swarm of 1500 Earthquakes Reshapes Ground Around Yellowstone Super-Volcano

As small earthquakes continue to rumble around the Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming, scientists have revealed new evidence of the changes going on beneath the ground. A new map from the US Geological Survey shows how the ground around the Yellowstone caldera has deformed over the span of two years, as the quakes release uplift-causing pressure, allowing the ground to sink back down. This activity is typically linked to changes in magma and gases deep below the surface – but for now, the experts say there’s no cause for worry.
The map, created by USGS geophysicist Chuck Wicks uses data from June 2015 and July 2017 to show how the region around Yellowstone has changed. In the map, the colourful rings show the changes in the ground’s elevation as seen by a radar satellite, according to USGS. A bulls-eye shaped section of uplift can be seen at the Norris Geyser Basin, where the ground has risen roughly 3 inches. READ MORE

Gigantic coronal hole opens up on the sun: Geomagnetic storms during peak of Perseid meteor shower on August 12th

A gigantic coronal hole has opened in the sun’s atmosphere just behind sunspot AR2670. And it is turning toward Earth… Weak geomagnetic storms should occur on Earth during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower on August 12th. Imagine a disintegrating fireball in a green glow.
Such a hole is a region where the sun’s magnetic field has peeled back and allows gaseous material to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this hole will reach Earth on August 12th, during the peak of the Perseid meteor shower. Imagine a disintegrating fireball exploding through the green glow of an aurora. READ MORE

World Asteroid Planetary Defense/Eyes on Oct. 12 (day before Fatima anniversary) Asteroid 

 House-sized asteroid that will come 'damn close' to Earth in October when it flies inside the moon's orbit is spotted for the first time in five years