Friday, May 5, 2017

Distress of Nations: Deadly unrest grips Venezuela as students rally…

Distress of Nations: Deadly unrest grips Venezuela as students rally… 
A student leader was shot dead as protests raged on in the streets of Venezuela Thursday in the latest spasm of anger aimed at removing President Nicolas Maduro from power. Crowds of students clashed with riot police firing tear gas in the mounting crisis in this oil-rich country saddled with shortages of food, medicine and other basics. The leftist Maduro’s opponents accuse him of trying to strengthen his grip on power and delay elections by launching legal proceedings to overhaul the constitution.

The latest toll provided by prosecutors on Thursday said 35 people have been killed in just over a month of protests against Maduro, whose opponents blame him for Venezuela’s dire economic mess. News of the latest deaths — up from a toll of 33 earlier Thursday — came as organizers announced a women’s march for Saturday. READ MORE

Mexican demonstrators burn tires, mount roadblocks in army protest

Israeli forces fire tear gas at pro-Palestinian activists in Bethlehem

Israeli security forces fired tear gas and, reportedly, rubber bullets at Palestinian protesters demanding the return of Palestinian bodies to their families and supporting those on a hunger strike in Israeli prisons. The demonstrators, some dressed in prison garb, were carrying Palestinian flags and improvised prison bars as they chanted slogans against Israeli policies targeting Palestinians.

‘Migrants, welcome’: Anti-Le Pen protesters clash with police in Marseille

Demonstrators clashed with riot police on the streets of Marseille, Wednesday, to protest the candidacy of far-right leader and French Presidential candidate of the National Front party, Marine Le Pen. Protesters could be seen marching with banners and waving flares throughout the port city's streets whilst armed police aimed at demonstrators. A dumpster on fire could be seen being put out by police.

Italy: Right-wing leader Salvini's effigy set alight in Catania

Protesters rallying against the leader of the far-right Northern League (LN), Matteo Salvini, marched through the streets of Catania to express their discontent with the MEP's visit to Sicily. A heavy riot police presence was deployed during the protest, but no clashes were reported.

"And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, by reason of the confusion of the roaring of the sea and of the waves;"
[Luke 21:25]