Saturday, May 6, 2017

(VIDEO) Project Black Star Update – Volume 18

(VIDEO) Project Black Star Update – Volume 18

Seismic, volcanic and magnetic North Pole migration indicators say that Earth is moving towards the peak of the first earth change uptick period of the 2017 Earth orbit cycle relative to the Black Star positioned in the Libra Constellation between Jupiter and Saturn relative to the Sun.

Start Date End Date # 8+ # 7 # 6 # 5 # 2.5 – 4 Total This Week Total Last Year
3/16/2014 3/22/2014 11  0      0 4 42 265 311 162
03/29/15  04/04/15 11  0      1 5 27 238 269 391
4/17/2016 4/23/2016 11 U    0      0 3 32 250 285 277
04/23/2017 04/29/2017 11 0 1 2 40 237 279 256
The 2017 seismic event pattern continues following the events from 2015 very closely with fewer of the 6-mag quakes, but a higher number of 5-mag quake events mirroring the value from 2014. The 7.1 Chile Quake (link) downgraded by the USGS appears in the 7-mag event column, which was expected following the 2015 seismic pattern; and which is typical of the lying USGS running around and routinely downgrading key seismic events serving the Rothschild/Global Bankster Elite Agenda of keeping the Sheeple in the dark about what is really taking place all around us. The high weekly event value for the 5-mag quake events appears connected to the deep magma plume formation spreading from the Pacific Ocean/Ring of Fire to now have a major influence on the entire world.
Start Date End Date # 8+ # 7 # 6 # 5 # 2.5 – 4 Total This Week Week Total This Time Last Year

