Sunday, March 5, 2017

PREPPER: 8 Tricks for Emergency Cooking in a Natural Disaster

PREPPER: 8 Tricks for Emergency Cooking in a Natural Disaster
The latest news from the prepper/survivalist world

Your everyday local thunderstorm, or a full-fledged grid-down disaster, can leave your home cut off from your normal utilities and way of life. This can have your favorite frozen foods melting into mush – and leave you without a way to cook. That is, unless you have some backups in place. A basic propane or charcoal grill can save the day, for a while. But what happens when you run out of fuel? If you get the gear and learn the tricks to do the following emergency cooking procedures, you should be ready for anything.

bread cooking on coals
Tim MacWelch
Ash cakes cooking over the coals.

8. Make Ash Cakes

Out of bread? No oven to cook in? The coals of a campfire can bake up some tasty bread—if you have the secret ingredient to make your dough. When I started experimenting with camp breads years ago, I naturally turned to classic outdoor texts to find the recipes for bannock, damper, hard tack and every other kind of camp bread and trail biscuits you’ve heard about. The recipes themselves were simple enough. But these simple ingredients didn’t leave much room for error, and usually yielded something closer to ceramics than a biscuit. After a few more fiascos, I finally stumbled upon pancake mix. The “just add water” complete pancake mix was the bread recipe that I had been hoping to find. It both tastes good, and it cooks quickly. Just add enough water to make a dry dough, pat out little “cookie” shaped patties, and toss them in the coals. Watch it closely as it starts to fluff up. You’ll cook it about one or two minutes on one side, depending on the heat of the coals. When it becomes rigid (like a little flat biscuit), and the very bottom edge begins to brown – use a stick to flip the cake over and cook it for another 30 to 60 seconds. Dust off the ashes and enjoy.
foil pouch on the fire
Tim MacWelch
Cooking with foil.

7. Cooking with Foil

A simple sheet of foil can become an oven, broiler, frying pan and many other vehicles for cooking—all you need is some food and a cooking fire. This is a big step up from baking your food directly in the ashes or coals of a fire, and foil pouches can make some great tasting meals over a bed of coals. Here are some tips:
— Use heavy duty foil, if it’s available.
—Fold packets up tightly if you’d like to keep the steam in.
—Leave a gap in the package if you need some steam to escape.
—Place the packet on a dying coal bed, not one that is too hot or filled with flames.
roasting skewer over flames
Tim MacWelch
Meat skewers over the flames.

6. Roasting with Spits and Skewers

Spits and skewers are a great way to roast small or medium cuts of meat, while grills are ideal for cooking larger chunks and even heavy roasts. Metal or fresh-cut “green” wood skewers and spits are one of the easiest methods of cooking directly over a fire. Cooking directly over the fire with skewers, spits and grills can give you a much better result than just placing food directly on a bed of coals, and it gives you greater control of fire temperatures as you can build up or tone down the fire. You can also control the height of the food from the fire to determine the cooking temperature and time. A small, smoky fire can also slow cook and smoke foods giving them a great smoky flavor.
Tips for cooking directly over a fire with wood skewers, spits and grills:
—The fire should have a good bed of coals and be fed with hardwoods if possible.
— Softwoods burn quickly and some resinous ones like pine make harsh, unpleasant tasting smoke.
—The wooden skewers, spits and grills must be green, non-toxic wood. If the wood is dead it will burn up and drop the food. Metal skewers and spits should be non-toxic metal. Never use galvanized metal over a fire or in direct contact with food.
solar oven on a deck
Tim MacWelch
A solar oven, soaking up rays.

5. Use a Solar Oven

The technique of cooking with a solar oven is a fairly recent invention. This light-powered method is slow and steamy. It’s also perfect for producing tender meats and very moist baked goods. How does all this work? Just place your food in the oven, close the door, line it up with the sun, and let the light do the rest. While this is almost a care-free cooking method, you will need to twist the oven a little bit, every 30 minutes. This keeps the oven in the right position as the sun tracks across the sky. You may also have to raise or lower the zenith-adjusting leg, but only a few times in an entire day. You can bake beautiful bread in four hours, cut-with-a-fork roasts and baked apples in about five hours, savory soups and stews in about six hours and heated up leftovers in about one hour. The generous size of the unit pictured allows you to cook two things at once, like soup and bread, allowing you to cook for 4-6 people at once. And though it’s not quick like a microwave, this appliance doesn’t need any fuel or electricity to work perfectly. Grid down? Bugged out? No problem. Also, there’s no smoke to give away your position. Homesteaders, preppers, and energy conscious average folks can use this oven to cook their meals, probably with several decades of dependable service.
reflector oven by fire
Tim MacWelch
A reflector oven, drawing heat from the fire.

