Sunday, May 7, 2017

Bishop Williamson- Double Consecration

Double Consecration

Today, with all of earth’s foundations fleeing,
Still marvels, thanks to Our Lady, we are seeing.

As a commentary upon the Consecrations of a new bishop and of Russia due to take place next week in Vienna, Virginia, on the eastern coast of the USA, here is a testimony from another reader of these “Comments,” coming from Brazil. His testimony places the Consecrations of May 11 and 12 in their context of today’s crisis of world and Church, a context which gives them neither too much nor too little importance, but highlights the central role to be played in both cases by the Immaculate Heart of Mary. He writes:—

I read you in the ‘Comments’ constantly referring to all 15 Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. In a letter from the 1930’s Sister Lucy of Fatima wrote that if only other nations like Portugal were solemnly consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, then “Heaven would grant them graces as great or even greater.” Clearly God wishes to save the nations of the world through the Heart of Mary, and whoever can see that will have received a special grace from God. Yet what other nation than Portugal has performed with all its bishops such a Consecration? None that I know of.
“But if most men are not profiting by the marvels of the Immaculate Heart, She is still deigning to bestow grace upon humble layfolk, as we can testify, here in our part of Brazil. In 2011 our chapel was consecrated to the Immaculate Heart, and a chain on the wall symbolizes the holy slavery of our chapel to the Blessed Virgin. In particular for some years now we have been doing the Five First Saturdays. When we have no Mass, we do what we can with a Rosary, spiritual Communion, the 15-minute meditation on Mysteries of the Rosary and an act of reparation to the Immaculate Heart, as Our Lady asked us to do.
“Her Rosary, all 15 Mysteries, has been prayed every day since 2012 in front of the Blessed Sacrament by one group of us or another, every day, and the countless grace s we have received are hardly to be believed. This Devotion of the Rosary and the First Saturdays is very special to God even in these wicked days of ours. It is the light of our times of darkness and apostasy. We need to practise the Devotion, to study the whole background of the apparitions of Fatima, and apply what we learn to our own lives and in groups of the “Resistance.”
“Given all the difficulties of living in a liberal world without Christ, given the Revolution destroying the fortress of Tradition that was the Society of St Pius X, given our own great misery and numerous sins, it would be no exaggeration to say that it is thanks to the Rosary and the First Saturdays that we are maintaining a miniature Christendom, a Catholic group with a Catholic atmosphere, with good friends and a solid and spiritual doctrinal formation, both anti-liberal and Counter-revolutionary. We have our human problems, to be sure, but we receive many graces from the Immaculate Heart. With the 15 Mysteries every day, we are witnesses to the marvels wrought by the Blessed Virgin in a person, a town, a city, even a country. Blessed be the Rosary of the Virgin Mary!”
Here are the greatness and the littleness of next week’s consecrations . The littleness lies in their helping to maintain at the humblest level, in a world given over to the Devil, corners of Christendom. Such corners are possible anywhere, and are infinitely worthwhile everywhere, because there is an infinite greatness in any contribution to the saving of souls for all eternity. And special thanks for both of the coming Consecrations go to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Kyrie eleison.