Thursday, March 9, 2017

Modernism and ecclesiastical euthanasia

Modernism and ecclesiastical euthanasia
At the beginning of the 18th century, a semi-secret association of Freemasons was founded. It is a mixture of gnosticism and occultism. The goal of the Masons is to destroy Christianity and to establish the worship of Satan by asserting their global supremacy. If a Catholic has become a member of the lodge, he is automatically excommunicated from the Church and is no longer a Christian! In the 18th century, a movement called the Enlightenment arose under the influence of the Masons. It had an impact not only on the worldly affairs but on the Church too.

The Enlightenment had its continuation in nineteenth-century Modernism. Modernism sought to conform the truths of faith to the world – so called aggiornamento. That actually meant elimination of the essential truths of Christianity – spiritual euthanasia.
St Pius X issued the encyclical Pascendi Dominici Gregis (1907) and imposed the Antimodernist Oath. Some of the bishops, priests and theologians who were Modernists consciously rejected those measures. The Masons exploited the Modernist and liberal prelates, priests and theologians. They united with them in the fight for a change in thinking (anti-metanoia) in the Church. Modernist (liberal) thinking is basically the thinking of Freemasons. Both proclaim that Christianity and pagan cults are equally valid ways to salvation, that there is no difference between the true God and idols – the demons of Hinduism and Buddhism or the pseudo god of Islam, and that the truths of faith as well as the Church need to be conformed to the world, i.e. to secular thinking (aggiornamento). Modernists were and are unconverted clerics who do not struggle with their own pride and lusts and do not follow Christ. They do not believe in God, and therefore they are ashamed of the truths of faith! Their lack of faith is their motivation for conforming the doctrine of the Church to new so-called scholarly approaches. This means that they have excluded all the miracles of Scripture and turned the Church into a kind of humanist organization.
After the death of Pius X, the first success of the Masons was the installation of Pope Benedict XV (G. della Chiesa, 1914-1923). As a young priest he became a protégé of Card. Rampolla, Secretary of State, who was known for promoting Masonic ideas and Modernism. That was why Pius X had relieved him of the office of State Secretary. During his papacy, Chiesa enabled again the development of Modernism in the Church. He immediately cancelled penalties imposed on Modernists and appointed like-spirited bishops, theologians and priests to the key posts. Benedict’s successors were Pope Pius XI (1923-1939) and Pius XII (1939-1958). The latter was compromised because his attitude to fascism during the war was not entirely in order. Masons, who already had their people at the Vatican, blackmailed him. Under their pressure, he was forced to make concessions and to prepare the ground for Roncalli, the future Pope John XXIII.
Roncalli was convicted of Modernism in 1911. His colleague, Professor of Canon Law, testified that when Roncalli was a professor in the seminary in Bergamo, he spread heresies contained in the book Histoire ancienne de lʼÉglise by L. Duchesne. In 1914, Pius X died and World War I started. Benedict XV came to power who was hand in glove with Roncalli against the reform of Pius X. If Benedict had helped Roncalli make a career from the very beginning, he would have compromised himself. Roncalli first needed to repair his reputation of a heretic and to cultivate an image of a saint. Therefore he went into the army, where he started out as an ordinary ambulance man and then became a military chaplain. After the war, when there was a new atmosphere, Benedict XV appointed Roncalli president of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. He also became an associate professor and lecturer in patrology at the Roman seminary. In 1925, Pius XI sent Associate Professor Roncalli as Apostolic Visitor to Bulgaria and then to Turkey in order to save students from heresies. In 1944, however, Pius XII appointed Roncalli nuncio to Paris, which was a shock to many. Even Mason E. Herriot, Mayor of Lyon and President of the French National Assembly, lavished the Papal Nuncio Roncalli with enthusiastic praise. Roncalli was among his own there whose aim was to seize the papacy and to abuse it to destroy the Church as effectively as possible.
Since 1952, Roncalli was an observer at UNESCO, then became the Patriarch of Venice. In 1958, thanks to those with whom he had unity of spirit, he became Pope. Before the papal elections no one thought of Roncalli, but he himself admitted some time later that he had been certain that he would emerge from the conclave as Pope. His hateful attitude toward St Pius X and orthodoxy was also reflected in the fact that at his wish the remains of Pius X were translated from St Peter’s Basilica to Venice. However, under public pressure he had to return them.

