Saturday, March 11, 2017

Signs of the Times: “Transgender Pastor” Opposing Texas Bathroom Bill Claims God is “Transgender”

Signs of the Times: “Transgender Pastor” Opposing Texas Bathroom Bill Claims God is “Transgender”
Latest madness from the modern world

1 Timothy 4:1-2– Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, 2 speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron...

A “Transgender Pastor” from Agape Metropolitan Community Church in Fort Worth, Texas is speaking out and protesting with hundreds of other LGBTQ advocates against a recent controversial transgender bathroom bill that would require individuals to use public restrooms based on their “biological sex”. According to reports, the alleged pastor began declaring publicly that “God is transgender.” He went on to state that:

“In the beginning, God created humankind in God’s image. … So God is transgender,” Wynn told the crowd which roared in approval. “We’re all created in the image of what is holy and divine and sacred, and we should all be treated that way.”
The controversial Senate Bill 6, which was proposed in January, would require everyone to use bathrooms in public schools, government buildings and public universities based on their own”biological sex,”. The measure would also pre-empt local nondiscrimination ordinances that allow transgender Texans to use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity.

Air Force Says Words Like ‘Boy’ or ‘Girl’ Could Be Offensive

(Reported By Todd Starnes) The Air Force fears that words like “boy,” “girl,” “colonial” and “blacklist” might offend people, according to an email sent to airmen at Joint Base San Antonio. An outraged airman sent me a copy of the email—as evidence the military is still infected with Obama-era political correctness.
The email included an attachment that listed a number of words and phrases that might be construed as offensive. Now, to be fair, there were some legitimately offensive and racially charged words and phrases on the list. But also included on the list were the words “boy” and “girl.”
The email was written by a senior Air Force leader and was sent to an untold number of personnel at Lackland Air Force Base. Airmen were advised to study a list of words and phrases that “may be construed offensive.” READ MORE

Texas High School Makes Room for Muslim Students to Hold Friday Prayers

What do you think your son or daughter’s High School would say if you requested a day and time to be set aside for prayer and Bible reading? Well according to a report coming out of Texas, A high school has done this very thing, except for one minor difference. It’s not set aside for Christians but has made one of its classrooms available for Muslim students to hold Friday or Jummah prayers! This decision was made after some of the students were leaving campus each week to participate in the prayers.  “It kind of started when a core group of students were leaving campus every Friday for Friday prayer,” Liberty High School Principal Scott Warstler told the school publication Wingspan. “Their parents would come pick them up, so they may miss an hour and a half to two hours to two and a half hours of school every Friday.” The school
principal decided to approach the students and offer space on campus so they wouldn’t miss class traveling elsewhere. Again how would the school respond to Christians if they desired to read their Bible or have time set a side for prayer meetings on school grounds? “So I met with those students and a couple of the parents and suggested, ‘Hey, would you be okay if the students led the prayer here at school as a group?’” Warstler recalled. “And we gave them a space to do that so that they didn’t have to be in a car traveling thirty minutes each way on a Friday missing an hour, [to] an hour and a half, of class.”

Woman Falls In Love With Robot

A bizarre story is being reported by the New York Post regarding the new CNNgo series called “Mostly Human featuring Laurie Segall” who investigates the darker, and creepy ways modern technology is affecting our relationships. The six-part show explores some weird and downright disturbing stories.
In perhaps the strangest episode, A girl named Lilly, who is a French woman has fallen in love with the robot she built, named InMoovator. She had two previous relationships with men, but at age 19, realized she was no longer attracted to humans.
InMoovator is a robot, therefore, it can’t talk, respond or show affections, according to the report, Lilly plans to program him to do so one day. “Love is still love. It’s not that different,” she tells Segall. “I feel the same things that someone can feel toward a man or a woman. A lot of tenderness, affection, attachment.” You have to ask yourself how crazy humanity will get before the Lord returns.