Sunday, April 2, 2017


Note: Questions are answered privately
Here is some of the latest coming through my inbox.  Please keep spreading word of TradCatKnight to friends, family and church members. 

You are really and truly the only one who gets it from a – z.  CONGRATS on putting this together

We don’t know if you are exactly right on the planet x/nwo/francis/false prophet then maytreya thing TIMING but it sure makes great sense

The other sites don’t even touch these obvious topics that are huge and timely – THEY DON’T EVEN TOUCH UPON THEM

Don’t burn out – come to see us in CA,   praying for you!

Don and Patti M

Navy seal Craig Sawyer has formed veterans for child rescue he is going after the pedophile rings and satanists. I donated to this great cause I encourage you to do so and spread this far and wide: This campaign is under attack: Serious question who would suppress a group of well known law enforcement and intelligence officers from protecting children? Pray for this work.
In Jesus and Mary,
Michael Contaldi    

Hey Eric, my name is Jeff C.
I've been a catholic all my life, however I just started attending the Tridentine Mass a few weeks before lent. I'm feel much closer to our lord and to my faith as a result of this. "Ave Maria"

I would like to have a telephone conversation with you as I have many questions about leaving the Vatican ll church for good.
I happen to come across your YouTube channel and your blogs while I was researching about the 3rd secret of Fatima. I've have found myself checking your blog now on a daily basis and I am very impressed with your knowledge.
I can only imagine how busy you are but I am hoping that you can find time to set up a time for a call.
Please email to let me know if you are available so we can set up a time.
Your friend in Jesus
Jeff Campos

"GLORIA PATRI, et Filio, et Spiritui Sancto Amen."


How would I go about getting my house Consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary? Can I have my priest do this? Or does it have to be a Bishop?

How would one get a town consecrated?
Paula W
Dear friends,
Don Minutella is an Italian priest of Palermo, Sicily, who has asked clarity
on the Dubia expressed by the four Cardinals and has convened a meeting
of prayer and faith, due to take place next month, the 22nd of April, in Verona,
in Northern Italy, near Venice. The meeting has been convened as a resistance
movement against “the creeping heresy brought forward by the same
government of the Church”. 
The Catholic resistance movement called by don Minutella has been quickly
gathering strength in Italy from the ranks and file of the ordinary Benedict
supporting non-traditionalist faithful.
Just hours ago the Bishop of Palermo, Msgr. Corrado Lorefice, has imposed
to don Minutella to leave his parish in 15 days and keep the most strict silence.
Bishop Lorefice is known in Italy as the cycling bishop for his impromptu
cycling on the Altar during a Mass.
Here below is don Minutella’s appeal for the prayer meeting in Verona.
Here below is Tosatti’s article.

In Christo Rege per Mariam Reginam
Maurizio d’Orlando