Friday, April 21, 2017

NWO to wipe out 90% of the world’s population? 6.5 BILLION lives targeted for extinction

NWO to wipe out 90% of the world’s population? 6.5 BILLION lives targeted for extinction
In the Bible, Revelation 18:21 reads, “Then a mighty angel picked up a boulder the size of a large millstone and threw it into the sea, and said: ‘With such violence the great city of Babylon will be thrown down, never to be found again.’” Astonishingly, the map shown below may in fact be predicting that these words will come true just eight years from now.

The map, which uses data from widely available institutions like the CIA and the IMF to create its forecasts, predicts that 6.5 billion lives are at risk for extinction by the year 2024. It was originally obtained by All News Pipeline by one of their readers who goes by the alias “Proud,” who colored the countries that are expected to lose more than 20% of their population by 2024 in red. (RELATED: What happens when you combine nuclear power and a grid down event? Global extinction)
Notably, with the exception of Australia and New Zealand, most of the red countries are located in the Northern hemisphere and surround the Northern Atlantic Ocean basin. By contrast, most of the southern hemisphere consists of countries that are expected to grow in population by 2024.
Perhaps even more shocking is the fact that nearly all of the countries colored red on the map are considered to be western civilizations. As we all know, threats to destroy western civilization have been made for centuries, particularly from radical Islamists who seek to convert or slaughter all non-believers and ultimately establish a global caliphate. If the bold predictions portrayed on this map aren’t Biblical in nature, then the depopulation must be the result of violent force initiated by mankind itself.
A closer examination of the map reveals that some countries with significant population drops are next to other countries that aren’t showing much a decrease in population. “Proud” explains that this could be due to topography: “It was somewhat confusing,” he says. “I began to realize that, some areas were affected differently right next to each other due to topography, and delineating between biblical and SUPER biblical seemed pointless.”
“Proud” explained that he considered several different explanations for the predicted extinction of 6.5 billion human lives by 2024. For instance, he considered the possibility of a pole shift but ultimately concluded that only part of the northern hemisphere would be affected in that scenario. “Proud” also considered a war, which he determined didn’t make sense, and an ice age, but rejected that explanation as well. Finally, he concluded, “After thinking through scenario after scenario, the only explanation is an event like a meteor striking the earth somewhere up near Iceland.”
“Proud” mentions, however, that a meteor strike in the Northern Atlantic wouldn’t explain the population drops in Australia and New Zealand, leading him to believe that an event geared towards Western Civilization may be more likely.
“I noticed that many of the countries, that survive the massive depopulation, have high cliffs along their coastlines,” he further explains. “Some countries like Brazil, have high elevation for people to escape to, if given warning. It does appear to be based on some kind of data being given to them. Down right curious. God help us all.”
Although there are still many unanswered questions, one thing that we know for sure is that one day in the distant or not-so-distant future, another extinction event will occur. Whether it comes in the form of a deadly plague, war, or a massive meteor strike, it would behoove people – perhaps people living in the areas marked in red on the map in particular – to prepare for a survival situation. Stock up on food, carve out bunkers underneath the ground, and have emergency escape routes planned – you never know when you will need to use them.

David Rockefeller speaks about population control