Monday, June 19, 2017

The Tribulation: The Great Test of Faith

The Tribulation:  The Great Test of Faith
By: Eric Gajewski

Our lives are truly a daily war of Faith.  We receive the Holy Ghost by way of Faith.  We believe we will see the Face of God one day by Faith.  We cannot escape this reality.  The modern world has been so busy building up the false city of self that it has thrown Faith out the door.  Why do we need a God when I have everything I need already at my fingertips he asks?  But God in His Providence is allowing and will allow a complete collapse on all levels.  Then men will truly be put to the Test.  Faith in god or faith in self?  Faith in God or the soon coming Antichrist who will shew wonders!  Will you go along with the world or hold out onto the Red Sea is parted during the 3 days of darkness when the Church shall move into the new promised land.  Yes, heaven has promised a new day which was uttered by our model of Faith, Mary, at Fatima.  Notice how Our Lady says “in the end….my Immaculate Heart will Triumph”.  This is because at first and through the whole tribulation any sort of Triumph will seem impossible on the human level.  It will be at the last second that God shows up to deliver His people.

Wings of Faith and Hope.  Our Lady of LaSalette said that this is what we will be reduced to and yet is Faith of this world?  Of course, not.  The worldly will perish beneath the weight of their own self will.  Everything will collapse and crumble except for Jesus, Mary and the Church.  We, eagles, must be ready to fly as we see the Storm approaching.  Perhaps, you have noticed God is already sending you “mini-trials” to get ready for the “big show”.  This is all preparatory.  In Galatians 3 there is a further discourse on Faith which I encourage you all to reread.  Keep your mind on the Word and Faith.  Be ready to defend against the devils attacks against your Faith.  For as a part of this chastisement God is permitting all hell to be emptied so that you may be tried.  We can say God has had enough of the “self business”.  He wants men to turn to Him WHOLLY and without RESERVE for He is our Source and End.  God grant us the grace to come closer to Your Sacred Heart daily!  Be ready for further crosses, trials and tribulations for this is how a little eaglet’s grows.

Heaven promised a glorious period for the Church.  This is recorded in the Apocalypse with the death of the Antichrist.  When the Jews even join in the Church and when virtually the whole world becomes Catholic.  We have this victory through Mary and Jesus.  She plays a special role in the Redemptive Plan and most specifically with those suffering.  Now I know many of you seek to be consoled by family and neighbor first but we first must run to Jesus and Mary.  Fatima reiterates what Revelation has already revealed and taught.  We have been given a promise and now must walk like Abraham in Faith.  We are heirs of Abraham.

Prayer, detachment and Crosses.  The means are there for us to become Saints.  We must continually turn to Jesus and Mary in prayer.  We must invoke the Saints.  We must turn from the world and detach from all things.  For that one thing you think you have hidden from men’s eyes will keep you from union with God.  The Cross will transform you for what you think will be your end will only be a new beginning.  What God lives in cant “die” until He signs off on it.  Utilize your time wisely.  Be sure to do works of mercy and charity.  Your thought’s must be centered on God and neighbor and not on self.  This is the final Passover for the Church and God will see who is true servants are and we know from Scripture and approved prophecy how FEW will remain in the end.  Start now!  Don’t delay in taking your interior life seriously.  Faith in God and the Catholic Faith are inseparable, therefore, those not of Faith will perish beneath the weight of self and sin.  Pray for all heretics and those living in a state of mortal sin.  Pray to grow in holiness so that you can be a better asset to God, Amen

TradCatKnight Radio: "Apocalypse 12:14, Eagles & the Desert"