Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Fear Mongering, F.U.D.-ing And Fleecing-Rinse And Repeat, Until The Cartel’s Well Runs Dry

Fear Mongering, F.U.D.-ing And Fleecing-Rinse And Repeat, Until The Cartel’s Well Runs Dry

Today, we’re going to start in Europe – where the world’s second largest; and soon-to-be-defunct; currency is again plunging, as the equivalent of political and economic “nuclear bombs” are serially crashing.  In other words, the dollar – i.e., the meaningless “dollar index”; which matters not a whit to European gold investors, who are patting themselves on the back for having had the foresight to have invest in history’s best inflation hedge.  Thehe price of gold in Euros is just 16% from its all-time high – compared to 36% in dollars, given that the U.S. is the world’s “Ground Zero” for gold price suppression.  Which I assure you, won’t last forever.

Anyhow, whilst the German DAX has followed the puppet strings of the U.S.’s seemingly all-powerful, historic bubble-blowing PPT to new all-time highs, it’s largest bank, Deutschebank, has been teetering on the verge of bankruptcy.  A series of epic lies, propaganda, and market manipulation – on a par with the gold Cartel and “oil PPT” – have bought it a few more inches of can-kicking; but how much more?  To wit, yesterday’s massive, “unexpectedly” large capital raise highlights just how weak the “world’s most systematically dangerous” bank is.  Which I assure you, will be back on the ropes when the reality of a collapsing Eurozone smashes it like a titanium two by four.  Not to mention, an imploding Greece, and countless other black and “grey” swan events.  Oh, and on the topic of the “oil PPT,” their historic propaganda scheme continues to unravel on a daily basis; this time, in learning that Russia, which from day one was ambiguous about its “production cut” plans, hasn’t cut a single barrel of production since December’s “historic” OPEC agreement.
Back to Germany, the so-called “backbone” of Europe – a characterization that should send chills down the spine of status quo believers and gold Cartel apologists; we’ve been told for months it’s economy is “recovering,” so there’s nothing to worry about.  And thus, the exploding TARGET 2 trade imbalances – signalling impending Eurozone collapse; and a six-year high German inflation rate – well above the ECB’s 2% target; and really above the level that angry – and historically inflation-sensitive German citizens can handle – can simply be combatted by ending the historic QE program that was just extended three months ago, all the way to the end of 2017.  Thus, this morning’s “double two by four” of a January industrial production plunge of…wait for it…7.4%…was as sobering as the anti-hangover “wake-up juice” Doc Brown drank in Back to the Future III.  Yes, 7.4%, essentially the same decline as at the very depths of the 2008 financial crisis.  This, before the BrExit officially occurs this Spring; and before this year’s potentially Eurozone-destroying Dutch, French, Italian, Catalonian; and yes, German elections.
Which brings me to the upcoming “witching hour” of European elections – the first of which, in the Netherlands, will occur on the Ides of March, simultaneous with the FOMC meeting where the world’s biggest Keystone Kops have apparently decided to raise rates amidst a hideous collapse of real, hard economic data – like yesterday’s core factory orders report.  And oh yeah, the return of the America’s “debt ceiling” – at roughly $20.1 trillion, $6 trillion higher than the $14.1 trillion level that catalyzed 2011’s debt ceiling crisis.  You know, when the U.S. was stripped of its (comically undeserved) “triple-A” credit rating, and “dollar-priced gold” hit its (soon-to-be recaptured) all-time high.
As has been the case with all anti-establishment elections and referendums thus far, the evil, sociopathic “powers that be” – who care only about maintaining a status quo in which they garner the vast majority of global wealth and power – have created a narrative that the violently anti-EU Geert Wilders will win (he’s so far ahead in the polls, it makes little sense pretending he could lose), but that he will not be able to subsequently “form a coalition government.”  And thus, we shouldn’t fear a NetherlExit, even if he wins.  Pretty pathetic, if you ask me – as if Wilders wins, I assure you said NetherlExit will become a front-burner topic.
That said, the Netherlands election is inconsequential compared to that of France one month later; or more appropriately, one and two months, given that the process encompasses two rounds – the first in April, and the second in May.  In which, Marine Le Pen – perhaps, Europe’s most violently anti-EU politician – is being given “just” a 30% chance of winning, if you’re to believe the CNN-like “fake polls” desperately trying to paint a picture of her imminent demise.  In fact, now that the powers that be’s’ chosen puppet, Francois Fillon, has been disgraced by an embezzlement/ethics scandal, “they” have substituted 39-year old “Minister of the Economy, Finances, and Industry” Emmanuel Macron is the new “guaranteed” winner.
I mean, do they really think historically angry French voters are that stupid, to believe a bratty, silver spoon investment banker, whose only “achievement” is having France run into the ground under his watch, is going to defeat the ultimate populist, LePen?  Not to mention, the fact that Macron’s “boss,” departing President Francois Hollande, has the lowest “approval rating” in modern French history? So low, that he isn’t even running for re-election!  To that end, I urge everyone to familiarize themselves with LePen, via this 60 Minutes interview from this weekend.  In it, take note of how large, and fervent, the crowds that come out to see her are.  You know, like the historically large, passionate crowds Donald Trump garnered.
Of course, that same 30% is exactly what the BrExit odds were at this point in time (except on the Miles Franklin Blog, where they were 100%); before plunging close to ZERO the day of the referendum, due to a last second betting line rigging by said “powers that be”; which of course, backfired miserably.

