Thursday, June 22, 2017

Fortnight for Freedom: “By their fruits…”

Fortnight for Freedom: “By their fruits…”
From those intrepid fishers of men here in the United States of God Bless America  – the same who once boldly encouraged parishes throughout this magnificent land to stand up and fight the unjust decrees of the godless State by hosting a “Pancakes for Patriotism” and a “Fish Fry for Freedom” event – comes yet another Fortnight for Freedom.
This marks the sixth such annual observance; one that is likely to continue well into the future, at least until such time as Christ the King decides that it’s time to reclaim His throne.
At their recent Spring assembly in Indianapolis, the USCCB voted to grant the once “ad hoc” Committee for Religious Liberty that oversees the two-week neo-Catholic carnival act permanent status.

This is quite an honor as it now joins the prestigious ranks of such Committees as those on Cultural Diversity in the Church; Ecumenical and Interreligious Affairs, and Migration.
Serving as Chairman of the Committee for Religious Liberty is my ordinary, Archbishop William E. Lori, who said following the 132-53 vote that came on the second day of the bishops’ meeting:
“The very idea of religious freedom and its roots in human nature is challenged, along with the right of religious people and institutions to raise their voices in the public square and to perform ministries that serve the common good in accordance with their religious and moral convictions.”
He went on to observe:
“Debates about religious freedom in our country are often, sadly, polarizing.”
Imagine that, polarizing…
Some religions hold to the “moral conviction” that homo-deviance is not only a right, but a source of pride; while others are equally as convicted that its practitioners should be bound, gagged, and thrown off the roof of a multi-story building.  (We will return to this example momentarily.)
Archbishop Lori said that he hopes to see his Committee “plant the seeds of a movement for religious freedom, which will take years of watering and weeding in order for it to grow, to grow strong and to bear fruit.”
Let us hope and pray that he fails miserably.
The government of the United States of America is constitutionally required to treat the life-giving truth that comes to us from God free from all stain of error through His Holy Catholic Church alone as if it is of no more regard than the opinions expressed by the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer Alliance; thus reducing Christ the King and His followers to but one constituency among many.
In a land like the United States that boasts of such competing “moral convictions” as these, the solution to the “polarity” that Archbishop Lori decried is rather simple: majority rule.
I’m no Constitutional scholar much less a celebrated jurist, so don’t take it from me…
Antonin Scalia, the man who was all but canonized by certain “traditional” Catholic media types immediately following his death, was of the belief that even when it comes to abortion, the vox populi is sovereign!
This, my friends, is “religious freedom” in action; as such, I’m not sure how much more “fruit” we can take.
Speaking of fruits…
Any time one discusses Archbishop William E. Lori, the topic of LGBT activism is especially relevant.
LEAD Pride
Returning now to the “moral conviction” that homo-deviance is a source of pride as opposed to a sin that cries out to heaven for vengeance, St. Matthew parish here in Baltimore is, for the fifth year in a row, openly making plans to march in the area’s “Gay Pride Parade” under a “Catholic” banner.
According to the parish’s calendar of upcoming events:
PRIDE T-Shirts on Sale: St. Matthew, after all Masses: July 9 & 10 and July 16 & 17
This despicable excuse for a Catholic parish is just one among many such “LGBT friendly communities” that have been flourishing on Archbishop Lori’s watch.
This past June 8th, St. Ignatius Catholic Church held their “Annual Pride Prayer Service” where, according to their website:
“We will give thanks to God for the gift of our LGBT brothers and sisters in a Prayer Service. Through music, readings, prayer and a spirit of gratitude, we will gather to celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters.”
Meet the pastor of St. Matthew parish in Baltimore, Fr. Joe Muth.
Meet the pastor of St. Matthew parish, Fr. Joe Muth.

As I first revealed in a December 2015 exposé, according to the infamous list of “gay friendly parishes” published by New Ways Ministry (NWM) – the Consumer Reports of “homo-catholicism” – on average in the U.S., just 1.3% of the parishes in a given diocese qualify for the lofty designation.
In the Archdiocese of Baltimore, by contrast, nearly 5% of its total parishes are on the “gay friendly” list – that’s more than 3.5 times the national average; making of it a veritable gay pilgrimage destination!
Issues such as these have been brought to Archbishop William E. Lori’s attention by concerned faithful of the diocese for years all to no avail whatsoever. Indeed, parish-based LGBT activism has been carried out with increasing impunity during his tenure.
This being so, when I hear the Chair of the USCCB Committee on Religious Liberty speak of his desire to bear fruit, perhaps you’ll forgive me for wondering just what kind of “fisher of men” he really is.

St John the Baptist vs. Religious Liberty