Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Video- Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 17, 2017

Video- Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 17, 2017
How are we to think our way out of the converging catastrophes we face when we are swimming in a toxic sea of contaminants which are verifiably reducing our cognitive abilities? Aluminum exposure is now wreaking havoc on the entire web of life: from bees, to whales, to us. What is the core cause of Alzheimer's? A new science study has now given us a foundational conclusion regarding aluminum. Where is the majority of this heavy metal coming from? Look up. The extreme weather whiplash scenarios will continue to worsen rapidly from here on out, and even now, few understand the severity of what is unfolding. On the terrorism front, what nation is training military personnel from around the world to foment murder and mayhem in their own countries? Is there any depth to the hypocrisy of this nation and its military? What will it take for the population of this nation to wake up and face the truth? The latest edition of Global Alert News is below.