Heck, the rigged betting lines only gave Trump a 20% chance of winning the day of the election – despite MASSIVE, boisterous voter support, compared to little or none for “Madam President” herself.  And by the way, just yesterday, the historically disgraced Francois Hollande had his “jump the shark” moment.  When, just as Barack Obama’s “back of the queue” speech fueled anti-BrEmain sentiment in the UK, he likely turbo-charged Le Pen’s campaign by espousing it’s his “ultimate duty” to prevent her from winning.

Which brings us to the left side of the pond, where the Fed-catalyzed “surging dollar” (that, and the aforementioned European collapse) is wreaking havoc on everything from interest rates (as I write, the 10-year Treasury yield is fighting its “Battle of the Bulge” at the “economic line in the sand” of 2.5%); to GDP growth and corporate earnings (note, today’s massive surge in the January trade deficit); the historic base metal bubble; and Donald Trump’s “nation-saving” plans to cut taxes, increase infrastructure spending, institute tariffs, and devalue the currency.  Which of course, in true manipulative fashion, has the Cartel naked shorting PMs into oblivion – highlighted by Thursday’s epic $2.7 billion silver market sell order, at exactly the “12:00 PM cap of last resort.”  This, despite the fact that, as I have proved countless times before, there is ZERO evidence that rate hikes are “bad” for PMs; which frankly, give the polar opposite conclusion.
Every scenario is different, of course – but in this case, all variables are “PM bullish, everything-else-bearish.”  Which is probably why the “fear mongering, F.U.D. (fear, uncertainty, and doubt), and fleecing” has reached epic levels; which, if you simply follow the Cartel’s (increasingly obvious) modus operandi, will enable you to relax – knowing full well that, particularly now that PMs have decidedly bottomed, “this too shall pass.”
For years, we have watched the Cartel’s “Fed playbook” in action – of striking fear in the hearts of “goldbugs,” by naked shorting PMs into oblivion whilst the Fed relentless warns of imminent policy tightening.  And even when the Fed “surprises” with dovish statements – as they have 99% of the time since the 2008 Financial Crisis, new narrative regarding the next hawkish actions are immediately launched.
Of course, given the fact that such memes are based entirely on lies; which inexorably, are “called out” by surging physical demand; the Cartel is continually forced to “back off”; which they happily do once the “news” is announced – after prices, and PM-sentiment has been appropriately smashed.  To wit, after six months of the Fed threatening to imminently “taper” its historic QE3 program; which the Cartel utilized to relentlessly smash Precious Metal prices; it finally commenced the tapering process on December 18th, 2013.  And wouldn’t you know it, gold bottomed that very day, before surging $150 higher in the ensuing two months.  Yes, I know the Cartel now attacks gold every year in late December.  However, it’s not just late December when this “buy on the news” phenomenon “coincidentally” occurs.

Here’s the “end of QE” in October 2014…

And here’s the “save our Swiss gold” referendum of November 2014 – followed by the Swiss National Bank’s unpegging the Franc from the Euro a mere six weeks later, after having vehemently campaigned against the referendum by arguing that the SNB can’t be encumbered by gold purchase requirements, to give it maximum flexibility to protect the peg.  Which, I might add, was “coincidentally” instituted the very day dollar-priced gold peaked in September 2011, in perhaps the most gold-bullish Central bank action of the century (which of course, was “countered” with the most egregious Cartel raid)!

Finishing the thought, here’s what the Cartel did to gold leading up to the Fed’s 2015 rate hike – and how gold “responded” thereafter…

And here’s the pre-December 2016 Cartel shenanigans – following the equally egregious Election night raids…

In other words, it couldn’t be more obvious what the Cartel/Fed’s “playbook” has been – which frankly, is as blatant as the ubiquitous algorithms we see on a daily basis, relentlessly propping “favored” markets like stocks, and suppressing “enemies of the state” like Precious Metals.
Holding physical Precious Metals, and not trading them – as countless investor-destroying newsletter writers advocate; many of them, under the pretense of LOL, “proprietary technical analysis” – will give you “immunity” to such raids; until inevitably, the Cartel’s manipulative well “runs dry.”  And equally fortunately, such suppression – particularly here in the States, at “Cartel Ground Zero” – has afforded the rare opportunity to insure yourself for “pennies on the dollar.”  To that end, if you are considering the purchase and/or storage of Precious Metals, we humbly ask you give Miles Franklin a call at 800-822-8080, and give us a chance to earn your business.

The Puzzle Pieces Are Coming Together & The Last Piece Is The Collapse Of The Economy