Sunday, May 14, 2017

Francis Chastises Those Who Speak of God’s Chastisement

Francis Chastises Those Who Speak
of God’s Chastisement

Marian T. Horvat, Ph.D.
The "Pope" was in Fatima today (May 13, 2017) to celebrate the centenary of Our Lady's first apparition and to canonize the two seers, Jacinta and Francisco. Organizers had expected as many as one million people to attend the Mass today. In the end, according to the Vatican, half that many came.

Large crowds came to Fatima to honor Our Lady and the two shepherds, below, the candlelight vigil
candlelight vigil 
Still, it is a sight to behold, the esplanade surrounding the Chapel of the Apparitions filled with a half million devotees praying the Rosary. The candlelit vigil yesterday, Friday, became a sea of lights, fitting tribute to Our Lady who honored the world with her appearance to deliver a crucial message to three shepherd children in 1917.

I don't believe the majority of these persons came for Francis, who pays little attention to Fatima and the very minimum to Our Lady and the Rosary. They came to honor Our Lady, as they do every May 13 when crowds even larger than today's fill the main square. This year they came also to commemorate Jacinta and Francisco who died young at age 9 and 10, respectively, as Our Lady told them they would, and went to Heaven, as Our Lady also promised they would.

The Fatima pilgrims traditionally walk part of the stretch to Fatima. Many this year trekked to Fatima for days on foot – some finishing the last few meters on their knees on the walkway leading to the Chapel of the Apparitions. Thousands arrived after walking the 90 mile road from Lisbon. To have an idea how seriously the Portuguese people take the Fatima apparitions, you need only to hear that State employees were granted a public holiday on Friday for the centenary ceremonies.

The "Pope" said...

What did the "Pope" say to those gathered on the esplanade on his first day in Fatima? Was there a call for conversion and warning of a coming chastisement of mankind, which Our Lady said would happen if the faithful did not amend their lives and ask pardon for their sins?

A plea to pray the daily Rosary as Our Lady asked at each of the apparitions? A call for the conversion of Russia that Our Lady predicted would spread Communism throughout the world unless it returned to the Catholic Church? An encouragement to practice devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and make the Five First Saturdays?

Francis denies that the Fatima message is about a great chastisement
No. He did not do any of these things. Following in the steps of all the conciliar Popes who have visited Fatima, Francis ignored these crucial parts of the message of Fatima. Instead, he turned the threat of a hovering chastisement into a message of "unity, mercy and peace."

On the eve of May 13, after his arrival, he went so far as to ridicule the words of one of the seers he came to canonize. As a matter of fact, little Jacinta before she died said that Our Lady had lamented the immorality, bad marriages, immodest dress and impure priests. She added: "The Blessed Mother can no longer restrain the hand of her Divine Son from striking the world with just punishment for its many crimes."

Francis asked the faithful of “which Mary?” were they pilgrims. There is the Mary venerated by the Church, Francis said, but also one “of our own making: One who restrains the arm of a vengeful God."

This bold statement appears to me as a defiant response to the warning of the Mother of God.

Francis canonizes the shepherds on the denuded altar of the Fatima Interfaith Sanctuary
He went on to say that God’s mercy always has to be put before judgment, and stressed that insisting on the punishing of sins without first speaking about them being forgiven by His mercy, is doing a “great injustice” to God’s grace.

These were his words: "Great injustice is done to God’s grace whenever we say that sins are punished by His judgment, without first saying – as the Gospel clearly does – that they are forgiven by His mercy!”

“Mercy has to be put before judgment and, in any case, God’s judgment will always be rendered in the light of His mercy,” he said, reading his remarks in Portuguese. “Obviously, God’s mercy does not deny justice, for Jesus took upon himself the consequences of our sin, together with its due punishment.”

So, Francis' message is a clear denial of a coming chastisement. According to him, the one who thinks the message of Fatima predicts a chastisement is inventing a different Mary than the one preached by the Church...

A communist friendly "Pope"...

Let me repeat that he did not mention the conversion of Russia, which continues to have a schismatic Church with its heretic doctrines on the procession of the Holy Spirit, Papal Infallibility and the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady. Of course, he – who is the close friend of many Latin American communist dictators – did not mention Russia and the spreading of its communist errors over the world.

Russia, however, has not converted in either the temporal or the religious sphere, and the warning Our Lady gave at Fatima about the errors of this country continues to be as timely today as it was in 1917.

More confusion on the Third Secret

Regarding the Third Secret of Fatima, Card. Mario Luigi Ciappi wrote: "In the Third Secret it is foretold, among other things, that the great apostasy in the Church will begin at the top.” (1)

A Christ without a face hovers over the crowd in Fatima square, symbolic of the Vatican II Church
Card. Silvio Oddi also wrote on the same subject: “According to the most probable interpretation, the Third Secret – which John XXIII did not consider opportune to reveal – is not about the conversion of Russia, still far from occurring, but the ‘revolution’ in the Catholic Church.” (2)

What was this revolution in the 1960s that would have warranted a warning from Our Lady? Certainly, it was Vatican Council II.

Francis did not mention the Third Secret. The only indirect allusion he made of it was to say in one of his prayers: "I am the Bishop dressed in white." Now then, this an expression of the fake Third Secret disseminated by the Vatican in 2000. Until two days ago, the "official" interpretation was that the Bishop in white would be John Paul II. Now, when Francis claims that he is the Bishop in white, he spreads more confusion over the interpretation of that false text.

Therefore, the balance of the visit is this:
  • Francis radically opposed the idea that the Fatima message is that of a chastisement;
  • He completely ignored the other parts of the message, which spoke of immorality and the decadence of customs leading countless souls to Hell; the errors of Russia – Communism – and its conversion;
  • He spoke nothing about the apostasy in the Church;
  • Regarding the Third Secret, he did not mention it, but created still more confusion on the bogus Vatican secret.
  1. Paul Kramer, The Devil’s Final Battle, (Terryville, CT: The Missionary Ass., 2002), p. i.
  2. Silvio Oddi, Il Tenero Mastino di Dio, (Rome: Progetti Museali Editore, 1995), p. 217.

TCK: Cant follow Vatican II teaching nor the Conciliar Popes to be Catholic

Francis in Fatima: God is not a ruthless judge restrained by Mary's arm (PreVatican 2 approved mystics say otherwise.  Francis the heretic strikes again)