4. Rig a Reflecting Oven

These simple ovens catch the heat of a fire and focus it into a central baking area. In use for centuries, the reflectors can be any size, virtually any shape, and made from almost any new or cast off sheet metal. To make your own, you’ll need some sheet metal, some snips to cut it, and a pan or grill to place inside the unit. For the one pictured, I “borrowed” an old cookie sheet from the kitchen. For larger and heavier units, I’d definitely recommend a drill and some pop rivets to secure the joints, or sheet metal screws – whichever you prefer. Fold a large rectangular piece of sheet metal in half to create the main piece. Then cut some 90 degree triangles to build the sides. If you’re good with sheet metal and have some specialized tools for it, this entire project will be a breeze. I just used the snips, my gloved hands, and cut interlocking tabs to join the two triangles to the main piece. The final bit is the easiest, set it all up. I used several stones behind the unit to make it stand up by the fire (though integrated legs are better). I also used stones in the front to support the pan. More traditional set-ups involve holes in the side panels to use spits and skewers, and to place rods that would support a pan or grill. However you build it, just make sure that it is sturdy and able to stand up to the weight of the food and the likelihood of being bumped by the cook. Maintain a large bed of coals, and you’ll be baking in the reflector oven.
resting a skillet on a rock
Tim MacWelch
Cooking with a skillet over a heated rock.

3. Skillets and Griddles

Skillets, frying pans, griddles and improvised frying containers can allow you to make very tasty meals, often resembling home-cooked favorites. Bricks, stones, cinderblocks or other fire-proof supports can do a great job suspending a frying pan or griddle over a small fire. These supports will allow you to cook if they are only 6 inches tall, but one foot tall supports will work much better. Here are some tricks to try:
— Use small dry sticks and split wood pieces to keep flames under your pan.
—Pour a spoon full of water in the pan or on the griddle to see if it’s level.
—If it isn’t level, add small thin stones or other non-flammable objects to level it.
—These can be temporary set-ups or semi-permanent fixtures.
homemade can stove
Tim MacWelch
Rig a camp stove from a can.

2. Turn a Can into a Camp Stove

A store-bough camping stove is a wonderful thing. Most are easy to use and efficient. But if you don’t have access to one, or you run out of fuel, you need to know how to build a cook stove and find alternative fuels for it. Food and beverage cans are the raw material for a variety of stoves that burn liquid fuels and dry fuels like wood. All you have to do is make the right cuts in the metal, add your fuel and light it up. Home-made “rocket stoves” can burn sticks and other plant fuels. They can also burn fuels like alcohol and wax-soaked cardboard. Just don’t pour gasoline or other explosive fuels in a stove like this, the results can be tragic.
cooking in a can
Tim MacWelch
Turn a trashed tin can into a makeshift stove.

1. Cook in a Can

If you have a spare metal can, you can attach a wire bail or set it on a grill to make an improvised cook pot. Most food cans come with some kind of plastic or epoxy inner coating, so burn the empty can in a fire for a few minutes and scrub it out aggressively to clean out the residue. Then fire up a serving of hobo stew, or whatever else you like. This is also an easy and quick way to disinfect drinking water by boiling it.

8 Things About Dehydrating Food That Everybody Should Know

Long considered the “holy grail” of preservation, food dehydration is a must-have skill for preppers.
Today we’re going to go beyond the usual instructions to let the food dry and we’re going to give you the inside scoop that’ll have the results of your dehydration efforts looking amazing every time.
In the homesteading and prepper lifestyle, having your food last much longer or not go to waste is pretty dang important, especially if you’re a prepper and your life might depend on it.
It’s never been easier to dehydrate your food without having to compromise on either taste or appearance.
In addition, between the reduced food wasting, the better recipes, and the consistent results, the ability to dehydrate food is a must-have if you’re a prepper or a homesteader.