Roncalli cherished the idea of a Modernist transformation of the Church already at the time when he was denounced and publicly accused of Modernism. It was him who secretly transferred the Church from the era of faith in Christ to the era of the reign of Antichrist. That was the most profound change the Church had undergone since her inception! On 25 January 1959, three months after his election, John XXIII announced his intention to convoke a council. The Council opened the door to Modernists and gave them full power. John XXIII used the Council to fulfil his long-standing desire to establish the Modernist heresy – aggiornamento – as an anti-gospel (Gal 1:8-9) in the whole Church. His successor Paul VI (Montini) continued in this line; Roncalli had paved his way to the papacy.
At Vatican II, John XXIII elected a so-called working presidium comprised mostly of the Modernists. They cunningly set both their and his agenda at the Council. Discussion was actively participated in by only about 200 bishops out of 2.200. The rest were passive and gave the liberals free rein to express their views. But when, for example, the orthodox Cardinal Ottaviani put forward a draft document On the Sources of Revelation, John XXIII immediately intervened and rejected the proposal.
The term “aggiornamento” is ambiguous. It was a manipulation. It was intended to give the impression of an effort to create the conditions in the Church for proclaiming the fundamental truths of faith to the world in contemporary language. In reality it was an effort to conform the fundamental truths of faith to the thinking of the world, thus denying the essence of Christianity.
Example of a heretical statement by John XXIII at the Council: “Catholic doctrine must be conceived as a set of positive values, and therefore it is necessary to abandon condemning in any way those who have erred.”
Commentary: The imprecise and vague wording “a set of positive values” allows of removing the God-revealed truths of faith. One can then no longer speak about the distinction between good and evil, truth and falsehood. The fruit of this heresy of John XXIII was the heretical document “Nostra Aetate” (1965), Babylon in Assisi (1986) and gender schizophrenia in the world. Today, it has already gone so far that objective truths as well as the existence of positive values are officially denied! This is the fruit of aggiornamento – i.e. of Modernism in the Church and in the world.
At the funeral of Pope John XXIII a certain bishop said: “Now the Church has two Antipopes named John XXIII.”
In 1963, a new Pope was elected – Paul VI. Masons knew that he was morally compromised, and therefore they could easily blackmail him.
Paul VI signed Vatican II documents containing manifest heresies, especially the Decree Nostra Aetate. This Decree undermined the fundamental truths of the faith and the essence of Christianity. The worship of demons was placed on a level with the worship of the true God. Any form of mission was destroyed, and Christianity and the pagan cults began to be treated as equally valid in terms of salvation! The Decree was enforced by Card. König who was a known supporter of Modernism and Masonic ideas. The Modernists handpicked their man for papacy, so they were certain that their documents would be enforced, that the Pope would finally sign them! The papacy was abused to deal a deadly blow to the Catholic Church.
It is therefore clear that John XXIII and Paul VI were not valid Popes. They were heretics before the election and established heresy throughout their so-called papacy. They knowingly cooperated in the destruction of the Church! Therefore Vatican II likewise was and is invalid, and these Popes, being heretics, must be posthumously excommunicated from the Church! They committed a far greater crime than Pope Honorius who was posthumously excommunicated from the Church.
If the Church acknowledges the primacy and infallibility of the Pope, there is no other solution than to acknowledge the validity of the Bull of Paul IV “Cum Ex Apostolatus Officio” which states that if someone is a heretic before (or even after) his election as Pope, his election is null and void, he is excommunicated from the Church and his actions and enactments are without force! Otherwise papal primacy and infallibility is denied.
John Paul II (1978-2005) implemented the Nostra Aetate heresy by enforcing the so-called spirit of Assisi (1986). He is responsible for the spread of the Neo-Modernist heresy (i.e. the so-called historical-critical method) to all the seminaries and schools. Moreover, he is responsible for the paedophile scandals and the abolition of excommunication on Freemasons.
Benedict XVI (2005-2013) abused his papal authority by beatifying a heretic, John Paul II, and thus canonizing his heresies. This act is without force, Benedict XVI brought anathema on himself (Gal 1:8-9) and lost his papal authority! If we say that he continued to be Pope and his gesture was infallible, then it negates the whole essence of Christianity!
Francis I (2013): His very election was null and void; he had been a heretic when he was still a bishop. During his invalid papacy, he has begun abusing the office. Four Cardinals have opposed his exhortation wherein he denied the very existence of universally valid moral norms. The fact that Francis is an invalid Pope is confirmed both by the Scriptures (Gal 1:8-9) and by the Dogmatic Bull of Paul IV.
Theoretically, there are two options, either to accept that it can be true that a Pope is a heretic or to accept heresies as truths of the faith contrary to the whole Tradition of the Church and the teachings of Scripture! Masons and Modernists know that Catholics prefer to accept heresy as Catholic doctrine rather than to accept that the Pope can be a heretic.
Therefore, the Masons and the enemies of truth, whose aim is genocide of mankind, can use the Catholic Church as the most effective tool for satanizing the nations! The only solution is true repentance – i.e. to admit to the complicity in this situation! Then it is necessary that those who have renounced the heretical system should choose a new orthodox Pope from among the cardinals or bishops and excommunicate the contemporary heretic! Otherwise Masons will lead Catholics by the nose towards their complete self-destruction!

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate
+ Methodius OSBMr                                    + Timothy OSBMr