Tuesday, March 7, 2017

From Washington to the Middle East, Should the World Brace for March 15?

From Washington to the Middle East, Should the World Brace for March 15?
The MacMillan Dictionary defines a “perfect storm” as “a very unpleasant situation in which several bad things happen at once.” Trying to predict the future is one of the easiest ways to end up with egg on one’s face. However, enough matters will converge on March 15 that I think prudence commends our at least being aware of them.

 Federal debt ceiling deadline. Recently the following comments from David Stockman, who was Ronald Reagan’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget, caught my attention:
I think what people are missing is this date, March 15th, 2017. That’s the day that this debt ceiling holiday that Obama and Boehner put together right before the last election in October of 2015. That holiday expires. The debt ceiling will freeze in at $20 trillion. It will then be law. It will be a hard stop. The Treasury will have roughly $200 billion in cash. We are burning cash at a $75 billion a month rate. By summer, they will be out of cash. Then we will be in the mother of all debt ceiling crises. Everything will grind to a halt. I think we will have a government shutdown. There will not be Obama Care repeal and replace. There will be no tax cut. There will be no infrastructure stimulus. There will be just one giant fiscal bloodbath over a debt ceiling that has to be increased and no one wants to vote for.1
It’s easy to see how President Trump’s visions of a wall, improved infrastructure, and a $54 billion increase in defense spending (not that much less than Russia’s entire defense budget) could evaporate in the weeks following March 15. Of course, Congress could do what it has before—raise the debt ceiling yet again. But in addition to the common-sense urgency of balancing the budget, Trump has enough enemies in the Establishment—Democrat and Republican alike, to say nothing of the media—who wouldn’t mind seeing turmoil that could be blamed on him. The U.S. government did experience a two-week shutdown in October 2013.
 FOMC meeting. Stockman also notes something else scheduled for March 15: the Federal Open Market Committee’s next meeting. He says: “They are going to raise interest rates on March 15. They have to. I’m talking about the Fed.”2
 Of course, Stockman’s prediction may be wrong. But if the Federal Reserve raises rates, such a move, coinciding with a government shutdown, could send markets reeling.
• Anti-Trump activities. Trump opponents have organized a campaign to deluge the White House with mail on March 15. According to the official site:
We will show the man, the media, and the politicians how vast our numbers are and we will bury the White House post office in pink slips, all informing the President that he’s fired!
Each of us—every protester from every march, each Congress calling citizen, every boycotter, volunteer, donor, and petition signer—will write a single postcard and put them all in the mail on the same day, March 15th, 2017. 
This might be the first salvo in what former CIA case officer Robert David Steele has warned will become a violent “American Spring” as soon as the weather warms enough, climaxing with massive riots in Washington on May Day, May 1st. (This is a credible date; May Day is a traditional communist holiday, but actually commemorates the founding of the Illuminati in Bavaria on May 1st, 1776. I myself participated in the 1971 May Day demonstrations in Washington during my hippie days). Steele writes:
George Soros is leading a massively funded effort to put a mix of paid and uninformed protestors into the streets beginning around 20 March—tens of thousands across the country, augmented by agitators dressed in black and causing property damage, as well as mercenaries who will shoot police officers dead and strive to blame it on Black Lives Matters and other innocents. This will culminate in a massive 3 million person march on Washington that will trash the city and seek to drive Donald Trump from office if he cannot be successfully impeached.3
A fiscal shutdown of the government could impair Washington’s ability to contain riots, and a collapsing economy—blamed on the President—would embolden the protestors, who are already pumped up by mainstream media’s relentless vilifications of Trump. (During the 2016 campaign, 91 percent of broadcast media coverage was hostile to Trump, and there has been no let-up since.)
If the President neither resigns nor is impeached, and the Soros-funded riots intensify into a bloodbath, Trump might invoke martial law. This could put many of his faithful supporters into the awkward position of consenting to a police state—the very endgame which so many of us in alternative media have striven to prevent.
• An important anniversary. For those who don’t know, the Rothschilds have long been the human center of the Deep State (if clicking link, scroll down to timeline). For the Rothschilds, March 15, 2017 will be exactly the 100th anniversary of the day when their most hated enemy, the Tsar of Russia, abdicated. This paved the way for the Bolshevik Revolution, which they financed, followed by the slaughter of millions of Russians. For the Rothschilds and their Zionist colleagues, 2017 actually represents many significant anniversaries:

• March 15 is also the “Ides of March,” the day on which Julius Caesar was assassinated, the date Shakespeare’s soothsayer famously said to “beware” of. Between Caesar and Tsar, is March 15 the ideal date for a coup against Trump, or at least the beginnings of one?
• Coup in Iran? This requires much greater elaboration. The weekend before March 15, Jews will observe Purim, the festival when they celebrate deliverance from their enemies (and slaughtering them) in ancient Persia (now Iran).
Last year, before any Internet discussion of March 15 had begun, I was contacted by a credible source who has had a very long, high-level association with Iranian affairs (he no longer lives there). At that time, he told me a coup will take place in Iran on March 15. He said that some individuals in the Iranian government will be complicit in it. While I certainly cannot vouch that this prediction is accurate, it squares with two other pieces of information:
(1) Although many in alternative media view Iran as a beacon of anti-Zionism, I have known for years that the 1979 Iranian revolution, which overthrew the Shah, was undertaken with the West’s backing, in what I consider perhaps the primordial blow of the “Arab Spring” (see my 2009 article for The New American). The article summarizes reasons for deposing the Shah (just as Mohammad Mosaddegh was deposed before him), but my source told me this Mike Wallace interview was the “last straw” that did him in.