8 Facts You Should Know About Dehydrating Food

1. Pre-Steaming Can Go A Long Way
As anyone who has done this for a while can tell you, some foods lend themselves to dehydration more naturally than others. However, there are certain vegetables, such as broccoli or certain types of beans that will benefit from pre-steaming before dehydration.
Are you the sort of person who is very particular about how your vegetables look? If you are, pre-steaming or a quick blanching before you dehydrate will allow your veggies to maintain their color and their nutritional content.
2. A Dedicated Machine Isn’t Really Necessary
A quick search on Amazon or Google will show you that food dehydrators are apparently all the rage for folks who are committed to dehydrating their foods. Many of these will cost as much as several hundred dollars. Here’s a little secret that companies don’t want you to know about dehydrating your own food: you don’t have to fork out for your own machine.
The truth is that you can use your oven or your toaster oven to dehydrate your food. If you’re living in a climate that’s up for it, sun drying is another option and in a pinch even a microwave can work for quick-drying foods.
Of course, there’s nothing wrong with using a machine if you want to. However, if you’re just trying out food dehydration, there doesn’t have to be any upfront costs either.
3. If You’re Not Team Vacuum Seal…You Should Be
How would your approach to food supplies change if everything you prepared would still be good for up to 20 years? How much food could you store? What kind of an impact would that have on your ability to stretch your food budget?
Well, none of this is hypothetical with vacuum seal.
With other types of storage, moisture can creep back in and mold can sometimes take hold. By using vacuum seal, you’ll be able to ensure maximum freshness for the next 20 years.
4. The Secret To “Done” is Moisture
If you ask us, there’s a simple reason for the reputation that food dehydrating has in certain circles: the food often comes out too dry.
Cookbooks may have themes but at the end of the day most people don’t necessarily want to be navigating the finer points of “Dehydration” cuisine. Similarly, folks want to sit down and enjoy their meals without every bite tasting like the Sahara Desert.
It doesn’t matter if you’re dealing with meat, fruit, or vegetables. Drying food out doesn’t necessarily have to mean removing all of its moisture.
As a general rule your vegetables should be easy to crush at 5% of moisture, fruit should be bendable at about 10% moisture content, and meat can have as much as 20% of its moisture.
5. Separate Your Food Groups
Although it’s normally recommended that you keep your diet balanced with members of all the food groups, but you can and should be ignoring the doc’s advice while you’re dehydrating food.
Drying everything at once may seem more convenient because all the food done in a single batch, but the problem with this is that different foods have different temperatures and required moisture levels. Even without knowing the intimate details of your machine, the results are still likely to turn out uneven.
On the other hand, if you can separate the food groups by type instead of by general categories, that’s even better.
6. Rehydration Takes Time
So you’re getting dinner ready when the tomatoes you dehydrated last year suddenly start to cross your mind. Perfect addition to your rice dish! You’ll just take a quick trip to the basement, toss the tomatoes in and presto!
Well, ok, not quite.
Just like how the process of dehydration can take time, rehydrating has also been known to take several hours. So if you’re planning to use your dehydrated food any time soon, this is a lesson we didn’t want you to learn the hard way.
7. Make Specialty Foods With Dehydration
Dehydrating food isn’t just about storing food for the winter or upcoming lean times. When you decide to dry your food, ironically, it also provides you with a legitimate opportunity to think bigger.
If you’re one of those people who is constantly on the lookout for newer and healthier recipes, this is your chance to creative.
Have you ever thought about making kale chips? Does the idea of making customized beef jerky for family movie night sound interesting?
Food dehydrating doesn’t have to be representative of the same old, boring approach to storing food. It’s also a legitimate opportunity to dust off your spice rack and see what type of snacks you’re able to come up with.
8. The Two C’s of Storage
We touched on this point earlier with the whole discussion on vacuum seal entry, but it can’t be stressed enough. The quality of your storage can really make or break your efforts.
If moisture creeps into your containers or if the food is left in an environment that’s too warm, the food may start going bad within just a few days.
So when it comes to storage, it all comes down to the two C’s and one D. Cool, Clean, and Dry are the essential keys that you have to remember. If the plan is to use the garage as storage, don’t forget to make sure that your packaging is tear-proof.

Final Thoughts

One of the best parts about homesteading is the opportunity it gives you to acquire new skills. Not all of your talents are going to be needed all at once, but when you’re looking at an abundant harvest or a crop that may otherwise go to waste, food dehydration is an ability that can go from interesting to practical really quickly.
Acquiring food without a grid to rely on can be a feast or famine exercise. Luckily, if you can make the most of the good times, managing food during lean times becomes that much easier to do.
On that note, if an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, knowing how to dehydrate your own food is worth its weight in gold.

