Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Earth Changes: Alaska Hit By 45 Significant Earthquakes Within 24 Hours As The West Coast Wonders If ‘The Big One’ Is Imminent

Earth Changes: Alaska Hit By 45 Significant Earthquakes Within 24 Hours As The West Coast Wonders If ‘The Big One’ Is Imminent
Within the last 24 hours, 45 earthquakes of magnitude 2.5 or greater have struck Alaska, and 25 of them were of magnitude 4.0 or greater. The worst one had a magnitude of 6.2, but none of the earthquakes did much damage because none of them hit heavily populated areas. But the reason why all of this shaking is causing so much concern is because the “Ring of Fire” runs right along the southern Alaska coastline, and all of the earthquakes except for one were along the southern coast.
After running along the southern Alaska coastline, the Ring of Fire goes south along the west coast of Canada, the United States and Mexico. What affects one part of a fault network will often trigger something along another portion of the same fault network, and so many living on the west coast are watching the shaking in Alaska with deep concern.
For a long time scientists have acknowledged that a major Cascadia subduction zone earthquake is way overdue, and when one finally strikes the devastation that we could see in the Pacific northwest is likely to be off the charts. In fact, some scientists believe that the coming Cascadia subduction zone earthquake could potentially be as high as magnitude 9.0
That 9.0-magnitude quake could trigger a 500 mph wave and put 70,000 people in the “inundation zone” in serious risk. Depending on their location within that zone, Kathryn Schulz writes in her article, people will have between 10 and 30 minutes to evacuate.
If a giant earthquake along the Cascadia subduction zone ever did cause a tsunami of that size, the death and destruction would be unimaginable. Just consider what physicist Michio Kaku told CBS News about such an event…
“In Japan, they practice this. Children know exactly what to do, and there’s an early warning system that we don’t have in Seattle that we do have in Japan,” Kaku said. “There are building codes that are not being enforced. Realize that many buildings are just going to be toppled when this gigantic earthquake, a 9.0, and a tsunami hits the Seattle, Tacoma and Portland area.”
According to the FEMA director responsible for Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska, the operating assumption is that “everything west of Interstate 5 will be toast.”
Further south, scientists are expecting “the Big One” to hit California at literally any time. The experts that have studied these things are warning that the 800-mile-long San Andreas fault “could unzip all at once”, and one recent study claims that a big enough earthquake “could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly”
The Big One may be overdue to hit California, but scientists near LA have found a new risk for the area during a major earthquake.
They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge large parts of California into the sea almost instantly.
The discovery was made after studying the Newport-Inglewood fault, which has long been believed to be one of Southern California’s danger zones.
Let us certainly hope that nothing like that happens any time soon.
But without a doubt the crust of our planet is becoming increasingly unstable, and we are living at a time when the number of earthquakes just continues to rise.
As I was writing this piece, I came across an article in a major British news source about a researcher that is warning that the gravitational pull caused by certain planets aligning will create ideal conditions for major seismic activity this week…
Frank Hoogerbeets has issued an online “major earthquake warning” amid fears a “big one” is on its way, claiming it could also cause a tsunami.
Mr Hoogerbeets, who is based in the Netherlands, uses a non-scientifically recognised way of predicting earthquakes based on planetary alignments with Earth.
He wrote on his website ditrianum.org: “On May 9 2017, three planetary alignments converge, one of which is Earth-Mercury-Uranus.
“It will be the third time this year that these three planets align; the previous two caused a 6.6 and a 6.9 magnitude earthquake respectively.
“The other alignments around the 9th are Mars-Venus-Saturn and Mars-Sun-Mercury.
“This convergence is also close to Full Moon (May 10).”
Of course we have already seen major seismic activity in Alaska, and we shall see if anything else happens over the next few days.
Another item that caught my attention was a CBS News report that talked about the fact that shark attacks are increasing along the west coast…
Shark attacks are on the rise along the California coast.
“Beach access to the water is closed today because we had a girl get bit by a shark,” said one park official.
Beachgoers were greeted by scary warning after 35-year-old Leeanne Ericson was attacked in knee-deep water north of San Diego last week.
Many believe that sharks become more aggressive when major seismic activity is imminent.
I don’t know if there is any truth to that, but considering everything else that is happening I found that to be quite interesting.

Mandatory Evacuations Grow in Florida and Georgia From Raging Wildfires

A mandatory evacuation has broadened as a wildfire near the Georgia-Florida line threatens small communities on the edge of the Okefenokee Swamp. Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge supervisory ranger Susan Heisey said Monday that Moniac and Canaday Loop are ordered to evacuate. She says the fire has crossed state Highway 94 south of the refuge. She doesn’t know how many have evacuated the area.
The unincorporated community of St. George already was under a mandatory evacuation order and Charlton County schools closed Monday. The fire was started by a lightning strike April 6 and has burned 129,856 acres (52,550 hectares). Wind gusts and dry conditions are raising the risk of it spreading. Television stations in northeast Florida report smoke can be seen across Nassau, Clay and Duval counties. Officials urge residents to stay indoors. READ MORE