Tuesday, June 20, 2017

NWO Multicultural Agenda: Antipope Francis' top 5 ideas for World Day of Refugees

NWO Multicultural Agenda: Francis' top 5 ideas for World Day of Refugees
The Conciliar Church has a "World day" for just about everything these days except for conversion to the true Faith.  New Tower of Babal anyone?

While there are mixed feelings throughout the world on the refugee crisis, Pope Francis has always been consistent on his stance. It is one of addressing the widespread problem with urgency, one's civil duty, welcoming, hospitality and love. 

In fact, his first papal trip was to Lampedusa, an Italian island where he denounced the "globalization of indifference,” as he remembered the victims of immigration. Since, then, he has taken many opportunities to remember those who are displaced.

September 19, 2016
"Tragically, in the world today more than 65 million people were forced to leave their places of residence. This unprecedented number goes beyond imagination. The total number of refugees is now larger than the entire population of Italy!”

February 21, 2017
"There is a civic duty. Our commitment to migrants, displaced persons and refugees is an application of these principles and values of welcome and fraternity that constitute a common heritage of humanity and wisdom which we draw from."

Pope Francis doesn't discriminate against the country of origin for the refugees either, meeting with groups in the Central African Republic, Turkey and in Syria. In addition to the political call to help, he calls on Christians to serve and even gives advice on how to welcome those fleeing.

February 17, 2017
"How should we receive them, how should we receive the migrants? How should migrants be welcomed? First as brothers and sisters. They are men and women like us."

October 26, 2016
"Commitment from Christians is urgent. We all have the duty of welcoming our brother who flees from war, hunger, or violence, and we are called to go to those who suffer, to bring them the embrace and the mercy of God."

September 19, 2016
"I encourage you therefore to welcome the refugees into your homes and communities, so that their first experience of Europe is not so traumatic as to sleep in the cold in the streets, but that of warmth and humanity. Remember that authentic hospitality is a profound Gospel value, that nurtures love and is our greatest security against the hateful acts of terrorism.”