28 Important Tasks You Should Do This Spring on the Homestead

This article was originally published on
Have you ever noticed that you never feel like you are ever really done when it comes to a homestead?
I realized how frequently I feel like I am caught with my bloomers down last year. It felt like I wasn’t prepared for winter.
But then before I knew it, spring was upon us, and I was chasing my tail again.
So here are a list of spring chores that you should keep on your radar so that your homestead will run smoother. I’m happy to say with a little more organization, I feel much better prepared for my homestead duties this year.
Remember, organization is key to homesteading. Here are a few ways to help your organization along:

1. Nurse Your Garden

If you don’t plan on buying all of your seedlings (which I don’t recommend), then you’ll need to start your own.
Depending upon where you live will depend greatly upon when you need to start your seeds. Here is a great seed starter calculator. However, whenever you can start your seeds, do so. This will save you lots of money and also give your plants ample amount of time to grow.

2. Bring the Babies Home

If you do not set your own eggs, then the spring is the right time to purchase new chicks and ducklings. This is the right time also to purchase chicks that you plan on raising for meat.
Also, if you purchase a hog to raise for meat instead of keeping a breeding pair of pigs, the spring is the right time to purchase it. Keep turkeys in mind too. If you want to purchase just a few turkeys to eat on special occasions instead of raising a breeding pair, then you’ll want to purchase them in the spring too.

3. Rev Up the Incubator

Photo by The Poultry Guide
My husband runs our incubator year round. Between it and the massive brooder box he built, we are able to sustain baby chicks, ducklings, and keets year round.
However, if you don’t have a small hatchery in your backyard, then you’ll probably only want to start incubating eggs in the spring and summer months. This means that the spring is a great time to start pulling eggs out of your coops and giving them a chance to hatch.

4. Build Tractors

Photo by The City Chicken
We use a lot of tractors around our homestead. They are great for baby bunnies, chicks, ducklings, and keets when they are starting out.
However, this means that we must build and repair them in the spring while the babies are still too small for them. Then when the babies get bigger, we can place them in the tractors to move them around the land and allow them to safely forage. This give the animals a healthier diet and saves us a lot of money on feed.

5. Get Ready to Milk

As spring comes around so does the baby boom usually. If you have goats, cows, or any other animal that you use for dairy purposes, then you’ll need to have your milking supplies ready.
We use a basic set-up with a milking station and a pail. However, I have to make sure that my milking stand is in good condition and that my pail is still clean and ready for milk. It is better to make necessary repairs or purchases before it is time to milk. That way you aren’t caught off guard.

6. Prepare Your Birthing Kit

Being prepared for birth is a necessity so you get the most out of your homestead. For rabbits, you need to ensure they have nesting boxes and hay. Be sure your brooder is cleaned out and ready for baby birds.
Though, I actually have a birthing kit when I’m expecting baby goats. It is nothing fancy. It is a laundry basket I purchased at the dollar store. Inside of the laundry basket I have fresh towels and blankets. I also include some latex gloves as well.
However, each spring is a good time to make sure it is easily accessible and that I have everything I need inside the basket. Goats don’t really need much help when birthing, but I’m usually present and there to pull (if needed) and to help my nanny goats clean their kids as I feel sorry for them trying to clean one kid and birth another.

7. Take Down Winterizing Materials

Depending upon where you live, you may have to winterize your coop, hutches, or bee hives. When warmer weather finally comes around, you need to go through and take all of the layers off.
Even though I live in the south, I still winterize to some extent. Our rabbit hutches are layered with more wind breaking material and so are our coops. When summer hits, we remove some of the layering because they just don’t need it.
So spring is the perfect time to go through and shed some of those heavier layers of protection for your animals and bees.

8. Clean Out Your Sheds and Barns

Sheds and barns are used heavily during the warmer months. It is important that they are organized so that you can find everything that you need as efficiently as possible. My husband use to be the world’s worst at just laying stuff down or not putting it in its place.
Finally, I had enough and my oldest son and I went to town on organizing things. It is amazing how much more functional our homestead is now. My husband has even become more organized because it truly makes life that much easier.
So go ahead and clean out your barns, buildings, and storage sheds while you can. It will make your summer and fall much easier.

9. Mend Your Fences

It is a fact of life that things break. Unfortunately, a lot of things break during the colder winter months. Fences are often times one of those things. Something will happen while it is cold and snowy outside.
Often for us, we’ll slap a band aid on it until the warmer months. However, when the warmer months roll around go ahead and mend those fences. It will save you a lot of time later when you aren’t having to round up animals that have escaped through your band aid.

10. Repair Your Buildings

Buildings are not cheap nor easy to build. Taking care of them is a necessity. Over time though, they wear down.
So instead of just letting them fall to ruin, make necessary repairs during the spring. If you had a roof collapse from the weight of the snow, go ahead and put a new roof on it with whatever materials you have on hand. It will save you a lot of money in the long run.