  2/7/2016   2/13/2016 1 O  0 0 3 29 227 259 245
2/14/2016   2/20/2016 2      0 0 2 23 273 298 264
2/21/2016   2/27/2016 3* 0 0 0 22 259 281 244
2/28/2016   3/5/2016 4 U  0 1 0 24 273 298 237
3/6/2016 3/12/2016 5 0 0 1 20 194 215 229
3/13/2016 3/19/2016  6 U  0 0 2 28 242 272 273
3/20/2016 3/26/2016  7 0 0 1 5 224 230 270
3/27/2016 4/02/2016  8 0 0 3 22 212 237 269
4/03/2016 4/09/2016  9 U  0 0 4 25 259 288 260
4/10/2016 4/16/2016 10 U  0 2 7 47 252 308 219
4/17/2016 4/23/2016 11 0 0 3 32 250 285 277
4/24/2016 4/30/2016 12 N  0 1 2 24 229 256 254
5/01/2016 5/07/2016 13 L   0 0 0 24 217 241 338
5/08/2016 5/14/2016 14 L  0 0 0 21 242 263 303
5/15/2016  5/21/2016 15 0 0 2 18 241 261 286
5/22/2016  5/28/2016 16 0 1 2 18 204 225 243
5/29/2016  6/04/2016 17 L  0 0 2 21 223 246 253
6/05/2016  6/11/2016 18 L  0 0 7 24 217 248 252
6/12/2016  6/18/2016 19 L  0 0 1 26  182* 209 217
6/19/2016  6/25/2016 20 L  0 0 4 28 226 258 228
6/26/2016  7/02/2016 21 0 0 1 27 243 271 212
7/03/2016  7/09/2016 22 0 0 0 21 205 226 226
7/10/2016  7/16/2016 23 0 0 3 29 207 239 358
7/17/2016  7/23/2016 24 0 0 1 32 196 229 310
07/24/2016 07/30/2016 25 0 1 3 26 206 236 566
07/31/2016 08/06/2016 26 0 0 3 22 190 215 327
08/07/2016 08/13/2016 27 0 1 1 25 218 245 225
08/14/2016 08/20/2016 28 O  0 1 2 43 199 245 247
08/21/2016 08/27/2016 29 U  0 0 4 25 221 250 284
08/28/2016 09/03/2016 30 U  0 2 1 51 268 322 352
09/04/2016 09/10/2016 31 0 0 3 32 232 267 303
09/11/2016 09/17/2016 32 0 0 3 20 204 227 411
09/18/2016 09/24/2016 33 U  0 0 5 40 267 312 346
09/25/2016 10/01/2016 34 0 0 1 31 255 287 346
10/02/2016 10/08/2016 35 0 0 0 16 173 189 215
10/09/2016 10/15/2016 36 0 0 1 19 163 183 273
10/16/2016 10/22/2016 37 0 0 3 19 229 251 260
10/23/2016 10/29/2016 38 0 0 2 25 271 298 276
10/30/2016 11/05/2016 39 0 0 2 22 192 216 274
11/06/2016 11/12/2016 40 0 0 1 20 212 233 286
11/13/2016 11/19/2016 41 B   0 1 NZ 4 49 303* 357 308
11/20/2016 11/26/2016 42 L  0 1 ES 3 33 232 269 271
11/27/2016 12/03/2016 43 L  0 0 2 21 196* 219 242
12/04/2016 12/10/2016 44 0 1 6 56 237 300 307
12/11/2016 12/17/2016 45 0 1 2 51 238 292 225
12/18/2016 12/14/2016 46 0 0 5 55 206 266 237
12/25/2016 12/31/2016 47 0 1 1 21 236 259 252
01/01/2017 01/07/2017 48 0 0 2 43 206 251 424
01/08/2017 01/14/2017 49 0 1 2 35 144 182 294
01/15/2016 01/21/2016 50 0 0 1 23 184 208 262
01/22/2017 01/28/2017 51 0 1 0 25 226 252 368
01/29/2017 02/04/2017 52 0 0 0 20 182 202 262
02/05/2017 02/11/2017 53 0 0 2 32 166 200 259
Start Date End Date # 8+ # 7 # 6 # 5 # 2.5 – 4 Total This Week Week Total This Time Last Year
02/12/2017 02/18/2017  1 O  0 0 1 24 185 210 298
02/19/2017 02/25/2017  2 U  0 0 2 27 228 257 281
02/26/2017 03/04/2017  3 0 0 0 28 210 238 298
03/05/2017 03/11/2017  4 0 0 1 24 209 234 215
03/12/2017 03/18/2017  5 0 0 1 30 260 291 272
03/19/2017 03/25/2017  6 0 0 1 17 198 216 230
03/26/2017 04/01/2017  7 0 0 2 34 243 279 237
04/02/2017 04/08/2017  8 0 0 2 31 279 312 288
04/09/2017 04/15/2017  9 0 0 1 29 255 285 308
04/16/2017 04/22/2017 10 0 0 1 22 261 284 285
04/23/2017 04/29/2017 11 0 1 2 40 237 279 256
O= Outside Orbit Position N= Nearside Alignment B= Backside Alignment U= Uptick L= Lull J= Jolt
If the USGS is to be believed (definitely liars), then two or fewer of the 6-magnitude earthquake events have struck within each seven-day reporting period for eighteen weeks in a row; which has not happened going back to 2014 and likely since the investigation began in January 2011. Week 11 in the 2017 orbit cycle relative to the Black Star marks the first time that Earth has seen 40 of the 5-magnitude earthquake events in the last 17 weeks representing a sign to me that the deep magma plume formation is growing at an accelerated rate moving towards the peak of the current earth change uptick period. I am a bit surprised to see the uptick of 5+ quake events coinciding with a lower weekly value for the 2.5 to 4-mag quake events that will likely bounce higher in Week 12.  If the 2017 seismic pattern for Week 12 follows the 2015 seismic pattern, then we will see a drop in the 5-mag quake events (only 13 in Week 12 of 2015) and then see and average of 40 of these moderately-sized quake event from Week 13-16 that included four of the 7-mag quake events over the period.
 Name Location Activity
Aira Kyushu (Japan) New
Ibu Halmahera (Indonesia) New
Kambalny Southern Kamchatka (Russia) New
Langila New Britain (Papua New Guinea) New
Manam Papua New Guinea New
Poas Costa Rica New
