Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Venezuelans Protest Francis' Support for Socialist Venezuelan Regime

Venezuelans Protest Francis' Support for Socialist Venezuelan Regime 
In the late afternoon of May 7, the Venezuelan Episcopal Conference published a letter from Pope Francis about the situation in Venezuela. The letter is addressed to the bishops. The letter, dated 5 May, expresses the papal "concern for the difficult situation" in which the Venezuelan people live.
On the Saint Peter's Square yesterday, Venezuelan Faithful  with black crosses drew attention to the oppression in Venezuela at the Regina Coeli. The names of the dead were written with white  on the black crosses, who have been shot or killed in the latest protests against the socialist regime of Nicolas Maduro.


The dead of Venezuela as a reminder to Pope Francis
The silent protest should not only draw the attention of the world to the situation in the Latin country, which has been under the "Bolivarian Revolution" for 19 years. The protest with the black crosses was also an answer to Pope Francis'  letter to the bishops. It was an invitation to join the Venezuelan people and give up his support for the PSUV regime.
To this end, the Pope was not ready in his letter to the bishops. In this he repeated his call to seek "dialogue" with the regime and to come to "agreements" with it.
The Venezuelan prime minister, Cardinal Jorge Urosa, and the faithful protested against the oppression of the Socialist regime on Sunday in Rome with the cross in their hands. The Pope simply ignores the fact that the regime, which calls itself "revolutionary," uses "dialogue" to "suppress the people" and gain time to introduce even harsher oppressive measures to maintain power." This criticism also touches Pope Francis, who is accused of supporting the regime and of wanting to split the opposition.
Don José Palmara, one of the most famous priests of Venezuela, accused the Pope of "the complete ignorance of the situation in Venezuela".