11. Repair Equipment

In case you haven’t noticed my theme yet, spring is a great time to make repairs. The reason is that the busy season is almost upon you. You are making preparations for when your homestead is in full swing again.
So go ahead and get your equipment in tip top shape so you won’t lose precious times in those warm months having to fix a tiller, a tractor, or whatever else you need to help your garden along. This will certainly make your life easier later if you make the time now.

12. Place Your Order

Some times we have to break down and purchase things. I hate those moments because I’m frugal. Yet, they must be done. For instance, I can’t grow a tractor part, gardening tools, or even farm equipment. I can purchase them inexpensively or even second hand, but it still requires I place an order.
So if there are items that you absolutely need and you have to purchase, spring is a good time to go ahead and get it over with. That way you’ll have what you need for the busy season, and hopefully the busy season will be a profitable one as well in order for your to recoup some of the money spent.

13. Build Garden Beds

Every year we add a few more garden beds. It just seems that we want to plant more so we naturally create more space for it. If you have any garden beds that need repair, or if you are needing to build extra space, then consider this a good time to begin building them.
So when spring rolls around, try a few of these garden bed ideas to get your amped up for the grow season.

14. Harvest Winter Vegetables

If you live in a warm enough climate, you can still grow vegetables during the winter months. We usually grow vegetables like carrots, radishes, turnip greens, and lettuce throughout the winter.
However, before we use the gardening space in the spring I have to be sure to go through the beds and pull up any left over veggies. This is particularly true for carrots as they hide very easily beneath the soil.

15. Clean Up Winter Greenhouse

If you have a cold frame or a fully heated green house, chances are you may use it to grow vegetables throughout the winter. I think that is awesome! I have a smaller greenhouse I use to start seedlings and grow fodder for my animals throughout the winter months.
But these greenhouses have to be cleaned up and ready for a fresh cycle of planting. The spring is a good time to clean them up and also to plant in them again for the next cycle.

16. Mix Up the Compost

Planting season is upon you if spring time has rolled around. In early spring is a good time to mix up your compost. This gives everything a good chance at complete decomposition by the time you need it for planting in around mid to late spring.
So keep this in mind in the early months of spring. Compost is a vital part of having a successful harvest during the summer and fall harvest.

17. Plant the Future Harvest

If you expect to have a harvest, then you must first plant the seeds. Mid to late spring is when most items need to be planted. This can be a large task depending upon what size garden you have.
We have a larger garden so it usually takes me a couple of days to get everything planted. I also feel like I’ve had a tremendous work out by the time I’m done. So expect to put in a lot of work with this chore.

18. Plant Some Eye Candy

I love flowers. I know a homestead is meant to be functional, but for me, I want it to be gorgeous too. This is why décor around my homestead is super important to me.
So if you love having a beautiful homestead too, then use the spring months to plant gorgeous flowers in beds and in window boxes to add some natural color to your property.

19. Create an Outdoor Living Space

I have lots of outdoor sitting space. I want my home to be a place that sustains us while also being a place that we can enjoy.
For this reason, I create outdoor living space. We have a back porch that gives us a shaded space to rest on hot days. I have a front porch that gives me a great place to relax at night and enjoy the view.
However, when spring rolls around I must put out my outdoor furniture in order to enjoy these spaces. So if you have outdoor furniture the spring is a great time to pull it back out and enjoy those outdoor spaces again.

20. Clean Your Heating Source

I’ve mentioned that we do have HVAC, but we also use a wood stove to heat our home during the winter months. When spring time hits, I know it is time to clean out the wood stove one final time as well as the ash pale.
Also, I need to clean my HVAC unit so it can be ready to blow cool air as those warm temps are just right around the corner. This is a good time to perform routine maintenance on these items as well.

21. Work on Your Water Barrels

We use multiple water catchment systems around our house. You should consider these options if you aren’t familiar with rain catchment systems.
However, the spring is a great time to make sure your rain water systems are working as they are supposed to. Use this time to do routine maintenance so you can water your gardens and animals without having to use the water for your home.

22. Defrost and Clean Out Your Freezer

Spring is upon you so the cycle of refilling the freezer for winter has begun again. This is a good time (when it should be at its emptiest state) to defrost the freezer, clean it out, and reorganize the items that are left with in it.
This way you will be able to know what is oldest and eat it first so nothing wastes. You’ll also be able to spot if your freezer needs any maintenance. Plus, you can take inventory of what you have available to eat in your freezer as well.

23. Get Your Pantry Up to Par

I don’t know about you, but my pantry can become a mess rather quickly. I have multiple children who rummage through it and have a  way of taking my organization and throwing it to the four winds.
So spring is a good time to get a grip on that situation. I go through the pantry, reorganize, and rotate canned items so I know what I need to eat first. Plus, I make room for the items I’ll be canning in the upcoming seasons.