Earth saw six new volcanic eruption events for Week 12 representing the same weekly total for 2015, as Earth continues following the same patterns we saw two years ago in more ways than be considered mere coincidence. The focus of this week’s new volcanic eruption events is along magma plume arm #1 extending from Indonesia up through Japan, Kamchatka, the Aleutians and Alaska dipping south below the Cascadia Subduction Zone. The only new volcanic eruption event this week not connected to that region took place in Costa Rica along magma plume arm #2 extending from Indonesia across to Chile turning north where the magma plume formation terminal end is currently being tested off the west coast of Mexico and pushing north towards the US West Coast. See Terral’s 2016 Newsletter Volume 28 and Volume 42 for more information on the deep magma plume activity working to change the global tectonic/volcanic dynamic for more information.
The Earth magnetic North Pole is not only retracing the same precise migration path from 2015, but is also in the same exact position; which in my mind is more than a coincidence. While the Earth magnetic North Pole is currently trailing last year’s position, by slightly less than the 12 days we have seen for the last ten months or so, the differential has failed to close in on the 3-degrees anticipated by the primary Binary Star Magnetic Repulsion Modeling leaving us with more questions than answers on how this data applies to the Project Black Star Investigation. My suspicion is that Jupiter is playing a larger role in influencing solar system harmonics in combination with Saturn, as the two largest planets in our solar system are straddling the Black Star position in the Libra Constellation shown here:
The Earth is expected to catch up with the Black Star in natural orbit around the Sun here in early May 2017 (Primary Modeling), or on May 20, 2017 where Earth is vulnerable to a Black Star/magnetically-induced geological pole shift.
Let us look at the planet orientation/position in the solar system on May 02, 2015 from two years ago to realize Earth passed between the Sun and Black Star on April 25, 2015 with 7.8 Nepal Quake Event. While Earth had already passed the Black Star, Jupiter is 60 degrees right on the orbit diagram relative to the 2017 position having less of an influence on solar system harmonics. Herein lies the challenge for researchers: Somehow or another, planetary positions in our solar system relative to the Black Star under the legs of Virgo in 2015 has provided for Earth magnetic North Pole position to be in the exact same spot and on the same exact date two years later (2015 and 2017). My feeling is that one of our project physicists can analyze the solar system planetary position variables in the 2015/2017 equations quantifying the solar system harmonics that produce the same value presented for us using this magnetic North Pole migration data. Steve and Jason are currently combining efforts allowing Steve to produce a visual model of our solar system providing Black Star position moving through the Leo Constellation (2010-2012) and Virgo (2012-2015) and now into the center/left of the Libra Constellation that should prove beneficial to the investigation.
Right now, my focus is on Earth magnetosphere with the anticipation of seeing another magnetopause reversal sooner rather than later to help support the primary Binary Star Magnetic Repulsion Model pointing to a Black Star/magnetically-induced geological pole shift on May 20, 2018. A magnetopause reversal on May 15, 2017 supports the Magnetic North Pole Migration Model indicating a geological pole shift around May 20, 2017, about five days later. Some survival group subscribers are writing with comments suggesting that the pole shift threat has passed for 2017, but we are not out of the woods yet; and we are wise to pay careful attention to Earth testimony in this case moving through the month of May 2017. All of that said, the political and geopolitical environment around the world shows no indications that the Elite have any intention of launching their Fail-Safe Plan that in my mind will include a big increase in silver prices and the release of a contagion likely connected to the avian flu. I also expect to see the world puppet governments signing a big peace treaty helping to fulfill the prophecies from 1Thessalonians 5:1-5 allowing the Sheeple to proclaim, ‘Peace and Safety!’ at the time of their destruction; but the House of Rothschild has yet to escalate the process of installing a central bank in Syria, also making me believe we have another orbit cycle under our belts.
Read the Full Report and related articles using a complimentary link to Terral’s 2017 Newsletter Volume 18. Subscribe to the Newsletter/Survival Group Programs and support the research at