He also told me that while many Iranians are true believers in the 1979 Revolution, there are also those in the government who maintain covert but strong ties with the West. This may explain why the anti-Zionist Brendan O’Connell wrote recent posts on Henry Makow’s website (here and here) about his surprise and disappointment at his warm/cold treatment in Iran.
(2) Because Iran poses the last major obstacle to the Rothschild-Zionist dream of Greater Israel, a coup makes sense to me. Iran is more than three times the size of Iraq, and would be too formidable for the United States or Israel to launch a frontal assault on. A coup would pit Iranians against Iranians, and start a “divide and conquer” process that has always been the Zionist modus operandi in the Middle East; the U.S. and Israel would probably back yet another group of “moderate rebels” with the goal of Balkanizing Iran.
In the meantime, Israel might attack Syria to try and salvage the failed ISIS operation, whose objective has always been removal of Bashar al-Assad. Since Trump became President, the Israeli military has been emboldened, launching air strikes on Syria.
If Washington experiences a financial crisis beginning March 15, coupled with Soros-funded riots, it might suitably serve to distract the American public’s attention from major events in the Middle East.
On that note, although Donald Trump has many undertaken many positive steps since becoming President—from axing the TPP to reversing Obama’s transgender policies—one of the most troubling aspects about him is his devotion to Zionism. Some things to consider:
—Trump is the only American celebrity to make an election commercial for Benjamin Netanyahu for Israeli television (click here to view), and he received Netanyahu at the White House less than a month after the inauguration.
—Trump repeatedly said during his campaign that America’s allies should pay for their own defense costs, yet he exempted Israel from this standard.
—It is worth watching the short video “Trump’s Deck of Jewish Cards,” made more than a year before the election by New York Jewish-born-and-raised Brother Nathanael.
—Two of the individuals Brother Nathanael then warned about, Jared Kushner and corporate raider Carl Icahn, are now “senior advisor” and “special advisor” to Trump respectively.
—Ivanka Trump converted to Judaism to marry into the billionaire Kushner family; Jared has raised money for the IDF, fired Phillip Weiss from the New York Observer for criticizing Israeli occupations in Palestine, and Kushner’s “special assistant” Avrahm Berkowitz is first cousin to Howard Friedman, former President of AIPAC, the powerful Israeli lobbying group.
—Trump’s ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is a pro-occupation hardliner.
—Trump has surrounded himself with numerous other Zionist Jews (enumerated beginning about 9:30 of this video).
—Trump has stated he will move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, a major step in the Rothschild-Luciferian scheme of “building the Third Temple.” Trump’s and Kushner’s mutual background in real estate might be relevant here.
—Trump sent a clear Zionist message at his inauguration, when he was introduced by Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer, and Trump’s speech was immediately followed by the first-ever inaugural benediction by an Orthodox Rabbi, Marvin Hier of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, who quoted Psalm 137: “By the rivers of Babylon, we wept as we remembered Zion. If I forget thee, Oh Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill.”
—On Inauguration Day, Trump announced he would build a missile shield to protect Americans from Iran, which makes no sense, as Iran has no nuclear weapons, nor any conventional missiles that can reach the United States. Even if it did, Iranians would not be so stupid as to initiate a ballistic war with America, which could only end in their own destruction. One is immediately reminded of George Bush’s spurious allegations about Saddam Hussein’s “Weapons of Mass Destruction,” a claim that produced an interminable war costing trillions of dollars and over half a million lives. On February 3, President Trump imposed new sanctions on Iran.
 Wild card. There is also the possibility that March 15 could be “perfect stormed” by adding a singular event that is not on the calendar, something that would take America by surprise as much as the Kennedy assassination or 9/11. It might be a staged terrorist attack, such as a Gladio false-flag mass shooting, a bomb going off in a major city, or an assassination, any of which might be blamed on Iran. It is hard not to be disturbed by “The World in 2017” cover of The Economist (half-owned by the Rothschilds), which displays a series of Tarot cards, with a nuclear bomb featured on the “death” card.

• And finally, there is another possibility: that March 15, and the days that follow, will remain relatively peaceful and uneventful. That is the outcome we pray for, while remembering that “eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”
1. Greg Hunter, “Giant Fiscal Bloodbath Coming Soon—David Stockman,” USAWatchdog, February 26, 2017, http://usawatchdog.com/giant-fiscal-bloodbath-coming-soon-david-stockman/.
2. James Bailey, “David Stockman: Two Big Events Coming March 15, 2017,” Z3 News, February 26, 2017, https://z3news.com/w/david-stockman-big-events-coming-march-15-2017/.
3. Robert David Steele, “Four-Track Program to Destroy Trump,” Public Intelligence Blog, February 21, 2017, http://phibetaiota.net/2017/02/special-three-track-program-to-destroy-trump/.