Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Francis: One must think about married priests

Francis: One must think about married priests
Francis considers a discussion of married priests as meaningful. It was necessary to think about the opening of the priesthood for so-called "viri probati", that is, marriages and family members who were tried and tested, said Franziskus in the interview of the weekly newspaper Die Zeit (March 9). "Then we must also determine what tasks they can take, for example, in remote communities."
"The calling of priests is a problem, an enormous problem," the Pope admitted. At the same time, he said, "Voluntary celibacy is not a solution." The problem of the few vocations must be solved by the Church: "The Lord has told us: Pray! This is what is missing: prayer. And there is a lack of work with young people who are looking for orientation. "Working with young people is difficult, but it is necessary because the boys demand it."
In the past, there were several voices which questioned the obligation celibacy. In these days, for example, Münster's auxiliary bishop Dieter Geerling, in an interview with "Kirche + Leben", called for a reflection. The president of the Central Committee of German Catholics (CdK), Thomas Sternberg, had also expressed himself critically. In his opinion, the obligatory celibacy "has lost its plausibility." On Wednesday the General Assembly of the German Bishops' Conference would discuss the future of the priestly profession.

Pope Gregory XVI on the Conspiracy against Celibacy