24. Make Room for Staples

My husband works a regular job while I work at home and then we homestead on top of that. However, his job is based upon work load. So he usually makes a lot more money in the summer in comparison to the winter months.
So I use these months to stock up on staples while I have the extra cash. But I also have to make room in my home to hold these extra staples. Spring is a good time to start making room and dedicating certain spaces in the pantry, closets, etc. to hold certain staples that you can buy cheaper in the summer and use all year.
A few examples of items I’ll buy in the spring and summer are wheat seeds (I grind my own wheat), sugar, baking supplies (like baking soda and baking powder), and often I find coffee cheaper during these months. So I go ahead and stock up for the year so in the winter when I don’t have as much stretch to my budget, these items are already stored away for when I need them.

25. Clean Your Homestead Home

You didn’t think in all of this preparation I was going to forget about your actual dwelling space, did you?
Well, I didn’t. Having a clean house is so important because it helps to keep things organized and that just makes life function so much better.
Not to mention, there are certain areas in our homes (like behind the stove and refrigerator) that need some attention every 6 months or so. This is a good time to make the time to clean these items so you start the busy season of homesteading with an organized dwelling space.

26. Pull Out the Cool Stuff

I’m talking about temperature cool. Spring starts bringing warmer temps with it so you’ll need to put away the warm winter clothing and linens.
Instead, you’ll need to replace them with lighter weight options. This will keep you comfortable and organized too.

27. Clean Your Canners

Canners need a good scrub down. I usually scrub mine down after I complete a season of canning and then again before I begin. You might think that odd of me, but I want to make sure they are put away clean.
Plus, I want to make sure that all of the dust that can gather on them during the winter is removed. It is also a good time for me to check my canners out and make sure they are functioning properly so they can do their jobs.

28. Go Shopping for Canning Season

Spring time is the time to shop for canning supplies. If you need to buy a new canner you better do it before the season really gets started.
Also, you must buy lids. If you live in my neck of the woods, when lids come into town in certain stores with the lowest prices, you have to hustle or you’ll miss out.
So use this time of year to get prepared for canning season and make sure you have all of the supplies you need.
Well, there are 28 chores that should help you use your time in the spring to better prepare for the busy time of year that is only right around the corner.


How To Build Your Own Survival Fishing Kit

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If you are planning to build a survival fishing kit on your own and so are looking for some guides, then your search stops right here. Survival fishing kits could be of any size and shape, and it would adapt readily to suit your particular needs.To get started on how to build your own survival fishing kit, we have come up with a list to help you out.

Building Your Own Survival Fishing Kit

This best fact about this kit is that it wouldn’t cost more than 20 dollars to create. The tools and materials that would be used here are easily available along with the fishing essentials.
Tools and Materials:
  • 1” Threaded PVC Adapter
  • 1” Threaded PVC Cap
  • 1” PVC Pipe Of 10” Length
  • PVC Cleaner
  • PVC Cement
  • Scrap Wood
  • Paracord
  • One Small Washer
  • Fishing Line Of 100.’
  • Drill Bit Of 1/8”
  • Drill Bit Of 1/16”
  • Hand Drill.
Fishing Elements:
  • Lures
  • Hooks
  • Bobbers
  • Swivels
  • Sinkers.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Attach The Threaded PVC Adapter To The Pipe
First step is to connect the 1” PVC pipe to the threaded PVC adapter of 1”. You could either press the two materials together or glue them employing PVC cement and PVC cleaner.

However, gluing the pieces would be better as, if by chance the adapter becomes loose from the PVC pipe, then your fishing essentials could get loose.
For attaching the two pieces, you would need to clean the areas of joining with PVC cleaner, and then use PVC cement to press the pieces all together.
If you slightly turn the PVC cap after it got fitted on the pipe, you would get sure whether it has bonded firmly or not.
Lastly, let the pieces sit for 30 minutes.
Step 2: Add a Lanyard to 1” Threaded Cap
At this level, you would use the drill along with the drill bit to bore two evenly spaced holes in the 1” PVC threaded cap’s top.

After it is done, you would now have to lace the paracord of 20” length through these holes and tie a knot.

