Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Dialogue Will Save Venezuela?

Venezuela, the Pope: bridges, dialogue and respect for the agreements 

No mention of conversion to the Catholic Faith yet again


"I am convinced that the serious problems of Venezuela can be resolved if there is a will to build bridges, if you want to seriously talk and respect the agreements reached." So Pope Francis said to his "beloved bishops of Venezuela" in a letter to the local bishop through the nuncio, Monsignor Aldo Giordano. A letter dated May 5 but only made public a few hours ago in Caracas, on the day when thousands of women, "without men and dressed in white", have called for the end of the violence that has killed at least 40 people of which many were young, only from April 4 to today.

 Francis' heartfelt appeal
Following the Pope’s words of Sunday April 30, "I make a heartfelt appeal to the government and all the components of the Venezuelan society so that every further form of violence is avoided, human rights are respected and negotiated solutions are sought to the humanitarian, social, political and economic crises, which are exhausting the people"- words expressed a few hours after his press conference on the plane coming from Egypt, Pope Francis, in this letter to the bishops insists further - when every hope is silent - on the way of meeting, of bridges and dialogue, to find a consensual solution.
A voice out of the choir that of Francis. Almost everyone, outside and inside Venezuela, in front of the obstinacy and closure of Maduro's government and opposition parties, seem to be resigned to the worst, that is to civil war, to the count of the dead, to the inevitable final devastation.
Francis in his letter to the bishops declares himself close to them: "I assure you that I am following with great concern the situation of the beloved Venezuelan people in the face of the grave problems that afflict it. I feel a deep sorrow for the confrontations and violence of these days, which have caused numerous deaths and injuries, and which do not help to solve the problems, but only cause more suffering and pain. "
"Conscious of the difficulties you are experiencing" as an ecclesial community, crushed between two blocks that broke every bridge and contact between them, the Pope notes: "I know that you, dear brothers, share the people's situation, that together with the priests, Consecrated persons and lay faithful suffere from lack of food and medicine, and some have suffered personal attacks and violent acts in their churches."
The Pope expresses his solidarity to everyone and adds: "I also thank you for the constant appeals to avoid any form of violence, to respect the rights of citizens, to defend human dignity and fundamental rights, "because like you, I am convinced that the serious problems of Venezuela can be solved If there is a will to establish bridges, to dialogue seriously and to comply with the agreements reached". I urge you to continue doing all you need to make this difficult journey possible, believing that communion between you and your priests will give you light to find the right path. "Dear Brothers, I encourage you not to let the children of Venezuela fall into mistrust and despair because these are bad things that penetrate the hearts of people when they see no prospect of the future"
No contact between government and opposition
The protagonists of the five-year-long Venezuelan conflict, government and opposition, are at the farthest ends these days, keeping busy at launching threats and accusations at each other. President N. Maduro has further closed his position in a way that, according to many including the local Catholic Church, is considered totalitarian. The proposal, which the clear majority of analysts and observers think senseless, of a constituent assembly to reform the constitution wanted by its protector and sponsor Hugo Chávez, has definitively closed any chance with the opposition.
These parties, responding to the Pope's appeal dating April 29, wrote: "We are Venezuelans disappointed for the dialogue without results"; Dialogue "in which the government's intent was always propagandistic and non-substantive" making thus "lose power and prestige to a valid instrument, in an unsuccessful attempt to demoralize public opinion and to divide the coalition of opponents." The letter to the Pope concludes: the Democratic Unity (Mud) Table stands united, without exception, and "makes it clear to the Venezuelans and to the world that the only dialogue that is accepted today in Venezuela is the dialogue expressed through votes, Venezuela’s only way to overcome the crisis and re-establish democracy today under seizure. In this, dear Father, there is one novelty: there are no divisions and dissensions at the Table for Democratic Unity."
For the opposition, Maduro is not a credible and legitimate interlocutor: not only has he led the nation to the serious crisis that has been going on for years, but he is the author of a self-coup that has broken the constitutional order.
The tangled, uncertain and complex Venezuelan situation is clearly outlined by Pope Francis on his way back to Italy from Cairo on April 29, during a flight press conference which also sums up the Vatican’s impotence since the day the parties called the Pope in question. A call however, seemingly lacking any serious and responsible intention,  perhaps for a tactical media use:

1) The apostolic office has already taken part, at the request of the government and the opposition, to the mediation and dialogue efforts carried out by Unasur's personalities (Union of the Nations of South America). These efforts have not come to an end ... "they remained there," said Francesco.
2) These efforts did not succeed because the proposals were not accepted and / or shared, or were diluted with a "yes-yes ... but then a no-no".
3) It turns out, said the Pope, that a request is now underway ("they are insisting"), I think that those who are carrying out Unasur's failed attempt. They are trying to relaunch the 'facilitación' and seeking for a place.
4) If this initiative goes on, " I think that this must be with conditions now. Very clear conditions."
5) Part of the opposition does not want this. Interesting, the opposition itself is divided and, on the other hand, it seems that the conflicts are increasingly escalating.  
6) The important thing is that there is something moving forward, and I've been informed of this, but it's still very much in the air as yet.
7) Everything that can be done for Venezuela must be done. And with the necessary guarantees. 
8) Otherwise we are just playing "tin tin pirulero”, childish games that lead nowhere.