Saturday, March 4, 2017

Report: Military Holding Drills To Prepare For Massive Immigration Crisis: ‘Hundreds of Soldiers… Millions of Dollars’

Report: Military Holding Drills To Prepare For Massive Immigration Crisis: ‘Hundreds of Soldiers… Millions of Dollars’


While President Donald Trump prepares a new Executive Order for curbing refugee migration from the middle east and directives to deal with securing the southern border from unfettered illegal immigration, the U.S. military, Department of Homeland Security and other agencies are gearing up to hold a massive training exercise designed to deal with a large-scale influx of migrants and refugees.

Hundreds of U.S. forces are rehearsing a migrant crisis this week at the U.S. Navy base at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, a massive multimillion dollar drill that envisions the United States capturing huge numbers of people in the Caribbean bound for the United States — and how the military, State Department and Homeland Security would collaborate on handling it.
At the Southern Command, Army Col. Lisa Garcia said the military was contributing 400 troops and spending $2.5 million on its portion of the month-long exercise, to include transportation and airlift. (Miami Herald)
Citing 9/11, the Boston Marathon bombing and other instances, Joe Joseph of The Daily Sheeple notes that it is often the case that the government prepares for such scenarios just days or weeks before they actually happen. Could it be that intelligence agencies and analysts have identified the potential for economic or political crises in Central America or the Caribbean region, and they are now preparing assets and response scenarios in the event it plays out in the near future? Joe Joseph weighs in:
How would a President Trump respond if there was a real or manufactured humanitarian crisis in the Caribbean… We’ve seen Haiti in recent years being ravaged by plague, storms and political coups… you’ve got Venezuela, which is down to its last $10 billion in reserves… after that they default… a lot of people suffering… and a lot of it’s happening down in the southern Americas and it’s not getting any attention…
And then of course the whole drill thing plays into it… how have we seen drills play into these events in the past? A couple days before the Boston Marathon bombing they had a terror drill… just before 9/11 they had a terror drill of planes flying into the World Trade Center… Normally when you see a drill go down, often times it’s a precursor to the real event…