The lanyard would help to carry the fishing kit quickly. It could be even wrapped around the wrist at the time of fishing to prevent the kit from slipping down from the hand.
Step 3: Forming And Installing The Front End Plug
Most of the survival fishing kits employ a PVC end cap for closing the fishing kit’s front end. This is because these caps are available easily and could be installed quickly. But such caps could create a problem while casting the fishing line.
Therefore, it would be better to make a customized cap that would fit tightly on the pipe.
You would need to chuck a wood piece and make its diameter same as the 1” PVC pipe’s outside diameter. You would have to shoulder it off till it gets fitted inside the pipe snugly.

After this, you would need to cut a portion of the turning to have a slight cone or rounded end. It would help your fishing line to come off in an even manner while casting.
Lastly, you would have to employ the 5 minutes epoxy for affixing to the fishing kit’s end.
Step 4: Drill Holes To Secure The Hook
Once these steps are complete, the next thing you would have to do after epoxying the front plug is to bore some holes. These holes would not have to be very deep as they are only to secure the hook.
You could drill about six holes around the plug to have many points for attaching the hook.

Step 5: Wrap The Handle

Paracord is always a great prepping supply to have in a survival scenario so you could wrap some of it around the handle. This would not only help you to use for many things but also would offer a solid grip to prevent the kit from slipping out from the hand.
Step 6: Add the Fishing Line
Next, bore a small hole of 1/16” in the 1” PVC pipe for adding the fishing line. You would need to thread one end of the line through the hole and let it come out from the kit’s end.

After this, you would have to tie a small washer on the line’s end employing a stronger knot. The washer would help to fix the line on the kit and prevent it from coming out.

After this, you will have to pull the line steer to draw the washer’s end into the kit and start to wrap the fishing line around the PVC pipe. If this wrapping is done nicely, then the line would unspool exactly as it does from fishing reels while casting.
Step 7: Loading It Up
After completing the fishing kit, you would now have to load up the fishing essentials or survival gear in the kit. It would be entirely upon you that which things you would pack according to your needs.
However, small hooks, lures, sinkers, swivels or bobbers could be some of the materials that you might include.
Step 8: Ready To Cast
A fishing kit would work almost like a fishing rod. You would just have to hold the fishing kit around the paracord with your hand and hold the line’s hook end in place with the index finger.

Now you could either employ underhand or overhand movement for casting the line.
If you catch a ladyfish then the question of whether to eat it or not might haunt you. Well, this post on fishing and eating ladyfish will definitely help you.


Well, we hope that our process of how to build your own survival fishing kit will help you a lot to make a kit easily. A survival kit is always necessary as it would keep you sufficiently equipped to survive in any situation. 

9 Vital Considerations for a Long Distance Bug Out

9 Vital Considerations for a Long Distance Bug Out
If your preparedness plan includes a long distance bug out, there are certain considerations you need to pay attention to. They are mandatory if you want to reach your safe haven.  Bugging out without having a decent preparation plan and a specific target is just a gamble and you’re betting with your own safety.
While many people have no other choice than rushing to the woods if it hits the fan, there are those who have invested a lot of time and money in a secure bug out location. Even if you managed to build a bug out location in a secluded area, there is still one big obstacle you need to face; the long distance you have to travel to get there safe.
Although preparing for a long distance bug out may have certain similarities with every other bug out plan, there are a few specific items to consider:
  1. Having a lengthy route plan is a must

If you have to travel over long distances you need to plan your route accordingly. You need to correctly identify the choke points and population centers prone to civil unrest. You should have alternative routes and you should grade them based on the detour delay they will cause. Not to mention that you need to calculate your gas supply so that every route can be covered. Most of the time, this means having extra fuel stored in your car. The same goes for any other bug out vehicle you plan on using. You should also plan alternative routes that pass through rough terrain, such as mountains, waterways or unimproved roads. Your vehicle should get you across the terrain that follows your pre-selected routes without the risk of breaking down.
  1. Weapons and concealment

If you are planning for a long distance bug out you need to have the means to carry your weapons. To do so in a manner that makes them accessible, but not obvious to prying eyes. When people see your car, they should believe that is just a regular family going on vacation. It shouldn’t look like the Doomsday Preppers have come to town. You should carry on you only small concealable firearms. Anything else that can’t be concealed should be stashed in the car. You should find both accessible and inaccessible places (as a backup) to hide your guns. I’ve seen a foldable rifle concealed in a teddy bear and I would have never guessed there is something there. The owner told me that it’s his daughter’s toy and it provides a good backup plan for bugging out without raising suspicions.
  1. Conflict avoidance is a must during a long distance bug out

