Friday, June 23, 2017

How HAARP, CERN and Space Fence Are Controlling Our Minds! (Video)

How HAARP, CERN and Space Fence Are Controlling Our Minds! (Video)

Elana is the author of Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth & her follow up to that will be out in early 2018 called UNDER AN IONISED SKY: From Chemtrails To the Space Fence Lockdown.
Flying alongside myself and john tonight is our good friend anthony patch. Anthony has become one of the most in demand speakers on the subject of CERN & quantum computing. He too is an auther of a number of books including 2048 diamonds in the rough, Covert Cotastraphe, Revising Reality & the man behind ENTANGLED e-magazine.