Monday, February 20, 2017

PacifistFrancis: NEVER RETALIATE!

PacifistFrancis: NEVER RETALIATE! 
The Conciliarists have abandoned the Church's traditional teaching on just war and defense.  This is for a reason.  They must be a world wherein all religions work and get along together under the soon False Prophet and Antichrist.

“Retaliation never leads to conflict resolution”

Francis’ appeal to end violence in Congo: “for every heart hardened by hatred might they be converted to peace.” A thought for Pakistani people ’struck by cruel acts of terrorism’
“Only good can break the chains of evil: mercy is a superior realization of justice.” This is Francis’ “Christian revolution”. “Even our enemies are human persons, created in God’s image - although that image is sometimes obscured by evil acts,” the Pope says to the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square for the Angelus prayer. Commenting on the Gospel, Francis draws ideas to interpret the conflicts that bloody our world today. Clear and deep meditations that enclose the “geopolitics of mercy” put forward by the Holy See in the international arena.

Retaliation never leads to conflict resolution, for every heart hardened by hatred, that they might be converted to peace, according to the will of God” Francis says after the Marian prayer calling the attention of the international community on the Democratic Republic of Congo, the African nation torn apart by violence due to a political impasse that caused widespread unrest throughout one of the poorest and most unstable country in the world.

“Unfortunately we keep hearing reports of violent and brutal clashes in the central Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo – the Pope continues -. “I suffer deeply for the victims, especially for so many children ripped from their families and their schools to be used as soldiers. Child soldiers are a tragedy” The Pope assures his closeness and prays “for religious and humanitarian personnel working in that difficult region”; and renews “a heartfelt appeal to the conscience and responsibility of the national authorities and the international community, so that they might take appropriate and timely decisions to help these brothers and sisters.” The prayer also extends to other populations in Africa and in the world, “who suffer because of violence and war.” In particular, Bergoglio turns his thoughts to “the dear Pakistani people, struck in recent days by cruel acts of terrorism: we pray for the victims, the wounded and their families,” he says.

Building on today’s Sunday Gospel (Mt 5.38 to 48) - “one of the Biblical passages that best express the” Christian revolution “ - he says: “T he Christian revolution is to say no to violence, and to return good for evil, “because” our duty is to seek justice, not revenge.” “What Jesus wants to teach us is the distinction between justice and vengeance: “We are allowed to ask for justice; it is our duty to practice justice. On the other hand, we are forbidden to revenge ourselves or to encourage vengeance in any way, insofar as it is an expression of hatred or of violence.”
Jesus - Pope Francis adds - shows us the path of true justice, through the law of love that overcomes that of retaliation, that is, ‘an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”. “This ancient rule - explained - required to inflict penalties to violators equivalent to the damage caused: death to those who had killed, amputation to those who had hurt someone, and so on.” Jesus “does not ask his disciples simply to bear evils patiently, but to return good for evil.” Only in this way, the Bishop of Rome remarks, “can the chains of evil be broken, and things can truly change. Hence evil is the void of good, that cannot be filled with another void, but only with a “full”, and that is with good. Retaliation never leads to conflict resolution, “You did it to me, I’ll do it to you” That never solves a conflict, and is not even Christian...”

For Jesus, Francis continues, “ the refusal to return evil for evil goes so far as to sometimes giving up a legitimate right: turning the other cheek, or giving up one’s cloak or money, or making other sacrifices.” But this renunciation, he clarifies, “does not mean that the needs of justice should be ignored or contradicted; on the contrary, Christian love, which is manifested in a special way in mercy, represents a superior realization of justice.”

In fact, “Jesus does not want to propose a new civil order, but rather the commandment of loving your neighbor, which also includes our enemies: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” These words, the Pope clarifies, “should not be seen as an approval of their wicked actions, but as “an invitation to a higher perspective, like that of the heavenly Father, who makes His sun to rise on the wicked and the good”. Therefore, “when we speak of enemies we should not think about people distant or different from us, but we must speak about ourselves, we can come into conflict with our neighbors, sometimes with family members. There are so many enmities within families. So many! “He exclaims off the cuff.

Enemies are those who “speak ill of us, who slander and wrongs us. It is not easy to bear this ... To all of them we are called to respond with good and its love-inspired strategies”. The Pope then invokes the Virgin Mary to “help us to follow Jesus on this demanding path, which truly exalts human dignity, and makes us live as children of our Father Who is in heaven, help us to practice patience, dialogue, forgiveness, and to be so artisans of communion and of brotherhood in our daily life. “

Fr. Sretenovic "Getting Out of the Novus Ordo"