If you need to travel over a long distance to reach your bug out location you need to prepare your mindset and stay as calm as possible. While the most important thing would be to avoid all contact with people that won’t always be possible. If you need to interact with someone keep it short, but be polite as you don’t want to start a conflict. Don’t engage people unless you’re in danger and you need to defend yourself.
Smaller communities tend to stay united and you will be seen as a threat since you are an outsider. What may seem like a small debate or altercation at first can turn into something much bigger. You must keep in mind that they have the upper hand.  It’s better to avoid conflicts since you’re in unfamiliar territory and there are many unknowns you will have to deal with. Be on your way as soon as possible and avoid making friends if you want to reach your destination.
  1. If you see a roadblock, is time for route B

It doesn’t matter who made the roadblock, locals or government agencies, you should never willingly approach a roadblock. If you do so be prepared to surrender everything you own. Every roadblock is set for a reason. While some people may think it’s just a regular checkpoint during a time of crisis, I believe it’s better to be safe than sorry. There isn’t any reason in this world that would make me enter into a zone where you’re exposed to direct fire from multiple angles. I prefer to be cautious and find a way around.

  1. There’s nothing more precious than gas for a long distance bug out

Even if you bring extra gas for your long trip, things can always get worse. Lot of detours can put you in a tight spot or a nasty situation. You should assume that at some point in time, you will need to borrow, steal or even beg for fuel in order to stay on the road. Having a backup vehicle like a mountain bike may seem a good alternative. However, if you still have a long way to go and you have a family of four, things may not work out. You can abandon your vehicle and supplies and take only the essentials, bud do you have any guarantee you will make it to your bug out location?  It’s better to have a simple siphon and pump to refuel if necessary. How you will get the fuel depends entirely on your condition, the crisis in effect and your morality.
  1. There’s no place for remorse and your stuff is not worth the trouble

Although it may not sound like an option for most of us, giving up our supplies and going further with only the essentials may become a reality. We can’t predict the future and no matter how well we prepare, there are still things that are beyond our control. If you need to abandon your car and continue on foot, you should carefully plan your bug out bag. Make sure you conceal your car (using a tarp covered with local vegetation is the easiest way to do it) since you might return for it later and take with you only the things you need to survive.
Don’t carry everything in your bag as you will only break your back. Distribute the weight over your entire body. Use the pockets from your pants, vest and tie things to your belt if you have to. Most people won’t have the heart to let it go due to our hard-core nature. We humans have a hoarding mentality embedded deep into our genes. We are used to collecting all sorts of stuff and we won’t give them up easily. Your survival gear is of great value to you and so it should be. However, is it worth risking your life for it?
  1. A cache should always be considered for a long distance bug out

Caching supplies is a survival technique with ancient roots. Even the early pioneers used this method when forced to travel over long distances. Since every bug out plan needs to be tested, you might as well look for ideal caching spots when doing your test drill. You can cache guns, ammo, medical supplies and even fuel if you find the right spot. When planning to cache supplies for your bug out route or for any emergency situation, you have to consider the following aspects: preparation, security and accessibility. If something happens and you are completely cut off form retrieving your vehicle supplies, you know at least that out there, a cache is waiting for you.
  1. Have one or more observation points and a communication plan

When you have to deal with a long distance bug out, being able to communicate with someone at your destination makes a great difference for your morale. It certainly tips the balance in your favor. First, you will make sure that things are calm at your finish point. Be absoluteness sure that your bug out location is still standing. And second, knowing there is still someone dear out there will give you the strength to continue.
While cell phones, short-wave and ham radios may only work in some areas and only if the event didn’t damage them, you should plan for multiple methods and means of communication. If communication is no longer possible you should have at least one observation point before each stopping zone, may it be meeting point or final destination. An observation point will allow you to observe and analyze the situation without being spotted. It will give you enough time to plan your next action, based on the new information you gathered.
Traveling lessons from our ancestors
  1. Know your area: look, listen and move only when it’s safe

A pair of binoculars should be part of your survival kit if you are planning for a long distance bug out. Even a small chest-mounted pair can be useful. You should always know your area to prepare for what lies ahead. It will help you approach populated areas without being detected. Having a radio helps tuning in and listening for signs that will clear your doubts or confirm them.  Having recon routes and the tools to gather the proper information makes the critical difference between a conflict and safe passage. You should always move when you are certain there aren’t any obstacles that can prevent you for reaching your safe haven.
If you are planning for a long distance bug out, the things listed in this article should be covered entirely. Traveling over a long distance during a crisis delivers many unknown factors. There are certain events you cannot predict, but when it comes to making your bug out plan you should consider all the possible options and the challenges they bring. If you are not sure you can make it to your destination, you might as well bug in and hope for the best.
Stay Safe and God Bless!